
2 F I G H T E R

THERE WAS NO ESCAPE in the hunter eyes of Lesley. It shot Alucard when he was far, it hurt more when it was near. Either way, it was going to kill him and worse, defeat him in a humiliating fashion.

He had heard of her from across the border of Hoterus, down to the dangerous depths of Bayura Forest where demons lurked for prey and eat them mercilessly. Commoners knew her as the silent crow as her shimmering bullets carried whispers of death when blasted upon the enemy. Demons shook with trepidation and flee as far as they could but the feat was futile as nothing could escape Lesley's silver bullets. Moreover, she was a ruthless demon slayer and hated demons more than anything.

Unfortunately, Alucard was a half demon; he fed off life energy and raw fear. While his enemies struggled, he thrived from their will to survive. But just like Lesley, he had no mercy for the underworld creatures.

"Show yourself, demon slayer!" Alucard rasped; it was a miracle that he was still alive.

Don't fail me Kazu(blade's name). He stuck his sword to the ground and used it as a lever to stand up.

"Kneel, demon." Lesley appeared as a bullet hit his calf, making him fall down to his knees. "Your scent reeked from miles away. The world would be a much better place without your abominable self."

"Likewise." Alucard regretted getting a glimpse of her. He would recognize that red hair anywhere. She had grown into a vicious woman since he'd last seen her. Gone was the doe-eyed and docile face which was mesmerizing to him at the time. Now her piercing eyes glared at him like jagged knives and her vengeful persona was overflowing with hatred. Regardless, she was still undeniably beautiful.

What a fool. He was to meet his untimely death yet here he was gawking at the demon slayer. He shook his head and with every ounce of his power left, lifted his sword, gave a spun and jumped to slash his opponent.

She vanished and reappeared a few seconds later, missing his fatal blow by an inch. Alucard deflected her bullet with his sword then sidestepped to slash her side but she was faster by throwing a grenade in between them which exploded in a fan-shaped burst of light and smoke. Stumbling, he fell back on his knees.

"It's over." Lesley tilted his head with the tip of her rifle on his forehead.

"Do it," Alucard said without an ounce of fear. No matter how repelling it was to be slain by a demon slayer, he was glad it was someone he once knew.

And no, he didn't know her well but he knew what kind of childhood she went through. He knew what it was like to be so broken to the point of losing one's identity. He knew what it was like to cry out helplessly upon watching the deaths of one's loved ones. He knew the hatred and anger of wanting to cause destruction to the living. He knew the pain most of all, as it was easier to survive than to remember. And because of this, he knew her.

"You've wasted my time, demon." Lesley sighed, "Now the night has come and we still don't have a fighter."

"What are you suggesting? I'd rather die than work with your stupid gild." He grumbled.

"Even if the mission entails avenging your town against the Demon Queen Alice?"

Alucard's eyes gleamed as he struck his blade into the ground so deeply, it shook. He bowed his head and clasped his hands on the sword's hilt.

"I thought so," the demon slayer snickered, "You owe me your life, now you shall die with a cause. A cause that shall benefit the Land of Dawn and I, your master."

"With pleasure."

Alucard smirked at the new alliance with the she-devil. Once the Demon Queen is dead, he would definitely kill her next.