
The King of Titan's Guard

The Prince is on a journey to learn about his people. His loyal guard has decided to join him.

Cal_Writes · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Character Introductions For Characters that are Important Appearing in Chapter One

Name: Star Bach {Redacted}

Gender/Sex: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Race: Human?

Age: Undisclosed

Height: 5ft 8in

Weight: 190lbs

Bio: Star Bach is the guard of the prince. He has graduated from a special school for dragonborn sorcerers. It has been a few years since his graduation, after which he was employed to be the prince's guard. He is also trained how to weild weapons, and in proper armor techniques. He has a pet pseudo-dragon, named Tessalon.

Name: Tessalon

Sex: Male

Race: Pseudo-Dragon


Height: 1ft

Weight: 7lbs

Bio: Tessalon is Star Bach's familiar, who was given to him at a young age. He is a mischievous little scamp. He has always had Star Bach's back. The little dragon is fond of his keeper, and thoroughly enjoys spending time with him. Lately when Star Bach doesn't have time to be with him, he will go see the young princess.

Name: Egon Storm

Gender/Sex: Male

Orientation: Unknown

Race: Human

Age: 16

Height: 5ft 5in

Weight: 160lbs

Bio: Egon Storm is the Prince of the Kingdom of Titan. He knows the way of the sword, and has gotten himself out of many a pickle. Since Star Bach has become his guard he has been getting into fewer fights, though his anger never seemes to die down. He is on path to be king, since his father passed away shortly before his 13th birthday. He is still unsure if this is the right role for him.

Name: Ina Storm

Gender/Sex: Female

Orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Age: Undisclosed

Height: 5ft 7in

Weight: Undisclosed

Bio: Ina Storm is the reigning queen, still draped in sorrow from her husband's passing when she took over. She is now in full preparations to make her son ready for the throne. Her main concern is the curse on the crown, to which she lost her first child.

Name: Lucia Storm

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 6

Bio: The young princess, Lucia Storm, is prehaps the most saddened about her brother leaving. She loves to play, especially when given the chance to play with Tessalon while Star Bach is too busy. With the three of them leaving, she will have no one to play with.

Name: Rangal

Gender: Nonbinary

Race: Tabaxi

Height: 4ft 1in

Bio: Rangal is a Rouge, known for their cunning wits, and quick paws. They may seem soft and cuddly but they are an angsty ball of fluff. Not getting enough food caused them to stay smaller then the rest of their race, but they use that to their advantage.

Name: Galud

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Height: 4ft 5in

Bio: Galud has seen wetter days, as his adoptive family is more suited to sail then him. He is still drawn to adventure just not at sea. He does well swinging his hammer and squashing monsters into paste. This gruff and tumble dwarf has a hard time growing a beard.

Name: Peony

Gender: Female

Race: Half-elf

Height: 5ft 6in

Bio: Peony comes from a long line of archers on her elven mother's side, she doesn't know much about her father other then he is human. She is great with a bow and has a wolf companion.

Name: Lerux

Gender: Male

Race: Teifling

Height: 5ft 4in

Bio: Lerux is quite often known as a flirt. He enjoys music and having a good time. He went to one of the few Bard schools in the Kingdom. He has a talent for making even the fiercest of enemies swoon over him.

Name: Bunny

Gender: Nonbinary

Race: Firbolg

Height: 7ft

Bio: Bunny might be the tallest of the group but they give off the impression that they wouldn't hurt a fly. They have a nack for healing, and are always happy to help. They often find themselves covered in blood, weither fresh or dried. Their white fur tends to be a bit tainted red.

Name: Sean

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5ft 9in

Bio: Sean maybe human, but he is one hell of a fighter, he does pretty well in the boxing ring, as well as against monsters. He often finds himself hurt after a fight, but it seems like a nights rest tends to heal him up pretty well. He is always trying to protect his younger half sister Rain.

Name: Rain

Gender: Female

Race: Half orc

Height: 5ft 11in

Bio: Rain was once very lonely, as she had lost her mother at the age of 6. It took her father a year to find her, and by the time she had met her older half brother she was 7 and was starting to be taller then the 9 year old human. over the years she started longing about protecting the half brother who protected her alot as she grew up.

There are many other characters who will join this story, they will get their introduction when you meet them.

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