
The Label says it's Foolproof

Amihan lived a very low profile life. Being the youngest of five sisters, she supposed to live in the shroud of mystery and darkness and solitude and... DING! DING! "Princess Amihan, your father, Duke Adlaw, calling you in the throne room." "Amihan, your father is very sorry." "It's okay, Duke Father, there are many ways to stop this. Accidents happened all the time. Where is he living?" "Your fiance is the Heir Apparent, Prince Bantog..." THUD! How about my peaceful life! "Princess, wake up! We found the solution!" "What? What is it? Tell me!" "This, your highness." FOOLPROOF POTION Seriously? Is this supposed to be a scam?

Alfred00 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Princess...

Just a little bit more…




Plok plok plok!

She swear she puts only a little drop – just a very small drop – of early morning dew from the talahib grass.

The concoction starts to boil uncontrollably. It is not part of the description. It supposed to change color.

What in kasanaan's name is going…!

The potion boils more rapidly. Soon enough, the pot starts to shake uncontrollably too.


Oh no!

She runs away as quickly as possible. The room where she is staying is by no means small. It is one of the largest rooms in the palace. This is the library xtemsion where magicians keep their copy of scrolls and binders. But all the things and stuffs are currently splaying all over the place. One of the bamboo scrolls trips her as she pushes her way far from the experimental potion. Ow! Clearly, she has no talent in potion making. Why did she even bother to learn!

Another bamboo scroll trips her and successfully put her on the ground. You scroll-f****er, you! The scroll gives her an imaginary wink. (/≧▽≦)/ Her impact creates a strong domino effect. All the scrolls and binders around her pile up on top of her. Ouch!

Under the pile of rubbish is total darkness. So, this is how it feels like to be buried alive? No wonder they died soon enough. Before she moves up, the ground where she is lying vibrates. The piles above her shifts; one of the bamboo scrolls pushes her head to the ground further. Her forehead hit the ground with a resounding impact. Another scroll gives her an imaginary wink.

(〃 ̄) ̄)人( ̄) ̄〃)

Ouch! If her brain was not yet damaged, it sure is now.

She tries again to push her way up, but the rubbish above her becomes heavier. Oh no. I am stuck. She starts to call for help, when she hears the footsteps rushing to her rooms.

"Princess! What happened? We heard a —?"




What the princess' maid servants and palace guards see is, in a word, a total chaos. Green gooey substance covers that whole room. All books and scrolls are wet from the said substance. Strong and heavy fumes are emanating from the unknown substance. The room smells like burning leaves and fully used toilet space. The room is getting warmer and warmer. Some of the piles that was covered with green substance starts to melt and smoke. The room will be burning soon!

Amihan, who are still trapped under the pile, feels like that the space is getting warmer and warmer. Soon, it will suffocate her. She hears a voice calling her.

"Princess Amihan! Are you still here?"

It is Nanny Ta! Nanny Ta, save me!


~ "Nanny! Nanny! I am here!" ~

The head servant of the princess, Tamita (Nanny Ta), hears the soft voice of the princess. She was trapped somewhere in this rubbish. Maybe, she tripped and fell when trying to run away. But where is she?

"Princess Amihan! Where are you?"

~ "I am here!" ~

She is just nearby!

"All of you, find the princess from these rubbles. But be careful, you could step on her."

Tamita's order spurs everyone into action. The maids look for her from the side. While the guards are walking around the piles, all this time, calling the princess' whereabouts.

Amihan feels that the temperature is getting warmer and warmer. Ah! Not only I will experience being buried alive, but I will also be cremated! What a tragic life! She feels a heavy pressure on her back. What the…! Is that a carabao!

"AHHH!" she screams.

One of the guards feels the pile he is standing on shifts. He falls backward when he hears the shout from under his feet.

"Oh my goodness! Princess!"

The guard starts to pull out the rubbish. Upon his reaction, everyone gathers around him and help unloading the piles. Soon enough, a hand appears from under one of the binders. It has a tattoo with a feature of a crescent moon on it. It is the princess' hand! They work even harder to save the princess. Very quickly, they retrieve the princess from the pile. The room starts to be so heated like a furnace.

The princess lost consciousness when they carry her out of the room. The alerted palace magicians rush inside the room as soon as it starts to set on fire. The magicians control the situation while the maids and guards take the princess in her rooms. The palace healer is summoned soon enough in the princess' residence.

Meanwhile, a young messenger rushes through the forest. He was sent to deliver a letter to the ducal estate of Naga. He is a carrying with him a very important decree, a marriage proposal on Naga Princess to the Heir Apparent of Kingdom of Bakunawa, Prince Bantog. The duke and princesses will be deeply honored!

(ノへ ̄,)

"Princess Amihan! Please wake up!" Nanny Ta is shouting.

Nanny Ta, Nanny Ta! Don't you think it is better for the princess to stay asleep?

Some explanation about the terms that was used in this chapter:

• Talahib - a kind of tall grass common in Philippine grass lands

• Amihan - local term for the northeast moonsoon that carries cold wind

• Adlaw - visayan term for "sun" or "day"

• Bantog - tagalog term for "famous"

• Bakunawa - a mythical dragon in Philippine mythology.

• Naga - as I researched, it is one of the variation of the Bakunawa creature in other local islands in Philippines

Alfred00creators' thoughts