

Aruda’s P.O.V

I picked up my suitcase and hauled it out to my black car. I made sure I had all my stuff and got in my car and drove off to Beacon Hills.

I finally arrived in Beacon Hills pulling in the front of a medium sized house.

I opened the door and scrambled for the keys I was given. I could feel a stare driving hard into my back. I turned around and saw a blonde haired boy.

Werewolf, I could practically feel it radiating off him.

Just ignore it Aruda, just ignore it. I guess to make it seem like I’m not a hunter I’ll act like a shy weak girl. I scrambled to the door, my hand shaking and twisted the key opening the door.

I made a dash for my car and grabbed my bags and acted like they were super heavy but truly I could lift them in one dash.

I felt the stare leave back as I shut my car door and hurried in.

Wow, I didn’t know these Werewolves were so gullible. I smirked thinking about the werewolf’s face. I trailed my suitcase into a bedroom and collapsed onto the bed with a small grin but set my alarm for school before going to bed.

My alarm blasted, I slammed my hand into my phone trying to shut it off.

It took some time but I finally got up. I trudged my way into the bathroom, turned the shower on and walked in with clothes off.

When I was done in the bathroom, I went to my dressing room and put in a black & black skinny outfit with a combat boots on.

I slipped my silver dagger into it. I slid a small gun into my pocket for safety reasons.

I plugged my red headphones into my

iPhone and played ‘Venom (by Eminem)’.

I hopped in my car and drive off the school.

I walked into the school feeling stared being burned into me.

I decided to play it cool with an innocent act. I pushed a strand of my black hair behind my ear in a shy weak way.

This is gonna be so much fun. Notice my sarcasm. I continued walking down the hallway feeling my pulse speed up. If a bunch of werewolves started to attack me I would die.

I thought of the ways they could kill me. I shuttered. I am the First Strongest Female Huntress and I might have an assistant soon who is the second hunter.

But, I had plans to become more than being strong but powerful as well but that stopped on the line after I couldn’t kill one particular Werewolf.

Eric’s P.O.V

I stood in the hallway getting my stuff from my locker when Alan started mind-linking Me.

‘I checked out the new girl who moved into the house next to mine, she’s no threat she could barely lift a bag’. ‘Ok good’ ‘The only thing threatening about her would be her car and motorcycle, they’re better than mine….. She has a freak ’in Benz !

She’s gonna beat me when it comes to awesome vehicles. ‘You need a social life and soon’. ‘I have a social life’ ‘Keep telling yourself that Alan’.

I closed my locker door holding my binders.

I turned around and bumped into somebody.

I looked up and slightly etched. It was Becky Hams the Pack’s slut. She’s been all over me since I helped her shift without a full moon last year.

She really on my nerves. “Hi Eric so unusual running into you here”. Becky said twirling her hair around her finger. We go to school together of course we’ll see each other.

“Yeah so lucky”. I said sarcastically.

“Well I have to go to class Becky so yeah” I said.

Becky ran her hands up my shoulder and sent me a seductive smile which made me want to puke.

“We could skip class and have some fun” Becky said smirking at me. I felt my patience snap. I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the lockers. The rest of the Werewolves looked at us.

“Learn your place Omega, I’m the Alpha of the this Pack I don’t need a slut hitting on me every second of my life”. I growled out. She looked at me with fear. I felt no sympathy for her.

I noticed I was drawing attention. I let go of her neck giving her a slight glare. I walked away to go to English.

On my way I slammed right into someone.

“Watch where you’re go…..” I was cut off when I looked at her.

She has a long red-black hair, one side covered the left side of her face.

Her eyes were bright blue, her skin was white pale, I could see some of her veins.

She looked so innocent despite the piercing of her ears.

She was on a black over-all outfits.

Strawberry and Vanilla filled my nostrils.

Right them only one word ran through my head. MATE.

Aruda P.O.V

I looked up and met crystal blue eyes with golden flecks in them.

His eyes were really pretty. I felt the presence of a werewolf overwhelm my senses sending them into overdrive. It was stronger than any of the Werewolves here. It was an alpha.

Just great first day of school and I bumped into the alpha of Red Moon.

I am so lucky, maybe he’ll find out I’m a hunter and bring me to his pack to tear apart. Relax Aruda you could probably take on a few until they kill you.

“Are you alright?” He asked knocking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and nodded.

“I’m Eric and I assume you’re the New Student”. Eric said with a slight smile. I nodded.

“I guess you’re shy”. Eric said. I nodded again. “Well could I know your name?” Eric asked.

“Aruda” I said.

Eric smiled at me.

“Well, I can walk you there” Eric said.

I smiled and nodded He stretched his hand out to me. I took it and pulled myself up.

I kinda fell into Eric’s chest and small blush rose on my face.

I mentally slapped him. Don’t think like Aruda . He’s an alpha and you are only a huntress, a female one to be exact.

I backed away from his chest. Eric grabbed my hand and walked me down the hallway.

Electric shocks were practically going up and down my veins. Girls glared at me.

I guess Eric is pretty popular. Eric stopped in the front of a door that is labeled Guidance Room.

He opened the door and smiled at me.

My heart skipped a bit. It was like my heart was try’na escape from my chest.

What’s this new feeling.

Why does Eric make my heart beat out if control…..