
The King of Titan's Guard

The Prince is on a journey to learn about his people. His loyal guard has decided to join him.

Cal_Writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2: A Lunch Event

He hurries back inside, ready to eat lunch with the prince in his room. He arrives in the prince's room, and he pauses to knock, "Your Maj-," He catches himself, "I mean Egon, are you ready for lunch?" He waits a moment outside the door, waiting for a response. The sound on a slight chuckle sounds from the other side of the door, it seems that the prince is distracted by something. Star Bach carefully opens the door, and peers in.

He spots the prince at his desk, appearing like he is studying. The chuckle sounds again, and Tessalon's tail shows itself by the prince's elbow. He tries to quietly enter the room, so he could sneak up on the pair. He starts tiptoeing closer, fully focused on being stealthy. He is about a foot away when he shouts, "So you would rather play, then eat?"

Star Bach watches the prince tense up, "I didn't know you came in." The prince turns around. The pseudo-dragon moves from the desk to Star Bach's head. The claws of the dragon prick his scalp, not drawing blood. Tessalon seems to purr. "Is it already lunch time," the prince asks, as he stands, stretching.

Star Bach nods, "I'll have it brought up." He writes a note with their orders and uses the small pouch on Tessalon's back. "Go to the kitchen, to Glenda," Star Bach tells the small dragon. He watches as the dragon leaves the room. He turns back to Egon, "Have you planned our first stop?" He sees the map laid out on the desk, over Egon's shoulder.

"Yeah I was thinking about either Arden's Fallow, or Grog's Rage," Egon says.

A knock on the door interrupts the conversation, "Your Majesty, Star Bach, I have your lunches. I also brought Tessalon back, he was begging the cook for meat again." Star Bach opens the door to reveal Glenda. The halfling woman had worked in the kitchen as long as Star Bach had been a guard for the prince. She carries in two trays, both covered in dome lids, Tessalon yips from on her head, seemingly still hungry for more. She place the trays on the small table, "Let me know if anything is wrong." She pulls out a few scraps of raw meat and puts them down for Tessalon, "You be good, boy." She leaves the room, leaving the boys to eat.

They eat in silence, the food too good to stop eating and speak. After Star Bach finishes his pumpkin chilli, he looks to Egon to see if he is done with his lamb and bacon pasta, and watches as the prince takes the last bite. Star Bach smiles, as he pulls a box from his bag. He opens it to reveal Egon's favorite dessert, peach and hazelnut cake. "Consider this part of your birthday present from me," he says as he places a piece in front of the prince. Egon's eyes light up as he takes the first bite.

After they finish the cake, they start working on their plan for their journey. They work hard the next day as well. The decide that Arden's Fallow should be their first stop, then pick a few smaller towns out as well.