
The King Pin’s Daughter

Your daddy's little girl, you get what you want when you want it, but when he goes to jail for drugs. You can't take it, but when he wants you to take over the family business. You don't know what to do. Will you rise to the top or go down trying. Like daddy always said "don't let nobody stop your hustle "

Jahnasia_Smalls · Urbano
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25 Chs


Today is the day I'm going to visit my daddy. No lie I'm mad as hell but right now I just want some answers.

I don't want Ty to come but he just as stubborn as me so he coming.

On the way there I'm nervous knowing that my daddy was trying to kill Ty.

When we got to the jail. The gate opens and I see guards posted. UNC, Ty and I walk inside and went to the visting place.

In walks my father smiling , his bitch ass. I asked UNC and Ty if they could give me and my father some time. They said yes and stand posted on the wall. My father sat down.

DF: hey baby girl how are you

D: fine

DF: I hear you doing great things

D: I am

DF: Listen I'm getting out in a few, when I do I want my seat back.

D: Your not getting it back

DF: and why the fuck not

D: cuz I'm boss now and what I say goes.

DF:  I swear to ( gco)

D:  Please wa you going do u in jail remember. should have thought about that before you tried to kill my man.

My daddy was on hush, and as far as I was concerned I was tired at looking at his sorry ass.

I got up and started walking when my father yelled out

If you walk out this is war baby girl

I still walked out  the damn gates and got in the car and went about mines.

Meanwhile at the jail...

DF: Ok lil girl since you figure that you got this shit just wait till I get out I got something from your ass.