
The Land Beyond

After losing his father, Jett is alone in the unknown beastland. A tribe of monsters takes him in and his journey to the top begins. Follow his adventure across kingdoms as he deals with countless betrayals and witness his electrifying fights with the powerhouses of the world! Tales of his legendary deeds will be passed down generations and his viciousness will earn him the nickname, 'The Crimson Beast'.

lux_brumalis · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


Crisp breaths of air permeated my lungs as I tried to calm myself down. A shooting pain originated from my nose which was now red and swollen. I could take the easy way out and jump back into the pond to heal myself, but I wanted to remember this humiliation. Slowly but surely, I trekked back to Jasper's house. My legs felt like caving in under my weight; the first punch must have ruptured some of my internal organs.

Blood was dripping from my face onto the dry soil, turning it into mud. I would have never thought that such a short distance would leave me gasping for air. The sun had already set and the moonshine was my only source of light. Owls hooting kept spooking me out as wooden aromas filled my nose with each passing gust of wind. The cabin came into view along with the warm candle light seeping out of the windows.

My body could give out at any moment, so I hurried my pace; my face scrunched up as the pain spread throughout. I extended my arm to open the door but instead tripped and slammed into the it. The wooden planks creaked upon impact. I regained my balance and opened the door.

On the other side, Jasper was standing still wearing a worried expression. I assumed that he was concerned that I was so late. He ran over to me and placed his humongous hands on my face. His eyes scrutinized my head as he assessed my injuries.

"W-What happened to you? Who did this?"

"Arthur's brother."

"That piece of shit, I'll go deal with Henry," Jasper yelled in anger.

He brushed past me and was heading for the door, his hand firmly gripping his sword.

"No, don't," I said while holding him back.

"Why are you stopping me?"

"I want to earn my revenge. You said it yourself. Adults don't involve themselves with childish fights."

That was only part of the truth; I also did not want Jasper to get hurt. He was going to fight the chieftain's grandson. Even with Hunter's assistance, he would not get out of that situation scot-free.

"I'll bring Xavier over, he is well versed in dealing with internal injuries."

My eyes were shut waiting for the duo to arrive; I assumed that I had time to rest but not even five minutes later, the two orcs barged into the house. Xavier appeared equally worried, He threw a bag on the ground containing a plethora of plants before closing the distance between us and kneeling in front of me. He placed his hand on my stomach and applied slight pressure. He repeated the movement all over my torso before standing up and rummaging through his bag.

"Bring me a mortar and pestle," he said.

Jasper went through his mess trying to find what his fellow orc was asking for. He was so unorganized that all of his belongings created a mountain.

"Are you planning on taking all night?" Xavier yelled.

"Found it," he exclaimed as he lifted the device in the air.

Xavier placed an array of herbs in the mortar and began crushing them using the pestle; he was thoroughly destroying the leaves, he did not want to leave behind any extract. The product was then poured in a container filled halfway with hot water and stirred vigorously until a green concoction was obtained.

"Drink while its still hot."

I lifted the glass up before gulping down the medicine; the bitter taste coated my mouth, making me gag. I tried to bear with it; I did not expect it to have a pleasant taste, but this was too much.

"What does this do exactly?" I asked out of curiosity.

"This mixture will solidify around any internal wound and prevent you from bleeding to death, quite neat," Xavier replied.

"Your body needs rest. You've gone through tough training sessions and are injured."

I nodded and without saying another word, I passed out on the spot. Jasper carried me to the sleeping area and slowly placed me down. He grabbed a plush wool blanket and placed it over me; afterwards, he turned around and walked towards the other orc.

"I believe it's time to address the issue."

"Yes, he will need every ounce of strength to battle through this."

"Just the way of the wind alone will not be of any use if his body cannot do anything with the information, I'm sure that he has been struck with that realization."

"I'll get a book from Hunter tomorrow when I inform him of this incident."

Xavier took out a cloth roll from his bag and began wrapping my torso up in a thick layer of bandage. Additionally, he prepared a makeshift ointment to apply to the cuts and bruises.

My eyes were burning which forced me to slowly open them; the bright sunlight reflected off of an imposing figure sitting right beside me. His head was tilted forward and his snores reverberated throughout the cottage, Jasper was in deep slumber. He must have fallen asleep as he was looking after me. I did not bother waking him up and let him arise naturally which did not take long.

"X-Xavier bandage him better," he said before regaining his senses and looking around him.

"Oh you're awake, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Like absolute shit."

"I was waiting for you to wake up before going to see Hunter. I have to fetch an object for you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Remember when you questioned me on whether orcs had a secret to get stronger?"

"You will learn that secret today," he added.

I almost forgot about the pain as I tried to jump up in joy but was promptly reminded of the damage that was inflicted. The bruises appeared less red and the swelling had decreased significantly; the cuts were also closing at a never-before-seen speed. None of that mattered as I would obtain a new way to improve my combat abilities!