
The King of the (True) Monsters

In history monsters are everywhere, so why not meet the first true monster! he has died over and over yet he survived is it due to his love for HER, is it his duty, OR. . . IS IT... DETERMINATION - Gaster Chief Avisor and General of the former and current ruler of the true monsters

Wolf_Gang_1399 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Part 1: The Beginning

Chapter 1

Dark, what is dark. . . what am I. . .

Light . . . noise. . . shapes . . . emotions


"Wake up!" his father screamed. "OK!" the boy yelled back, as he got out of bed anyone could tell that something was wrong with this boy, ragged, skinny, and always looking at everything with hatred in his eyes, yet little did anyone know that one day this hateful 'boy' would experience love, loss, tragedy, betrayal, and death, for this would be a dark future that non could see coming.

Oh sorry I was just remembering something, if you want I can keep telling you the story. . .

Oh course you Majesty, I will tell the epic tale of your predecessor the first True Monster King! Oh how I miss him. . .

Yes we were very close, in fact I used to be his most trusted advisor and general. Oh those where the days. . .

Oh yes sorry now back to the story, and I advise that you pay attention as well.

Who am I talking to? no one you need to worry about your majesty.

Now we begin our story in the Sol system on earth in the 12th dimensional plane on and earth filled with very advanced technology, with booming colonies on the moon, Mars and Venus, and with these colonies came the discovery of powers and crude forms of magic. fast forward to when the Boy starts his first day at a very advanced tech and magic academy, now the only reason he was here in the first place was because his father was an Important noble, so naturally he hated everything and everyone there. little did he know the people he would soon meet would Change how he viewed the world and how one girl would change his life for the better and the worse