
The land of new beginning

Setting himself adrift amidst his escape our protagonist wakes up on a beach, his only possessions being what he took from his organization. the land he has arrived on doesn't appear on maps. Follow along as he explores this new place and meets all kinds of odd monsters.

Shimbleton · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

God Save the Queen

Draig eventually returned to his cave to find the monster women had left though he had to shake his head when the thought of Flare crossed his mind.

'That woman' thought Draig as he finally began to clear his head and fall asleep.


Draig awoke early the next morning and noticed that his armor was starting to stink already, not that he had many options in attire as his armor was the only piece of clothing he currently possessed. This along with his low amount of shuriken and kunai were issues he would need to remedy but for now he would focus on finding some breakfast.

Slinking through the treetops like a bird of prey he scanned to foliage below, it took some time as it seemed the little odd creatures from before were nowhere to be seen.

Eventually the killer came across a familiar creature, a large boar. Allowing himself a small smile Draig silently drew his sword though the boars ears still seemed to perk up as it looked around warily, yet the poor creature never saw it's end coming as the sword sunk halfway through its neck before breaking causing Draig to look at the blades remnant in his hand.

Sighing at the situation he drug the large animal back to his cave while sheathing the blade remnant.


Using a kunai he found the Boar's hide to be ridiculously tough causing the small knife to dull almost immediately during the cleaning process causing him more ire. After some time and several dulled kunai the boar was cooking over an open fire.

Draig at this point had taken off his armor and was sitting only in a loincloth as he fanned the flames lightly. He was thinking about several things that he had been too busy to deal with which was his current lack of information, supplies, and finally materials.

'Shouldn't be too hard to find materials but getting the tools I need will be my biggest issue...' thought Draig as the smell of meat began to waft into the air.

------------- The Immortal Tomb------

Suri stared in the direction of Draig and saw the small tower of smoke in the distance, the Corpse Queen was uncertain how she should proceed. In the worst case scenario she could pull a Flare and save her skin but she was still of the idea that the killer could become an ally.

----------Molten Manor------

Flare sat atop her throne as she ignored the squabbling of the younglings, her thoughts on the previous night. She was a bit confused about how to proceed, she, herself was still a bit in shock from the near death experience. However she also knew of a get out of jail free card she could play should things go south, she looked out the window towards the Immortal Tomb wondering what Suri was planning as she was certain the girl had yet to give up.

------Gob Glow City-------

Ari was pacing as her servants watched her they could hear the constant mutterings of their Queen, though they wondered who the lucky gob was that had managed to gain her favor.

"GRR, I'll just wing it" nodded the Goblin Girl as she made her way from her underground city.

It seemed the Goblin had her own schemes she wished to carry out as she went to Draig's location.

-----------Golden Fortress--------

Eliza seemed to be the most calm of the faction leaders at this time as she seemed to be contemplating something.

"Your Highness, gold for your thoughts?" asked an older dwarf looking towards his Monarch.

"Would you consider my father a good ruler?" asked Eliza looking towards the old dwarf expecting him to agree.

"It is unwise to speak ill of the dead, your father had his merits but...." started the old Dwarf before stopping himself from saying something bad.

Eliza noticed this and sighed as she stood up.

"I'm sorry your highness." apologized the old Dwarf fearing repercussion.

"Don't be, you actually helped me." spoke Eliza as she ordered someone to gather some things.

----------Draig's Enclave--------

Draig ate from the boar as he continued to contemplate his situation, as much as he would hate to admit it he might need to pay a visit to the Corpse Queen as she seemed the most reasonable.

However as he thought this he noticed a little green body skipping to his location.

"Hello." stated Draig alerting Ari to her discovery.

Like a deer caught in the headlights she froze as his eyes locked onto her own, his cruel eyes causing her to misunderstand as she quickly exposed her petite rear in attempt to assuage the anger she perceived.

Draig however spat out his food almost instantly as he looked away.

"What are you doing." demanded Draig as he covered his eyes.

"Okay good, it really works." sighed Ari as she covered her bum once again.

The goblins that had followed her were in shock at the scene as they began to grumble amongst themselves before heading back to the city to tell the others of what they had seen.


"What is the purpose of your visit." asked Draig after a bit of time as he stared at the goblin Queen.

"I would like an alliance." stated Ari directly finding no way to sugarcoat it.

"An alliance? Why." asked Draig as he felt this was an odd thing to suggest after the trauma he surely had caused this girl.

"You're strong, probably the strongest in this part of the continent." answered Ari causing Draig to look at her oddly.

"Continent?" asked Draig causing Ari to look at him oddly.

"Yeah, we are on the super continent Arwyn. To be specific we are in the lowlands of Arwyn, here there are many different factions instead of unified factions like in the highlands. Goblins being at the bottom of totem we don't really have the strength fight off other factions and so I entered into an alliance with the Dragons, the Local Undead, and formerly the Dwarves. However if I can get an alliance with you it would do a lot to further my factions standing in the area as well as deter some of our more intimidating aggressors." explained Ari causing Draig to begin to wonder about this whole new world that was opening up before him.

"So, what are you offering in exchange? To me it seems like you have everything to gain while I would just be needlessly burdening myself for your sake." asked Draig causing Ari to smile as she began to spread her legs revealing her lack of undergarments.

"Well, I am willing to put it all on the line." smiled Ari causing Draig to look away after a moment.

