
The Land Beyond

After losing his father, Jett is alone in the unknown beastland. A tribe of monsters takes him in and his journey to the top begins. Follow his adventure across kingdoms as he deals with countless betrayals and witness his electrifying fights with the powerhouses of the world! Tales of his legendary deeds will be passed down generations and his viciousness will earn him the nickname, 'The Crimson Beast'.

lux_brumalis · Ação
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41 Chs

Pivoting and preparations

The session was painful as the amount of coordination required to pull off the moves was extraordinary, but experienced warriors like Jasper made it look like a piece of cake. When pivoting, I spun around like a tornado so many times that Jasper began laughing.

"Look at where you started and where you ended. You're back is now facing your opponent. Are you going to be fighting him with your buttocks?"

"Stay quiet! I'm trying."

"Then try harder," he said.

A thud resounded as I fell down. This was too complicated to become proficient at in a single session.

"What did I do to deserve a shitty teacher like you," I said.

"You're moving like a spinning top. We'll continue next time. Let's get you ready for dinner."

"Why do you seem so excited about me going to the restaurant?"

"Because it's a chic restaurant that only the elites have access to. Unlike you, I wasn't talented or popular, so growing up, I didn't have these chances. I relive my childhood through you."

His words brought warmth to my heart and it reinforced his image as a father figure.

We were on out way back to the cottage after having a quick dip in the holy lake.

"You don't have anything good to wear," Jasper said.

"We need to get you some clothes fit for the occasion," he added.

"What type of garments do orcs even wear for special events?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Before us stood a tower that seemed to pierce heaven itself; the sunlight reflecting off of the windows of the building were enough to blind us. The walls were encrusted with precious stones and were adorned with skillfully carved wooden mouldings. The entryway was in the middle of two detailed pillars that spanned the entire height of the building.

Jasper knocked on the polished wooden door and less than ten seconds later, a squeaking sound was produced as the hinges moved. Standing at the doorstep was a robust looking orc garbed in a luxurious looking fabric.

'Is that their special attire?' I asked myself.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Greetings, we're looking for clothes for the little one," Jasper said.

"You do not look like you can afford to do business around here."

Jasper's face turned red with anger as he clenched his fists; his brows were furrowed as he stared into the salesman's eyes. Anyone could see how furious he was and I was well aware that he intended to hit the rude worker.

"It's alright we can conduct business elsewhere, let's go," I said as I grabbed his arm.

My pleading eyes looked at him and after a couple of seconds, he relented and we turned around and left; but not before throwing an insult at the orc.

"Don't worry Jasper, we did want clothes that looked like our curtains anyways."


"There sure are lots of dogs barking around here," I said.

Jasper's mood lightened as he let out a soft chuckle.

"What will we do about the clothes?" I asked.

"I still have an ace up my sleeve, don't worry."

"Okay I trust you."

Instead of going back to the outskirts of the tribe, we ventured deeper towards the center. If this place was too expensive for us, we would not fare any better in such a high-class area.

"Do we have enough money?"

"Who said we'd be buying the clothes?" he replied.

"You know, I'm only five years old. I've never stolen anything," I said which prompted Jasper to slap the back of my head.

"You idiot! We're only borrowing the clothes and not stealing them."

This was the first time that I was this deep into the tribe; the orcs roaming the streets were dressed in sophisticated attires. Truthfully, we stuck out like sore thumbs with our dirty and torn garments. The buildings were also so imposing that you could almost forget that you're in a forest; all of the establishments were the same style and size as the academy! The path was no longer made of gravel but instead of finely chiselled stone. The orcs looked at us in disdain, like we did not belong there.

"Can you stop being secretive and just tell me where we're going."

"Fine, fine. We're going to see Hunter."

"I'm sorry, but I have to bring this up. I know I've been getting bigger lately, but he's four times my size," I jokingly said.

"No you idiot. Orcs don't throw away their old ceremonial clothes. We're going to go through his wardrobe."

The huge houses that I saw when I first arrived here were now mere meters away from us. The architecture was mind blowing and was fitting of the chieftain's family.

"Which one is Hunter's?" I asked.

"The one to the left."

The house was surrounded by eye-catching stone walls that towered over us. Two orcs in armour stood menacingly on both sides of the gate while five others were patrolling the perimeter of the house. This was the first time that I was hit by the realisation that Hunter was in fact nobility.

"Hello Jasper, what can we do for you?" one of the guards asked as he approached us.

"I'm here to see Hunter."

"Very well and who's the little fellow?" he asked.

"That's Jett, one of the members of our hunting party."

As we passed through the gate, I was hit by the aroma of blooming flowers; the pathway was bordered by hedges which were neatly cut into a square shape. A huge figure was peering into the pond, looking at the brightly colored kois swimming around.

"How are you my friend," Jasper yelled.

The figure turned around and greeted us with a warm smile.

"What a pleasant surprise. What brings you guys over here?" Hunter asked.

"Little Jett has been invited to a dinner at 'the monarchy', but he doesn't have any appropriate clothes. We were hoping that you could remedy the issue."