
The Knowledgeable

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any to begin with. Only to drown further when they find power was not something they wished to wield in the beginning." When one falls, another must take their place. Harvie River is the one to take the place of the first Time Reader their kingdom had ever seen. It was something she had always hoped for. A purpose in this life. A way to pull her family above the rest. Only she finds this life to be nothing she hoped for and finally understand why, after centuries in the spotlight, her predecessor took his own life to escape it. If he even did at all.

RyeoftheBread · Fantasia
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5 Chs


The ride was long and tiresome due to Theron having to explain what she was to do in heavy detail. She hated the idea of having to bow before someone that just took everything from her, but he was their king. Harvie knew better than to disrespect royalty. She also learned that the Beast was a very to-the-point type of man. He didn't explain more than he thought he needed to unless he was prompted to multiple times. It was like he expected her to rewind and relisten to his words on her own. A preposterous thought. 

They made it to the castle and Harvey had never seen such an overdone building. It was so glorious in every minute way. Her mind had no choice except to compare it to her home back in the outer rings. It made her home seem like a shed. No! Even less than that. It was painful how much Harvey knew she lacked. 

Theron stepped out from the carriage first then turned back to her to offer a step out of what seemed to be a jail cell in her eyes. She barely placed her hand into his, used to getting down from horse-drawn carriages without a single helper in sight. This all was going to be very hard to get used to. People - seemingly nobles and the castle help - all crowded around waiting for the only glimpse of her they would be able to see in many lifetimes. Harsh whispers were quick to come from them all. 

Most disrespected her choice of outfit. Saying things along the lines of, "Why would you wear such dastardly clothes when there was a chance to meet the king?" There were few that mentioned that she looked nice "despite her societal ranking being clear." Then there were others that were actually thinking with their minds. "She seems too old to be one of the Knowledgeable." Side eyes started assessing her all over again. "Are we even sure this was the right carriage?" 

She wanted to acknowledge the disrespect. Mention how pitiful they all sounded while trying to pick apart one of the most important people in the kingdom. Didn't they know she would be advising the king from now on? Just because she didn't want to be a Knowing One doesn't mean she wanted to pass up the many perks that had to come up as one of them. She was promised respect and that was what she was owed. 

The only thing that stopped her from doing anything about this was Theron stepping in front of her as a guide. The large man easily separated the crowd for the two to go through. As they all saw the well-known man of the kingdom, everyone silenced. They could deny a lowly priest but, apparently, the mind of this man was far above that. There was no disagreeing with whatever power this man held. That had her confused as to why she never heard a thing about him or whatever the "Beast" title meant. 

He led her immediately to the throne room, which he said he would, without a single word exchanged between them. She glanced around the winding halls nervously in an attempt to maintain her bearings. However hard she tried, though, she wouldn't be able to find her way back without a guide. And, while Theron was handsome and frankly drew her in, she couldn't find it within herself to fully trust the man. 

The doors to the throne were made of dark wood with intricate carving detailing the major gods that the kingdom followed meticulously. With some of the artistry, there was even gold and silver lining the gods. It was beautiful. Harvie was tempted to stay there observing the deep grooves for hours and hours without end. She would definitely have to get the name of the woodworker who designed this piece. 

The beast beside her cleared his throat. She glanced back at him, wondering how he ended up behind her. She didn't actually notice him move from where he was guiding her through the halls, but it all could have been in the few moments she was entranced. "I apologize, I'm ready." 

With that, he nodded to the guards watching them. The girl straightened her posture, swallowing down any upcoming anxiety. This was her first time seeing the king in person let alone being in the audience of him. Her gut reminded her that there really wasn't anything to worry about. It was just something she couldn't control. With an unhappy glance down at herself, she was reminded of her disappointing wardrobe. Surely, the king was going to be offended by her lack of care. 

It was too late to dwell on any of that though. Theron lightly placed his hands on her lower back in an attempt to push her forwards. The doors were wide open and waiting for their next Knowledgeable. 

Was it too late to flee?

Yes, yes it was.

Harvie walked in with slow, heavy steps. Her eyes solely focused on the king of their realm. King Maddox Elroy, a name you were never meant to utter out loud lest you wanted the royal family to pay you a visit themselves. She always thought the man would be large and burly with a thick red beard. However, she was very wrong. 

The King was elderly and feeble. His beard was grayed from years on this planet and was patchy at best. There were no striking blue eyes or terrifying stare. His eyes were without any spark as they stared down at the new arrival within the castle walls. How long has this man suffered this way? Simply a bag of skin rotting on the throne. She wondered if there was any intellect hidden there or if his brain had rotted into mush as well. 

"My King," the priest beside the throne started, "May I present to you, the newest Knowing One. Miss Harvie River." 

