


Chapter 17

In the villa

One of the guys wearing mask say to the people who kidnap Arrio: we say his brother in-law not himself; and one say; sir we are sorry we made mistake; but I think it's good; because arch will come to save him and we will get him; and the guy wearing mask say, you are making sense; let wait small and the went upstairs;

Garrison mansion. The telephone ring in downstairs and Azula rush from upstairs and answer the call;

Arrio secretary: good morning ma'am;

Azula: morning please who is this; and Arrio secretary introduce herself and say; please tell Arrio to rush in the office! the president is here already waiting for him.

Azula: Arrio has leave here like an hour ago and Arrio secretary say; he is not yet here. And Azula say ok I'm coming and she hang up;

Erica house. Erica phone ring and she answer the call;

Azula: good morning Erica and Erica respond and Azula say; did Arrio come to your place or?

Erica: he is not here; he call me like an hour ago and say; he has something to do at office.

Azula: then where did he go; the president is waiting for him.

Azula is still on the call and arch teleport inside the living room in garrison mansion; and Azula put the telephone on the table and say; did you see Arrio this morning?

Arch: Arrio has been kidnapped by some guys; I happen to pass by his car in the middle of the road. Please you need to go to his office to meet the president on Arrio behalf; I will rescue him; and he hand the files to Azula;

Hours later in Arrio office. The president shake Azula hand and sign some documents and Azula say; thank you; and the president say; it's my pleasure to work with your brother!

In the villa. Arch teleport into the villa; and walk towards Arrio while Arrio tied up on a piller; just when arch manage and untied Arrio; and two guys wearing white arrive floating and surround arch and Arrio:

Arch: what do you want from him; and who are you? And the guys wearing white unmask himself; and arch say diyan?

Diyan: I'm glad you remember me; the Gods want revenge for angel of death.

Arch: what happen to him and diyan say; he was destroy by Erica;

Arch: we have nothing to do with that; you should attack Erica herself; arch turn to walk away; and diyan strike him with his powers and arch fly meters away and hit the wall and the villa shake and one of the pillers break:

Arch stand up to strike back and the other guy raped magic ropes around arch. Arch try to move; but the powers was far strong than his own!

The guy with Diyan swipe his hand and reveal his true identity;

Arch: you are God; I thought Gods doesn't take side when angels are arguing, they judge wisely?

Diyan: walk towards arch and take shap knife and grab arch hair and cut some off and the hair turn to gold and diyan hand the gold to the guys that kidnap Arrio! And the guys smile and walk out while, celebrating.

In front of the villa Azula car arrive. Azula look on her phone and get down and follow the arrow on the phone; and enter the villa;

Azula rase her head and saw arch tied up with the magic ropes and she rush towards arch; and say what happen;

Diyan: oh you are here too and Azula turn towards diyan.

Azula: what do you still want from us, can't you let us be in peace?

Diyan laugh and say I would love to but I can't let you. Arch close his eyes and open and his eyes light up blue and the magic ropes melt from his body; and his voice get deeper;

Arch: you are forcing yourself on this; I advise you to retrieve or you will face the consequence;

The other guy with Diyan charm a sword to kill arch. He send the sword to kill arch and Azula rush in front of arch and the sword stub Azula from her back! And blood split from her mouth and arch grab her and pull the sword off her body and Azula stretch her hand and touch arch jow and smile and say I love you; while her eyes closing slowly and she pass away and the wounds Heald;

Arch stand up and float and say; you have cross your limit this time and his voice start to collapse the villa. arch cast a spell and cover the villa so no one will escape; while the villa breaking down;

Few seconds later and the villa break down completely but none of them was hurt;

Diyan: how can this be possible; and Azula voice from behind say; I guess you didn't learn anything from your master's death; signing contract with Santiago will only end your life: I advise you leave this minute before I lose it; and diyan and the other God teleport

Azula cough and open her eyes and stand up; arch turn and rush to Azula and hug her tight while shade tears;

Azula notice the engagement ring on Erica finger and say; oh when did you guys did that and she walk to Azula and held her hand and look at the ring; and look at Arrio:

Arrio: um yesterday. Yeah yesterday.

Azula: and you didn't tell anyone in the family?

Arrio: mum and dad knows about it;

In heavens.

diyan and the other guy arrive and almighty God voice come from above and all the gods and Angels bow down;

God: all of you that are going against Arrio! Your lifes is short; you know you are not match for him.

Days later in garrison mansion.

Azula is in kitchen preparing meal and arch enter and hug Azula from behind and kiss her on her neck.

Arch: sometimes I wonder what I did for God; for him to gift me beauty and intelligent wife like you; I'm lucky to have you;

Azula turn to arch and say; having someone like you, makes the world spacial place to live; and they start kissing and Azula say; the meal will get burnt; and they laugh and Azula turn to the pot;