
the King of Winter[A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Fanfic]

Jon Snow was betrayed and murdered, but death isn't always the end. The Old Gods needed someone to fight the Night's King, and what better than the blood of the King of Winter? The one who had defeated the Night's King in the past.

TirkanZ · TV
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Betrayal and Death

Chapter 1: Betrayal and Death

The bitter wind blows against the towering walls of Castle Black, creating a sense of foreboding hanging heavy in the air within the dimly lit halls of the ancient stronghold. Jon Snow, Commander of the Night's Watch, stood carefully; his eyes pierced the darkness of the night.

After he let the wildling cross the wall, whispers of displeasure rang out among the Night's Watch brethren, murmurs of dissatisfaction and distrust that threatened to shatter the Watch's fragile unity. Jon, once known for his game of politics, could feel the tension growing, but even he could not see the betrayal that lay ahead. And when the letter showed Stannis' defeat at Winterfell, he was anxious to rally his forces to save Arya, his favorite sister.

This was the biggest mistake Jon had ever made since coming to Night's Watch.

It was a moonless night when the cold of winter seemed to seep into the bones of the men of the Night's Watch. A betrayal was revealed. As Jon sat in his room working, he was summoned by the Night's Watch brothers. He asked him to go outside, and when he walked out, he found a sign on the ground that said 'Traitor'. He felt a sudden shiver run down his spine, a harbinger of danger lurking in the shadows.

Then it happened without warning. He was stabbed in the back. He staggered on, trying to put some distance between himself and his attacker. He quickly looked back. What he found was the traitorous rebel he thought. that it was his brothers—the Brothers of the Night's Watch—their faces twisted in hate, rushing forward with swords drawn, their eyes burning with murder—that sent shivers down Jon's spine at the sight. Betrayed by the people he swore to lead and protect, Jon finds himself outnumbered, his only allies being the sword and the wind blowing through the ice fortress.

But Jon Snow is no stranger to adversity, and with a fierce determination born from years spent battling the horrors that lurk behind the Wall, he won't go down without it. What exactly did he do with the attacker? His Valyrian steel sword gleamed in the moonless night as he fought with the fury of a cornered wolf.





Blood stained the snow-covered ground as the sound of steel clashing throughout the night reverberated against the ancient stone walls of Castle Black. But despite his valiant efforts and the killing of many, Jon found himself overwhelmed by the superior numbers of his attackers, and his strength was dwindled again and again by cuts and bleeding.

Then he reached his limit. Jon Snow fell to his knees. His sword fell from his hand as darkness surrounded him. Betrayed and defeated, he looked up into the face of his attacker, his eyes burning with a fire that would not be extinguished.

But even as the light fades from Jon's eyes, a spark of hope remains, a glimmer of defiance that refuses to be extinguished by Jon. Snow was not a person who was easily defeated. And even if he falls, he will continue to fight.

However, Ser Alliser walked over and stabbed a sword into his chest, the tip of the sword penetrating through his heart and out the back. Jon's eyes widened.

"For the watch," the words rang out from the traitor's mouth. After the words were finished, Sir Alliser withdrew his sword and let Jon fall.

As the cold embrace of death beckoned, Jon used his last strength to launch himself up the mountain, grabbing Alliser's arm and pulling him with all his might, closing the distance between Jon and Alliser. Take each other's breath.

To Alliser's shock, Jon lunged and bit into the throat like a wolf taking prey. He stabbed the traitor leader's wrinkled throat with his teeth, then slammed it with all his might and tore it open like a wolf would. do it with its food.

Amidst everyone's shock, Alliser's body jerked. It was unknown whether it was Jon's luck or Alliser's misfortune that the wolf heir's bite had hit the aorta just right, causing copious amounts of blood to spurt from the wound.

Alliser fell first, followed by Jon as the betrayed closed his eyes and whispered a silent oath to himself, "My watch is over."

He couldn't feel it at all. Strangely, he only felt cold.


The commander of the Nine Hundred and Ninety-eighth Night's Watch has died.


'Ghost' was the last thought Jon had after realizing his impending death. That call was more of an excuse than anything else. He was hoping that a miracle would come so he could fight for his sister. To protect the human kingdom from death, it's a poem that he thought would be beautiful. That he could fight to save his sister to avenge his family didn't matter; at this point, his vigil was over. He should be at peace with entering the realm of death with his family.

