
The Land Of Flambistan

Its the tale of the Survey corps,the vanguard of the Empire of Akol, their day to day problems, their fights and the rise of the 2nd Z Class Squadron of the Scouting and Pioneer Command of the Survey Corps

Hussain_Ali_7747 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


The black sedan was zooming across the streets of Maida heading towards the outer walls. After crossing the outer walls, it passed through the vast fertile plains of Lower North and finally after crossing another gate, some 250 KM outside the Maida Region, the car entered the North, home of the Anglis people. After crossing the main gate of the northern territories, the car took a left turn towards the mountains where the 10th Regiment of The Garrison was stationed. After lodging the entry, the car entered the cantonment area and finally stopped in front of a large complex. 'ROCK CAMPUS' was written in very big letters. To Secretary-General Guy's horror, they have arrived at the headquarters of the most dreaded secret police, 'DSASA' or the 'DEFENCE, SAFETY AND SECURITY of AKOL' tasked with intelligence and counter-intelligence activities in the territories of Akol and overseas. This organisation was not under the control of the Defence or the Home Ministry, it was directly commanded by the Prime Minister under the guidance of the Emperor. Whatever the emperor wishes, the prime minister orders and this organisation achieves it. Failure is a word unheard of in this organisation. This agency is said to be responsible for thousands of mysterious disappearances of many of the rebel leaders. Either they accepted the authority of the emperor or went missing. The activities of this organisation are entirely secret. Despite using the whole machinery of the military, the Old Man, Commander General of the Defence forces was not even able to land his foot anywhere near this organisation. But here was Guy Ambitious, the man who could never imagine to be standing in front of this building. He was very much tense as he was forcefully dragged here. His valet, his driver and the Brigadier himself or maybe Hades who is allegedly alive all of them took advantage of him. Well, he knew that it was not his place to say these things since he was also no good. Not a single word was uttered when he was dragged to the headquarters of DSASA. 'This is getting more and more interesting' was the thought constantly in his mind. He still was not able to read the Prime Minister's mind. 'Why did the Prime Minister give him the offer even though it would have been very easy for him to dispose of the Old Man? Something was not right.'

As he was lost in his thoughts, his valet approached him and gestured for him to enter the building. As Guy was about to enter the building, he noticed that the number plate of his car had changed. Instead of a red star, there was a black star. It was his first time seeing the black star. His valet again gestured for him to move fast. Unlike the white marble buildings in the capital, this building was made up of stone and was heavily fortified. The entrance was also tightly secured. There were bastions for every corner. He was quickly escorted to a desolate room with tight security. About an hour later, the door was opened, and to his surprise, the Brigadier entered the room along with two bodyguards. He soon brisked off the bodyguards approached the sofa in front of Guy's chair and took his seat. He ordered a man standing outside to serve them tea. Taking a sip from his cup he started to speak. "Welcome sir, welcome! Hope you had a comfortable journey on the way here." Then he turned towards the valet, "Here is Mathias, your valet and my trusted bodyguard. Here Mathias, please take the secretary out for a walk while the rest of us prepare for the meeting." Mathias bowed and elegantly gestured for Guy to follow him. He then took him to the third floor of the building after climbing a flight of stairs and passing through many security checks. Then they took a left and entered a large alley. Mathias then walked towards a door showed his security pass to the guard and entered while gesturing for Guy to follow him. As Guy entered the door, he couldn't believe what his eyes saw. 'What a remarkable sight' was his constant thought. The building itself looked plain and old and Guy believed that this location was absurd and not suitable for such an organisation. Now, he was speechless. The stately edifice remained cloaked within the verdant tapestry of the forest canopy, its majesty obscured from the casual observer. Yet, those fortunate enough to ascend to the lofty terrace on the third floor were treated to a breathtaking, bird's-eye panorama of the sprawling northern cities below, a vista fit for the most discerning of eyes. And he was one of them. The affairs of the state are shrouded in mist, obscured from the view of the common eye. The teeming masses, lost in the haze of their daily toil, cannot fathom the mysteries that lie beyond their ken. Yet, those who sit enthroned in the citadels of power gaze upon the world with a clarity of sight that eludes the multitudes. Their knowledge is absolute, their vision unobstructed - they see all that is hidden from the rabble. Such is the nature of the metaphor that governs the relationship between ruler and ruled, between those who know and those who can only wonder.

Mathias turned towards the Secretary-General;

"Pardon my rudeness, Mr. Secretary, but I am well aware that you are now fully cognizant of the circumstances into which you have been ensnared. Make no mistake - this was all a calculated game orchestrated by the Prime Minister from the very outset. And in your attempt to revolt, you have quite neatly eviscerated yourself.

Let me be clear - we at DSASA are responsible for maintaining vigilant oversight of the topmost officials of this nation, ensuring they perform their duties to the utmost standard. If they fail to meet that mark, they are either removed or forced into untenable circumstances from which they cannot escape. In your case, rather than being punished for your treachery, you have been granted the opportunity to serve the DSASA.

Heed my words, Mr. Secretary - trust no one. For in this world, true honesty is the sole province of the dying. You played your game with skill, but a single misstep has left you in the Prime Minister's grasp. He is a formidable adversary, to be sure, but there is one within DSASA who poses an even greater threat. I shall provide you a single hint - this individual was involved in the Hades incident."

The agent paused, glancing down at his timepiece. "Ah, but the hour grows late. Now the true work begins. Follow me, Mr. Secretary-General".

Guy Ambitious' mind raced, tangled in a frenzied web of questions. 'Someone involved in the Hades incident?' The revelation sent a chill down his spine. 'What could this possibly mean?' Too much information, all at once. Guy was utterly consumed by worry - he could scarcely imagine what might come next. 'So this is the deep state,' he sighed, overwhelmed.

Despite his trepidation, Guy had no choice but to follow the swiftly striding Mathias back to the room where the Brigadier awaited. As Mathias gestured for Guy to enter first, he did so, his mouth agape in sheer disbelief at the sight that greeted him.

'But my agent saw him die, right before his eyes! His belongings were found, soaked in his blood. The forensics confirmed it!' Guy's mind raced furiously, unable to comprehend the reality unfolding before him. 'How on earth is he sitting here, alive and well?' He felt a wave of utter bewilderment wash over him. 'Damn it, damn it all!'

Suddenly, Mathias' hand fell upon Guy's shoulder, his cold eyes silently urging the Secretary to quietly take a seat before the imposing figure - a man of thirty, with a thick, muscular build, jet black hair, and a prominent, handsome face. It was Hades himself, the once-trusted confidant of the Secretary, now sitting as Guy's superior. The Brigadier stood beside him, handing Hades a folder.

Hades looked up, meeting Guy's bewildered gaze, and smiled triumphantly. "Welcome, Secretary," he said, his voice dripping with a tone of triumph. "Long time no see. Why are you standing? Please, come, have a seat. The tea is hot, and we have much to discuss."