Harvie lowered herself into a low curtsy, eyes focused on the king's sandals. Murmurs spread through the room as nobles gossipped about her age. Her eyes narrowed at the floor, but she knew better than to speak out about it. At least not in front of their king. She was sure to make these people regret any nasty things they were saying. 

No, she wouldn't be able to do that. She was too new to be making a ruckus.

"Perhaps your senses are losing their touch, Theron," the king commented with the tilt of his head. His voice was just like the rest of him. It was scratchy, weak, and slow. What happened to the mighty man once known as a dragon killer?

The Beast beside her stood from his bow at the king's acknowledgement. "I can assure you, your highness, I have never been wrong in my long years of life." The murmurs stopped and tension arose in the room. Whatever he said must've been a sore subject for the king. Not that she dared to question any of it.

The king stood in a slow, shaky manner and shuffled forwards to her. He snatched her chin with boney fingers and lifted her gaze to his. "Not only is this woman far too old, but she is also just that. A woman." He shifted her head back and forth to look at both sides. "You've never chosen a girl before." He released her head from his grasp and looked up at the Beast beside her. Harvie frowned, not enjoying the fact that he was quick to discard her. 

"Fate never picked a woman before. Nor had it chosen an adult. You know as well as I that I have no say over the matter." The Beast stared down at the king with a neutral facade but she could see the hatred between them as clear as day. The man to have chosen her was in the outs with the king and that could only mean that she would be too. Fate was a cruel mistress indeed. "I do not appreciate you implying that I would mock the gods in this way, your highness. However, I can assure you that this is the next Seer."

The king turned to her again with a sneer, "Well then, have you seen the future, girl?" 

Her head shook, "No, sir. I have never seen visions of what's to come." It was the truth. At least as much truth as she remembered. This didn't seem to be the answer that he was looking for.

The man scoffed, "Did I ask you if you saw visions? No, silly girl! I asked if you have ever known the future." 

Harvie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She knew, for a fact, that she answered his question as he asked it. How would she know the future without seeing it? She didn't understand. "I don't understand…"

King Maddox pointed a boney finger back at the Beast menacingly. "You will not play me, Theron. I'll give you a week to convince me that this woman is divine. Until then, I don't want to see her face in my throne room again." He turned back towards his throne and hobbled back to his seat. Once he was sat, he waved his hand in dismissal. "Get out of my sight."

Theron gestured for her to lead the way out, following just a step behind her. As the doors fell closed behind them, she turned to the Beast with a confused gaze. Before she could ask any questions, he interrupted, "You did great." Though with such a neutral tone, she doubted that was the truth.

"Do you have some sort of quarrel with the King?" She couldn't wait any further to ask. He didn't say anything for a long moment. It took her a second to realize that he was waiting until they were out of earshot from the guards at the throne room's door. 

He glanced down at her as she rushed to keep up with his long strides. "No. Though it seems the king has some sort of quarrel with me." He faced forwards again to keep them moving through the maze-like halls. "No need to fret about that. As soon as you've gained your title, he won't give myself a second glance." 

Harvie didn't think she liked that idea. That meant that she would have personal talks with the king himself. While she wasn't too frightened by his stature, it was clear from that interaction that he still had some intensity left in him. "How am I going to gain my title? I was honest in saying that I don't see visions of the future. I am no oracle." Though she wished she was. 

Making fortunes with cards wasn't the same as what they were asking her to do. That was more guessing than anything else. The scope was too broad to pretend it was a real fortune read outloud. She wasn't even going to mention the cards, seeing as what she was doing was highly illegal. Other than her playing pretend, there wasn't a part of her that she thought would consider her a seer. It worried her to know that all of this could be for naught. That the Beast would find out he was wrong and she would have to go back to her village empty handed.

"That is not something you will need to address with me. There are priests that will teach you how to harness your gifts from the divine. I am simply here to keep you from harm." They stopped in front of a door much less extravagant than the throne room. He made no move to enter it, so she stepped around him to look him in the eye. 

His gaze was on her's the moment her figure was around him. "This will be your room in the castle. Your maids should be waiting to help you get prepared for bed. If you need anything at all, give a knock on the door. The guard posted will notify me at any time in the night." 

"You won't be the guard here?" It was odd with his claims of protecting her to know that someone else entirely was going to be watching her room while she slept. 

"Yes." His eyes slowly scanned her from head to toe. "I think you'll be able to fend yourself for a few moments if need be. Is there anything else you need from me, Miss River?" 

The woman hesitated, cheeks pink as she stared at whatever could have waited for her beyond the door. For some reason she was unhappy to part with this stranger. Then she sighed, turning back to him. "No, I don't need anything. Thank you, Theron. Have a good night's rest." With that, she entered into the unknown. The Beast waiting patiently behind her.