But Jon had nightmares instead. He traveled to the crypts of Winterfell. It was almost the same nightmare that had haunted him for most of his life. A reminder of a place to which he never truly belonged. He saw in front of him an old iron-wood door that led to the basement. Jon doesn't want to go down there. not in death. It might have been fine if he were a Stark, but the word 'Snow' in his name always reminded him that he wasn't a Stark. never happened before. Not even in death. But the door opened as if to invite him in. Jon didn't want to go in, but he had to. He felt his body move towards the basement. He even tasted blood in his mouth.

It felt different than usual. Walking down the stairs brought him closer to the dim lights. In front of each lord and king who lit a fire in the crypt, it was shocking to see all the lights. Naturally, one has to carry a torch to view statues of past Starks of Winterfell. He walked past them all: Brandon the Burner, Brandon the Shipwright, Cregan the Old Man of the North, and Theon the Hungry Wolf. They will all be there. From Brandon the Builder to Grandpa Rickard, Uncle Brandon, and Aunt Lyanna. Jon doubted this nightmare would be good enough for statues of his father and Robb to be there. It would make him sad. Even if it is their rightful place. Jon tasted blood again. They really didn't deserve to be there at such a young age.

He walked aimlessly through the basement, looking at each Stark and grew up as he walked when he heard them. It was the sound that had always marked the end of his dreams. When life gives him the luxury of waking up He heard Robb's and his father's voices. It sounded like they were at a party. He'd heard it before. It was as if they were calling him to join them. But he knew he wasn't involved; it was already dark, but he kept walking. It is all allowed. The sound grew louder and louder. As he approached, Jon couldn't really hear what was being said. heard more noises. It sounds like Bran and Rickon. They died too. Maybe this nightmare will have a happy ending. and must die together with his family. The voice grew louder and angrier. It was as if any words had turned into an ugly sound. Until he heard her voice—Lady Catelyn.

He heard cold words from Lady Catelyn. "I don't want the heartbreak of a brat. I hope it was you."

And then silence reigned.

Silence, darkness, and a small drop of blood from his mouth. Even in death, Lady Catelyn had the final say. Even in death, she would refuse to let him be her family. Even if he dies, she wants it to be him who dies before anyone else. She wouldn't think that he would die if it kept them all alive.

Jon could only continue walking in the darkness. It felt like an era before the light returned. Before that, he walked into a large room in the basement. There were torches lit on all the walls, with statues on each side and thrones. Throne for the Winter King Jon wonders if this really is part of Winterfell's crypts, perhaps in the depths of them. That thought was taken away from Jon when he saw that the Winter Throne had been taken. This woman was petite, and he could make out her brown hair and gray eyes. She is a Stark But it wasn't the person he had hoped to see. She was still young as well. She didn't age at all. As she approached, he found out that it was the Stark he was familiar with. It is not those who have lost history. Not the one with the decaying statue. It was the face his father called Little Sister.

Jon didn't know if he could speak. He was a ghost, a dead person. He wondered if he would be able to speak, but he tried. "Aunt Lyanna?"

He was surprised when he spoke in his own voice. And when he looked down, he saw that he was on two legs. He was himself again. The young Stark laughed and ascended from the Winter Throne.

"I'm Lyanna, the latest in the Stark clan!"

His aunt's voice, which had a northern accent like his own, was deeper than his father's and much more playful. She is full of life for the dead. She had a wide, wolf-like smile, fitting the nickname "She Wolf."

"Good to finally meet you, Jon! I've been waiting a long time to meet you! I wish it were under better conditions. But we can't always get what we want."

Jon was taken aback by that. He didn't expect her to say that. But it was sincere. Jon felt that "I'm not sure how we'll meet Aunt Lyanna."

Lyanna laughed. "Yes, you are right; we will only meet in death. I just hope that we can meet up after you grow old and die happily."

Lyanna paused for a moment. Her face was sad. "Not after being betrayed by your own people, after you did what was right for the North and the Night's Watch."

