

**** Aruda’s P.O.V ****

I touched my lips in shock. I could still feel and taste Eric there.

He literally just pinned me to the lockers and kissed me. My lips were slightly swollen from him. Leaning down I picked up my binders that l dropped. I still can’t believe Eric did that.

I started walking away.

Unconsciously, I touched my lip ring. I could feel my face turned a bit red.

No, I won’t be some love-stricken girl

The art door came into view. Great second day and a period from Lunch and I’m late for the third lesson already.

Why do I always embarrass myself. I noticed a note in my pocket.

The top of says,” Class PASS for Aruda”, written neatly in Eric’s handwriting.

I rolled my eyes at that. How is he going to get me out of a tardy.

Gathering what was left up of my dignity I knocked on the door.

A young blonde lady Ms. Bella said, “Take a seat next to Duke”.

I nodded but then gave her the note risking it. Opening it her eyes widened.