
The Last Breath Of Freedom

In the shadow of a sprawling metropolis, hidden beneath its neon lights and ceaseless chatter, lurks a world most prefer not to see. Here, innocence is stripped, lives are traded, and hope dwindles in the face of relentless despair. Yet, amidst the darkness, a spark refuses to die. This is the tale of a young woman named Luna, born into this grim reality but determined to defy it. Against all odds, she embarks on a harrowing journey toward truth, justice, and redemption. With each step, she challenges the very fabric of her existence, questioning everything she knows about herself and the world around her. Join Luna on her path, as she navigates through treacherous landscapes, grappling with her past, present, and a future hanging precariously in balance. Together, we'll bear witness to the power of resilience and the indomitable human spirit.

HaikuAmane · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 13

Just as Isabella was about to deliver the fatal blow, El Toro appeared suddenly. "Madam Isabella," he said politely, his accent thickening. "I apologize for the inconvenience, but this woman is mine to deal with." He stepped forward, his hands gripping Luna's waist roughly.

"Oh, I thought you were supposed to be busy with... you know," Isabella retorted, her eyes flickering briefly with concern. "Well, go ahead and enjoy her then," she sneered, releasing her hold on Luna's throat, she glanced over at Lily who lay terrified on the ground.

Isabella didn't bother to hide her disappointment as El Toro took Luna from her grasp. "I'll see you later, darling," she purred running a finger down his chest, stopping just short of the zipper on his pants. "Remember your place."

El Toro, with eyes blazing with unbridled lust, dragged Luna roughly towards an empty room. As he entered, he slammed her against the wall, pinning her there with his body weight. His lips crashed brutally against hers, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Meanwhile, blood trickled from her neck where Isabella had grabbed her, down to her chest, staining her skin crimson.

Luna struggled weakly, her vision spinning. Blood from her neck painted a gruesome picture on the concrete wall behind her. She bit down hard on El Toro's tongue, causing him to yelp in pain. Her hands clawed at his chest, nails digging into his flesh.

El Toro growled, his grip tightening around her waist, almost crushing her against the cold wall. "You fucking bitch!" he cursed.

"Let me go!" Luna screamed, her voice hoarse from the earlier struggle with Isabella. Her body moving like a trapped animal. Her fingernails raked across his back, drawing thin lines of blood, her legs kicking wildly, connecting with his groin. The impact made him grunt in pain, but he didn't release her. Instead, he ground his hips against her, his hard cock rubbing against her sensitive folds.

"You..!" she panted, trying to wriggle free from his vice-like hold. "I'll fucking kill you!" Her words were laced with desperation and anger.

Luna's struggle intensified, her body arching against his hold. "Die, you bastard!" she screamed, her nails digging deeper into his skin. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her knees locking together, forcing him to lift her off the ground slightly. Her hips moving in sync with his thrusts. Her breasts pressed against his chest, nipples hardening from fear and arousal. She bit down harder on his tongue, her teeth digging deeper into his flesh.

El Toro groaned, his grip loosening slightly as he fought to maintain control. His free hand reached down between them, fumbling with his pants zipper. "Goddamn it," he growled, unable to focus on anything else but the desire burning within him. "Already begging for more."

Noticing his grip loosening, Luna kicked hard, aiming for his exposed crotch. Her feet connected solidly with his balls, causing him to grunt in pain and release her slightly. She pushed him away forcefully, landing on the ground with a thud. Adrenaline coursing through her veins, she rolled away from him, grabbing a nearby metal pipe and brandishing it like a weapon.

El Toro winced, clutching his crotch, but he didn't let go of his erection. "You bitch!" he cursed, his eyes blazing with rage and desire. He lunged at her again, his massive frame collided with hers, sending them both crashing to the ground. Pinned beneath him, Luna felt his heavy weight pinning her down.