As for doing the right thing, Jon didn't think anyone would say that. He thought he would be labeled an oathbreaker in death. The black bastard who abandoned his oath. Excuses weren't something Jon thought death would offer.

"Why are we here? What is this?" Jon asked.

Lyanna's smile returned slightly. Even though her eyes looked serious, she looked like Arya at that moment. "For this, this is your nightmare. What is meant by proof that you are not a Stark? For me and every other Stark of Winterfell, this is a place where dead Starks connect with the living. It is a place to gain knowledge. In life and death, with each statue and the spirit of Stark, you usually only see them in your dreams. Do you know the words of the northerners?"

"The North remembers," Jon said solemnly. It was strange to say those words. consistent even in death.

Lyanna's smile grew. But his eyes fixed on him. "That's it! Northerners remember! That is why we are here. The North needs a warning that White Walker are coming! And I'm here to help you, Jon."

"But I'm dead. How can a corpse help? I failed when I was alive," Jon said sadly.

Lyanna laughed. "That's right, you're dead now. But the Old Gods have decided to speak about it. When this is over, you will come back to life again. It's not like White Walker does, and it's not like those Red Priests did."

She paused for a moment and looked at him hard. "You will live like before. The scar from the sword will remain to show that your watch is over. The North needs warning. And you are the son of the Stark family who can do it."

That shocked Jon. He had to be sent back to life again. He wasn't sure he wanted to, but...

"But why me? Why don't you take your brothers instead? Why not Robb? Why not be a born Stark?"

Lyanna cursed, "Fuck you, bastard!"

These words seemed to echo throughout the basement. Like a battle cry

Lyanna looked at him again and said, "Jon, it doesn't matter whether you were born under a Septon's wedlock or not. As long as you have Stark blood and respect the Old Gods, you are a Stark. If that's not enough, what about the dire wolf? So you are just as much a Stark as anyone else, and the rest of the Starks are bones."

Jon knew his aunt had a point on this. The dire wolf is Stark's symbol. No matter what Lady Catelyn says, he is Stark.

Lyanna then smiled mischievously and said, "Also, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon are still alive. Therefore, there is no reason to bring them back from the dead."

"how? where!? Jon shouted. It was half a roar and half a relief. Now he had another reason to return to the living world to protect them.

Lyanna laughed louder than before. "Haha, that's it! It's wolf blood! Calling to protect his pack! I know you're not ready to die with us yet. I already told Brandon!"

Jon felt another roar escape him. "Where!? This is not a joke!"

Lyanna chuckled. "No, I'm just glad you have the will to fight! I won't joke with you. Bran was outside the walls, learning his duties. Rickon is safe on Skagos, which was protected by his wolf. Manderly is going to get him back to put Stark back in Winterfell."

Jon could hear the joy in his voice then. He wondered where his sisters were. Before Jon commented on the matter, his aunt continued.

"Sansa is in the valley. And Arya was at Essos. They have strayed far away, but they will return because...

"The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." Jon finished his aunt's sentence.

Aunt Lyanna smiled and said, "That's it. Now it's just you awakening as the King of Winter. That's what you have to be. You already have it within you. I saw how you dealt with Karstark. I see how you treat the savages and deal with the Night's Watch. Damn, your advice to Stannis is great! You are mobilizing forces from the north for Stannis. Unfortunately, he rushed out to fight the Boltons with only a small northern noble force, relying on southern troops and selling swords. Doesn't that man know how harsh the northern winter is? Otherwise, he will win!"

Jon was stunned by the woman's confidence. She spoke with more confidence than anyone before him; he didn't know who could be truthful in this situation.

"But I died because of all of that. How can I become the winter's king? If all I did was get myself killed!" He shouted into the hall. A loud voice echoed from the Winter Throne and the statue. Jon tasted blood in his mouth again. He instinctively went to wipe his mouth.

Lyanna just shrugged and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You are already there. You just don't trust your instincts enough. When you received the news about your family, you dropped everything."

Lyanna smiled. "When you come back, you have to trust your instincts. Look at the world as broadly as you always have, and don't let family matters cloud your decisions too much. It will help you reclaim and rule the North!"

"You really think I can do this, don't you?" Jon said, finding it difficult to refute his aunt's lies.

