
War and Aftermaths

The war was going on soilders were killing each other, chaos was everywhere.

Chief Sebastian was fighting like a great worriar as well as King Arthur also. Arthur was covered in blood of the enemy, in the past he fight in many war for his friend.

Sebastian was looking around when a soilder knock him down and his become sword was out of his reach while the soilder attached him again but this time Arthur kill him by his sword from his back and soilder's blood directly fell on Sebastian's face.

Some Breatheart's soilders gather, like a circle around, their King and Chief to give them time to talk, after Arthur single them to do so.

Arthur help Sebastian to stand and said "we can't win this war, no matter how hard we try." Sebastian sighed and look at the King while saying "then you go back to the castle, to you family, we all will try to stop them."

At the same time King Robert saw all this. He was on his horse and demanded a bow and arrow, which was given by a soilder to him. After taking arrow from him and aim it in the direction of Arthur while they were talking and released it.

Arthur was standing in front of Sebastian when the arrow hit his neck from the back side and he started coughing blood and soon he fell down everything become blurry for him and soon he sense that blood was to much which was coming out of his mouth and neck.

Everyone including Sebastian hurried to help their King but it was to late. Sebastian check on the Arthur but he just signal him to go and after this his hands fell down and his was closed soon he was dead.

Everyone was stunned because the one they are fighting for was dead.

Chief Sebastian had seen all this and he was confused because he don't know what to do next.

As soon as the word spread that King Arthur is dead a smile makes its way on Robert's face because he know what it means, it means he can now take over the whole Breatheart without a doubt.

"Put down your weapon Chief, accept your defeat" he said loud enough to that Sebastian can listen. Colchester's army cheers to celebrate their victory. But Sebastian was thinking otherwise he suddenly roar while saying "Move backwards and keep fighting, run back to the city we have to save the Queen."

Listening to this all the man from Breatheart start fighting again while most of them keep moving backwards.

Seeing this anger rose inside Robert and he ordered his men "I want their Chief at any cost, who ever catch him will receive a big price of gold."

All the soilders of Colchester ride their horses toward the other army in order to catch their Chief for a big price of gold.

"Move back, move back, split" said Sebastian in his hard voice.

All of them listen to their Chief and split into many groups to save their life, some follow Sebastian to the east while other went to the near by forest.


Queen Judithe and almost everyone was standing outside of the castle ready to depart for their journeys and she was having the words with their Kingdom's advisors when her son and prince Louis approached her and said "May I have a word with you mother." He had dark brown eyes just like his mother, with an average height, black hair from his father and he was wearing a worriar's armour.

He was just 20 years old and want to be the best king. But his parents thinks otherwise because he had shot temper and he didn't listen to anyone rather than this parents.

Judithe hear her son voice and dismissed the advisors and look at her son. After a moment she said "What you want Louis."

"Why are you going to east, come with us father will find us."

"You aren't a king to decide where should I go" she said in a flat tone and a finger on Louis and start walking away from him.

Louis got angry by this tone and words that come out of his mother mouth.

"I will, in the future after father." He said out loud enough that everyone and move his head to his mother while all head turns to him including

Master Vernon.

Vernon then look at Queen and both look at eachother into the eyes because both of them know that it's never going to happen.

Louis walk back to his horse and mount on it. Still looking at his mother.

After some time Vernon make his way to the Queen while she was just looking at his kids Louis, Wesley and Mollie. Both Mollie and Wesley was sitting in a carriageway, they were twins nearly 12 years old.

When he approached her and said after looking between mother and kids "I will keep them save, but Louis think he will be the King, should I tell him?"

"No" she said immediately, without thinking. "Until I bring him don't tell him or anyone, and if you meet Arthur then tell him I will be back with Xandar."

Then Judithe bit the goodbye to her kids including Louis but he just ignore her.

After this both the group start their journeys. Judithe with nearly 150 soilders head towards east, while Vernon, Louis and other important person of Breatheart goes towards south with 200 soilders to get help from the Queen Brother who was the King of Arose.


After some time, when Sebastian and his fellow soilders was sure that no one is following them they stop in a forest which was on east side of the Breatheart.

It was the time of the evening and everyone was exhausted because of the war they fight some hours ago.

Sebastian decide that they will not do anything which can cause them harm.

But everyone was expecting that their Chief will decide to return to the castle and attack the enemy to avenge the King's death but he wasn't thinking in the same way.

All the soilders was looking at him every single one wants to fight for the Kingdom because it is the only thing they learn from the very beginning, to die for the king and king dom

After gathering some courage a young soilder approch him and asked in a low voice when Sebastian was splashing river water on his face while sitting on it's edge "Why we have to wait till night Chief, we can go back across the forest to castle and if other soilder's are alive than we can defeat them."

Sebastian was just sitting there and listening to him, he can sense the curiosity of the young man, he look at the soilder's face, he was younger than him probably twenty three years   which justify the anger and curiosity which was inside him.

He then take a quick look on all the soilders, he start walking to the centre of the soilders and remove his sword the from side of his waist and place it on the ground, he than said in a tone everyone can listen to him.

"We are here in order to protect our land and our king but we failed, accept it but we will strike back when is time right. Use all are thinking what to do right now and I am thinking about future. You said that if others are alive we can defeat the enemy" he said pointing at the young soilder he talk to.

He countinue "But what if they aren't survived, then we will lose our life's also. So be patient, okey." After this speech he went to the river side again.

All the men nodded their head in yes, they all understand Sebastian's words.

Moments later the Stars took over the sky and all the soilders went to their work as Sebastian told them, some went for hunt while some were looking around in order to protect them from enemy.

In all this Sebastian was sitting under a tree on a river side and thinking what will he do next and them his eyes went to other side of the river where a large number of people moving to a particular person Mera who was one of Queen personal maid and his wife.

Now he sighed in relief by seeing that the Queen and other were safe. But what they are doing here and where they are going.