"How about this, I'm in need of materials and tools. Do you have a forge in your domain?" asked Draig causing Ari to nod with a smile.

"Fine, then let me get dressed and I will follow you." sighed the silent killer as he donned his armor.


Draig didn't realize just how close the Goblin Domain was apparently because a short twenty minute walk and they were at the gates of Gob Glow.

"Halts, king no allow trespassers." huffed a goblin guard as it glared at Ari causing her some confusion.

"What king, clear the way." growled Ari as she went to push through the gate only for the Guards to draw their weapons.

"Stupid mistake" said Draig as he snatched the small spear and slayed both the little monsters without breaking a sweat.

"Lead the way." stated Draig causing Ari to look at him nervously.

------Gob Glow-------

Draig was beginning to realize that Ari was not receiving the royal treatment as she had previously the trail of corpses being the proof.

"I think we should move silently until we get to the castle..." muttered Ari as she wasn't expecting this to happen now of all times.

Sighing Draig scooped her up and leapt to the rooftops with Ari acting as his guide, though as they got within sight of the Castle the killer was forced to toss Ari into the air in order to avoid two bolts that had flown through his previous location.

Ari screamed as she looked towards the ground only for Draig to suddenly catch her though the fashion in which it was done left a blush on her face as she felt a digit peek into her tightest orifice

Draig however remained aloof to this as he was focused on getting closer to the castle while avoiding bolts which wasn't too difficult given his superior physique but still he kept his eyes peeled for other dangers.

However Ari was the one feeling the danger as every time they would land that Digit would peek back in causing her to clutch to Draig tightly while clenching her eyes in embarrassment.

Finally after some time they made it to the castle, it was here Draig made himself a terror as he punted a goblin through the throne room doors much to shock of the Goblin on the throne.

"Your sitting in her seat." stated Draig dangerously as he walked with Ari still clutched to him towards the offending Goblin.

"Guards." called the goblin however the moment what got near it's head seemed to explode.

'What is going on with my body.' wondered Draig only thinking about it for a second before noticing the lack of movement from the other goblins.

"There is only one option for those who stand against us." stated Draig casting a casual look to the gore of the previous guard.

The Goblins being what they were quick on the uptake, a new stronger boss was now here and the old boss was his enemy. It was a no brainer for them as they quickly mobbed the goblin on the throne.

Ari however wasn't able to take in any of this scene in as the digit had peeked up to the first knuckle, it was only now that Draig noticed her predicament and quickly removed it from her eliciting a moan.

Awkwardly putting her down she still clutched onto him while looking at him dazedly.

"Master!!" cheered the goblins as they offered their fealty.

Ari noticing that they were looking at Draig was a bit forlorn.

"Well it seems you don't need my alliance now..." sighed the girl as her heart started to calm.

"I have no intention of taking your throne. So go and take it." stated Draig loud enough for the other Goblins to hear, though in their mind it was a statement of making Ari his queen.

Quickly following this line of thought they quickly bowed to Ari.

Ari looked at Draig uncertainly but her legs shakily stepped towards the throne before taking her seat causing the goblins to cheer.

"Now to solve the heart of the problem." stated Draig causing Ari to look at him curiously.

"What do you mean?" asked the Goblin Queen shifting slightly as her rear had still not recovered from its first exploration.

"Bring me the ones responsible." ordered Draig causing the Goblins to quickly turn to the group that had seen Ari meet with Draig.

"M-Master, is misunderstanding. No thought the Queen was getting stronger boss." spoke the first trying to clear itself from the chopping block.

"Is Grom's ideas, jealous of master." immediately ratted the second.

"Yes is Grom, he want Queen for himself." agreed the third.

"No Master, is Brog and Shim who jealous." panicked the first revealing himself as Grom.

"Well, there's only one fair way to handle this situation. Fight to the death." smiled Draig as he found the idea sincerely amusing. It may have been a bit twisted but it was similar to how the training of his youth went.

Grom, Brog and Shim looked at each other for only a moment before tearing at each other viciously.

Draig however walked towards the throne causing Ari to stand up and allow him to sit, however she quickly hopped back after he had seated himself causing the killer to look at her strangely but he quickly turned back to the interesting little squabble in front of him as the three fought tooth and nail for an attempt at life.

Grom being the first to die as Shim tore into his neck with teeth, Shim however had forgotten about the third member of this duel as he was quickly tackled from Grom corpse and squealing in pain as Brog plucked on of his eyes while jabbing the other with his sharp nails. Brog laughed in delight as he proceeded to pummel Shim bloody causing teeth to fall and a bloody puddle to form however Brog didn't stop as Shim's skull began to crack and bits of bone and brain began to mix with the blood being splattered.

Finally as Brog's fist began to hit the stone floor through Shim's mushed up head did he stop and look to Draig for approval however what he found was a dulled Kunai planted in his own skull.


"Now this is the punishment for those who would take this throne, if you find issue with this then I am always willing to handle your complaints." chuckled Draig as he had found more pleasure in the little skirmish than he initially thought.

Ari on the other hand was a bit pale at the bloodthirsty battle for life that ended in execution of the winner.

"Now that our Alliance is stabilized, I need your forge." stated Draig looking towards Ari who nodded and began to lead him back into Gob Glow.

"Clean this up before I return." commanded Ari as they left causing the Goblins to quickly get to work.