Lyanna nodded. Her face was as solemn as that of his father. "I do, Jon. It takes a strong man to lead the North. My father is like that, even if he is overshadowed by his southern ambitions. Me and Brandon are stubborn and shortsighted. And Ned was too honored to share his life with Arryn. That honor eventually hurt Robb. Ned inspires loyalty, but in some ways he forgets that our ways are the old ways. Now the North wants an old Stark, the King of Winter."

Father never talked much about his siblings except Benjen, but he said Aunt Lyanna was a charmer. Everyone in the castle and the northerners spoke of her fondly. Jon couldn't help but agree with that. She knows how to influence people. Otherwise, the two men who were about to become kings would not have fought for her. Jon nodded to his aunt.

"Then I will do it, Aunt Lyanna. Winter is coming."

Lyanna's face lit up again. "I have no doubt that you will be Jon! You will make us all proud! And when you have recaptured Winterfell, go down to the graveyard. Brandon the Builder has something to say to you about long nights, the meaning of war, and the secrets of the Stark bloodline."

Jon nodded.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jon asked immediately.

Lyanna looked solemn again. "I know you were probably expecting to talk to Robb or Ned. But if you want to talk to people who are in these dreams and special situations, their bones must be at Winterfell."

"There will always be a Stark at Winterfell," Jon said sadly.

"Yes, there must be. But the more important reason was because I wanted to meet my son. I have wanted to meet you for a long time."

If Jon had a beating heart in this cellar, it would stop. If his mother was Lyanna, the only person who could be his father was...

'You know nothing, Jon Snow,' Ygritte's voice returned.

"I'm sorry to be honest, Jon."

"Why didn't he tell me? Why would he lie?" Jon asked, hoping it didn't come off as childish.

Lyanna smiled sadly. "Because you are also Rhaegar's child. Whether it was extramarital or not, it was a great threat to Robert in everyone's eyes. Someone will demand your head, or worse, send an assassin. You will be used as a tool for the loyal Targaryen faction. Ned knew this and could not afford to lose his blood to anyone else. He will always be your father. I'm just happy to see you."

Jon should be angry that it was revealed that the constant in his life was taken away from him. He was not Ned Stark's son, at least not by birth. But he felt a little calm. Jon got a straightforward answer for once. His shoulders seemed to relax for once.

"What about my father? How did you guys meet? As far as I know, Rhaegar is a married man," Jon asked in uncertainty. He had heard the rumors. Some say they ran away together. Some say the prince was a kidnapper and rapist.

Lyanna's sad smile remained. "Rhaegar Targaryen is a very handsome and charming man. They also sing so well that it brings tears to their eyes. He also expressed his liking for who I am. He used them to approach me. Taking the opportunity that my dissatisfaction with my engagement with Robert entered my heart, all in order to fulfill the prophecy he believed in."

"A prophecy?" Jon asked.

"Rhaegar believes that our ancient enemy will return and that the only person who can stop it will be the prince that was promised, who was born under smoke and salt, which he thought himself to be that prince. But then he thought it must be his three children. It changed again when he heard the song of ice and fire. That's when he looked at me. If fire were the embodiment of a Targaryen, the ice must be stark," Lyanna explained with a blush on her face.

"That's crazy," Jon muttered, a man dragging a kingdom into war because of a prophecy. Even if it's true, he didn't believe that the single prince that was promised would be that important.

There was a moment of silence between the two in the basement. Which was unusually calm for Jon. He rarely gets that in life.

Jon decides to hug his mother. Receiving the warmth of his birth mother, something he had never experienced before. before pushing himself out with a determined expression on his face.

Lyanna finished with a small smile. "That's right, kid. I believe it is time for you to return."

Lyanna held out her hand. "No matter who your father is or what your birth was like, you are my son and Ned. Stark of Winterfell. Go to be the King of Winter. Reclaim our home position. I am waiting for your victory to come."

Jon grabbed it tightly and said, "I will... and thank you, Mother."

Lyanna's smile grew. "my pleasure! Go give them hell! Winter is coming."




"Winter is coming."

Those were Jon's first words when he opened his eyes. The ghost welcomed its master back to this world with a howl.

And the fire that was burning the dead body was extinguished.