Luna struggled frantically, kicking and punching, but El Toro's hold was like a vice. His hand clamped down on her wrists, holding them above her head, trapping the makeshift weapon. "Stop fighting me," he growled. "It's over." His lips crashed against hers forcefully, his tongue pushing past her lips. His hands roamed hungrily over her body, tearing at her clothes until she was naked save for a thin layer of sweat and blood-stained fabric. His fingers dug into her breasts, squeezing and twisting them roughly. He groaned, his hips thrusting rhythmically against hers.

Luna squirmed underneath him, her body heat intensifying his lust. As he reached between their bodies, fumbling with his pants, she kicked out again, connecting solidly with his leg. A loud crack echoed in the otherwise silent room as his kneecap shattered beneath the impact. El Toro roared in pain, his grip loosening momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Luna rolled out from under him, grabbing the discarded pipe again. "Bastard" she panted, her voice hoarse from their earlier struggle. With all her strength, she brought the pipe down hard on his exposed head, connecting with a sickening thud. Blood spurted from the impact, painting a gruesome sight on the cold concrete floor. El Toro's eyes widened in shock before he slumped unconscious to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Luna looked around the empty room, her body bruised and battered. She winced as her head spun, blood trickling down her neck where Isabella had previously choked her. Her vision was blurry, but she could see movement in the distance. It was Reyes and Jaguar, making their way towards her. With trembling legs, she struggled to stand upright, wincing as pain shot through her entire body.

Jaguar reached out to Luna as she stumbled towards him, his eyes filled with relief and concern. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. Reyes stood behind them, gun drawn, eyes darting around the empty corridor warily.

"I... I think so," Luna managed to croak out, her voice hoarse from the struggle. Her body ached everywhere, but she didn't have time to dwell on it.

She winced as he helped her up, leaning heavily on him for support.  "Get Lily, she's right there beside El Toro," she panted, pointing her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Jaguar nodded, his hand gently brushing away some of the blood on her neck. "Of course." Jaguar reassured her, his arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her close.

Together, they quickly made their way back to where Lily lay sprawled out on the ground, blood trickling from several cuts and bruises. Without a word, they helped her up, supporting her weight between them. As they hurriedly assembled Lily, Luna couldn't help but glance back at El Toro, a mix of disgust and satisfaction playing on her features. She hoped she had finally killed the man who raped her almost twice.

Their escape route led them through various corridors and doors, each one seemingly designed to confuse and disorient anyone trying to navigate their way out.

Meanwhile, back in the chaos of the factory, Isabella slipped silently into the room where El Toro lay unconscious. She knelt beside him, her eyes cold and unforgiving. With a cruel smile, she reached into her pocket, retrieving a small vial filled with some clear liquid. Dipping her index finger into it, she carefully traced it across his wound, savoring the resulting screams of pain that erupted from his throat.

"Wake up, my darling," she taunted, her voice dripping with false concern. "We still have work to do."

El Toro writhed in agony, his eyes bulging in pain as she continued to taunt him. "You loser," she spat out, her voice laced with contempt. "You couldn't even handle a pathetic woman like that?" She reached down, grabbing his crotch roughly, squeezing it hard enough to make him groan. "I thought you were the best of the best, huh? Well, guess what? You're nothing but trash."

He tried to speak, but only garbled sounds came out as he struggled to form coherent words. His eyes filled with rage and humiliation, reflecting the intensity of his pain.

Isabella's hands moved upwards, cupping his face roughly. Her fingers dug into his skin, leaving deep marks of her grip, her fingers then trailed down his chest, stopping at his nipples. She pinched them harshly, causing him to arch his back in agony. "You know what happens to failures like you, don't you?" She leaned closer. "They get thrown away like trash, discarded into the sewer where they belong, consider it mercy that I'm giving you another chance. Next time, don't fail to kill her."

"Yes Madam," he managed to croak out.

With a sinister smile, she turned and walked away, leaving El Toro alone in his misery.