
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Master Simon B.: The Otherworlder

As the four sat, SB turned himself to face them. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Simon B., Master of this mountain, teacher of Polaris, and Otherworlder."

"Otherworlder? Forgive Master Simon, I am unfamiliar with that term." Said Elder Prime.

"Ah, yes. It would make sense for Guardians not to know of otherworlders such as myself. Also, all of you, Polaris included, call me Simon. As for your lack of knowledge on what an Otherworlder is, allow me to tell you a tale...." 

Simon took in a deep breath, the air seemed to stir a little before he spoke. "Long ago, I was born in a world unfamiliar to you. A world of concrete jungles, steel buildings that towered into the heavens, a world not too far off from that of the Hero KBar. My father and mother wanted only the best for me. They worked themselves to the bone trying to save money for me to get an education in the best institution they could find. However, after years of work, blood, tears and sweat, they both fell ill and went into a comatose state. That which is known as in that world as "modern medicine", found no cure nor a reason as to why they'd both went into that state, nor what their illness was. Alone, and at the deciding age, I join in the military of the most powerful country in the world. I served several tours and fought in several wars. I was well decorated and well loved by many until times became tough."

Simon paused a moment as a magicule energy-induced breeze, rustled the tree leaves. A single leaf floated to the ground and came to rest within the pond, sending ripples across it. After the breeze stopped and the water became still once more, Simon continued his story.

"With peace thriving, the war machine of our country broke down, bled money and our economy stalled. Desperate to find a way to pull ourselves up, our leader demanded we return to the stars, search for life far and wide. We should've simply put our efforts into stabilizing our nation, for as we searched the stars, something was searching for us. By the time they found our home, I had volunteered for a new division with the military. My unit could come to known as the Mech-Infantry-Advanced-Armor-Division, or M.I.A.A.D. The day those from the stars came, they crippled our world, turning whole cities and millions of people into nothing in a matter of hours. Despite my best efforts, everything I knew was gone. As our civilization threw its final punch trying to say we didn't go out without a fight, I was on the front lines, desperately trying to keep my people alive. However, seeing me as some kind of leader, the enemy sent down their best warrior. It was fast, and I couldn't dodge in time. It had pierced my suit, and damn near killed me. As I lay there, bleeding out and dying, a glowing circle formed beneath me. Before I knew it, I was here. This ancient city was home to monks devoted to making heroes, and I had been summoned here as I took my heroic last stand. The world I came from was no longer there, and this place became my home."

Simon looked to Polaris, and smiled. "Eventually, I would be trained and educated by the monks, teaching me of this world. Hence why I knew all of your races, and your names. However, despite my extensive service as a soldier, my greatest accomplishment would come to this place in the form of a ten-year old boy, which all of you know as Polaris, the Hero of Wilderness, and to those who witnessed the fall of Wintersbane, the Symbol of Perseverance."

"Truly, you have lived a life far worthy of its own legend." Said White as he took off his mask. No soul have ever lived to see White's face. His skin was snow white, and his eyes were a metallic gray, however, the most prominent feature was the result of his ability to control the gas known as White Phosphorous. The left-side of his face had been melted down to the bone closest to his mouth. The area of his cheek was exposed tendon, and burns untreatable by any methods. 

"You have seen your fair share of loss... Haven't you White?" Said Simon. Before White could answer, Simon removed the worn down mech helmet, revealing no head, and no pilot.

"Simon.... my former master... what happened to you?"

"Like I said, when I came to this world, I was severely injured. Within the years you rebuilt the Wilderness Initiative, my health failed. The monks had a plan to keep me around however... They bound my soul to this armor. Some kind of old alchemy, at least, that's what they told me it was. Although, there is no need to worry Polaris. I am still just as much your old mentor as I was back that.... but enough about me, why have you come here?"

Polaris sighed and told Simon everything that had happened. In great detail, he recounted the kidnapping of the Wilderness 92, their fight to return home, Flight's return and death, the founding of the territory, the plot to destroy them and attack on Wilderness done by the Pope and his father, the demise of both the Pope and his father, his duel with Stagnate, the recognition by several other nations, the betrayal of King Witherheart and Bel, and their journey here. Simon listened, and nodded, taking in every word his former student told him. Once he was fully caught up, Simon placed his hand on Polaris's head. 

"I see..... The kidnapping, deaths of the 86, killing your father and the dark god.... then to find yourself betrayed by a lover.... I can see why this place allowed me to sense your pain. Still, why come here? Why seek me out?"

"Simon... I say this request, with the utmost regard for this place and its function.... Would you come back with us? Maybe not teach in full, but show fledgling heroes what it means to be a hero?"

The city once again fell silent as Simon looked upon his former student, kneeling before him, head planted upon the ground. He searched for words to say but found none. Before anyone could speak, a group of monks approached them. 

"Great SB, may we speak?"

"You may."

"We believe that this request should...."

Polaris still hadn't raised his head, but Elder Prime interjected. "You, Hero-Mentor SB, would make a fine addition to our nation. You would never be forced into a fight, rather, your presence alone would inspire greatness." 

"Now hold on just a second...." Started SB, but was cut of by Proxima.

"You and I never crossed paths during my time here previously. However, your former student, is one of the greatest celestials and heroes to walk this planet. Having you stand by him would be greater than any army we could raise."

Simon was taken aback. "I appreciate what you are saying but my time as a hero is over. I am just too..."

"Old...." Finished White. "You claim to know my clan and my kind, but clearly grasp no idea of what it means for us to place our faith in a total outsider. So, allow me to make it perfectly clear." White kneeled before the Monks and Simon. "I am White Phosphorous, last member of the House and Clan of Phos. I kneel to no one, not even for royalty, and not for gods. I kneel before you as I knelt before your former student. I humbly ask you to join us."

Simon and the Monks were silent. As one monk started to stepped forwards, Simon raised his hand to stop him. "You all truly believe I could make such an impact?"

"Yes Simon. Please, reclaim your mantle of SB, and shine. As you once told me, "If we leave the world to the hands of others, it is only fair we share the blame when things fail, fall, or die trying." Said Polaris standing to look SB in face. SB nodded and turned to the Monks. 

"Let it be know to the others not present here, I will joining Polaris and these four brave souls. I shall take up their call and my mantle, while reclaiming what it truly means to be a hero once more.