
Self realization

I remember when I was in grade 4, i really don't care about what's going on with my life. I can say that it's a typical thing for a child to just play, sleep, eat, study then the cycle goes on.

Everything changes when I entered my 5th grade school year where I met Rina. She's a simple pretty girl which I admire the most. Hold on, this is not because of her appearance. Honestly, I admire her for having tough and sporty image. She's one of the boys and easy to get along with. She plays badminton, volleyball and table tennis. I got so interested with her and decided to join sports fest to challenge her. We get along with eachother. I can say that we're really comfortable but I didn't even know that time that I have a crush on her until one time, we were teasing eachother. I was sitting at accross the table and she went down to me. She stood up in front of me, between my legs and I started to feel differently. First time I ever felt which I can't even explain what it is. It's like a feeling when a professor asked you a question in a graded recitation but you didn't know the answer. I am pretty sure that you know this feeling too.

During that time, honestly there's no question in my head on why am I feeling this way to someone who's the same sex with me? Is this right? Do I need to stop this feeling? Is this normal? The only thing I know is that It felt just right.

To be continued...