
The King Of Monsters (Kaiju No. 8 × Marvel)

Going back home to crack a couple of cold ones, the last thing on Tatsuya's To-Do list was an unscheduled trip to another world filled with caped idiots via kisses courtesy of a kitchen knife. But now that he's here, he might as well make the most of his new reality—especially with the ability to turn into a freaking Kaiju. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Alternative Title: - Kaiju No. 0 - Godzilla No. 8 - I was Isekaied to a world of heroes and villains as a Kaiju; So I decided to become the strongest and get myself a big titty harem. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ※ Note! • Alternate/Multiple Universe(s) ※ Disclaimer! I do not own the Marvelverse, the Monsterverse, the KaijuNo8verse, or any of its characters. I just own my own elements and my OC(s). ※ Warning! • The story contains mature themes. (Descriptive Violence, Cursing, SmutMaybe, etc.) • This is a harem, power fantasy fanfic. Please do not complain regarding such as you have been warned. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ You must be tired traveler... Good work today. You can rest here now. In the meantime, I will tell you a story... _CINDER_

_CINDER_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Tracing Back

Volume 1 | Renewed

Arc 1 | The Man, The Monster

Chapter 2 | Tracing Back


~Burn me to the ground! Burn me to the ground-~

The blaring music was abruptly cut off as a truck with no license plate sped towards an abandoned building and speared through it causing the building to go up in flames as an-


-explosion rocked the neglected neighborhood, sending the birds in the sky and the few humans still habiting the rundown hood into a confused frenzy.

It was just 6:30 in the morning after all!

And a Monday morning too!

It was too early for most people to deal with anything...

Let alone a freaking explosion!

Perched nicely, from a distance, on a nice bike in the shadows of an alley, wearing a mask was Tatsuya as he watched people rush out of their homes in panic and morbid curiosity with their phones out trying to piece together just what the fuck happened.

But that was their concern, not his.

"Not anymore."

So, not wanting to be caught by any cameras or any wandering eye, Tatsuya turned around and sped away on his 'borrowed' bike.

After constantly switching lanes and avoiding any cameras he skillfully ditched the ride in a busy street with the keys in it knowing someone sooner or later would give into the temptation of lifting it.

Having wiped his hands clean off of any evidence that could be linked to him in the maze of a city that is New York, Tatsuya sneakily lifted a pair of dark clothes from an H&M store before bailing out of the 8th-floor bathroom window.

Landing on the rooftop of a nearby building, Tatsuya changed into his new fit as he burned down his previous one before bolting towards the direction of his destination.

While all these precautions would seem edged towards unhealthy paranoia or even schizophrenia to a normal Joe, Tatsuya knew the gravity of the situation and the world he was in now. With organizations like SHIELD, HYDRA, Illuminati, Black Widows a.k.a Red Room Project, etc monitoring every piece of information related to all and any sort of anomaly.

"And I'm not too keen on standing out or letting any of these organizations know about my 'peculiar' and certainly, totally ordinary and not at all interesting existence/biology. Haha~ Lest I become an involuntary slave-cum-test-subject." Tatsuya muttered to himself as he vaulted over a parapet and softly landed in the hedge near the entrance of a gated community. "Cause that wouldn't be much fun I suppose. So, nah. Gotta play it low-low of now."

At least until he knew exactly what he was capable of and if he could or could not risk or handle any one or all of these organizations if they were to come after his Kaiju spiked ass.

So ducking below the deck for a while didn't seem like a daunting task, for now. He was sure he would soon get bored of this shtick, he always did, but he was confident by the time he got bored of laying low, he would have fully adapted to his new biology.

"Then... The real fun begins." Tatsuya muttered to himself as he looked up and approached the gates as security approached him, telling him to identify himself. "But for now... The funny stuff."

"I will say this once sir, quit muttering to yourself and identify yourself or I WILL taze your ass to the ground." The guard warned as he approached Tatsuya hands on his hip ready to retrieve his tazer. The guard tensed as Tatsuya raised his hands in a disarming manner. "Good, if you have any business then state it or I will have to ask you to leave sir-"

"Ah, there is no need for tazing my pristine fair ass Davis. That right only belongs to a hot big titty officer and you aren't any of it Alphonso." Tatsuya chirped merrily as the guard's eyes widened in recognition. "Yo... It's been a um... How long has it been since you last checked me out, Davies?"

"T-Tatsuya-*ahem!* Two weeks Mr Sakura! Sir! I was told you had left for Japan-"

"Relax Phonsie, I'm not your sergeant." Tatsuya chuckled to himself in a dry tone as he slowly pulled down his face mask, not removing the hoodie as Alphonso's eyes widened in shock. "As you can see... My trip... Didn't go as planned."

"Oh my god! Sir, do you want me to call-"

"Nuh-uh, don't. Any of that. I'm just here to take care of a few things and then I'm gonna dip out. So, if you can, please keep this... All of this to yourself. I can even pay for the tongue tie if you want, so?"

"I... I understand sir. No, need to pay for my silence. I'm not like that." Alphonso said with a stern face as Tatsuya smiled to himself pulling his face mask up again. Walking past Alphonso patting the man on the back, and then towards the gate door, he whistled nonchalantly.

"I know you well, Davis. Anyways, open sesame for me will ya?"

"I have... An unscheduled meeting with mother dearest." Tatsuya muttered sarcastically as the guard tensed before opening the gate for Tatsuya who looked at Davis with a curious gaze. "You aren't gonna pat me down, soldier?"

"No sir, I know you wouldn't do any dumb shit." Alphonso said with a straight face as Tatsuya looked back for a moment before bursting into laughter as he walked away and towards a certain mansion.

"Haahha~ Oh Phonsie... I wouldn't be so sure about that." Tatsuya exhaled happily as he waved at the man without looking back, as his eyes gleamed under the shadow cast by the hoodie.


Anneliese Matilda Bülow-Essen was a princess without a doubt. Born to two of Germany's oldest and wealthiest houses, House Bülow and House Essen she was undisputedly an old-money princess. And she made sure to act as such.

Putting on a formal white striped blue shirt, and a brown leather belt over checkered wide-leg pants that hugged her shapey physique, she put on a pair of shades to match the rest of her outfit, she spared herself a 'final' look for the 87th time before she hummed in satisfaction. Everything was on point, and perfect. Her dress, jewelry, makeup, and even her inefficient handbag, were just the way she liked it.

Carefully collecting her books she closed the door to her snazzy room behind her and descended the stairs in an overly elegant and graceful manner, as if a diva, humming a mellow tune that mirrored her mood.

How could she not? Her life was back to perfect. Just as it was before the eyesore of the Japanese mangy mutt showed up on their doorstep one day.

She had been livid, there was no way her precious papa would betray their family. Not again? Right?

There's no way she would ever acknowledge him. He was just a mistake. A mistake her father refused to erase, and instead tried to rectify, but he was a mistake nonetheless. She would never acknowledge him, no matter the blood they shared.

But now, look at her life. It was perfect!

Although... A strange weight had settled on her heart for the past two weeks, Anneliese was sure nothing a girls' night out to the Hellfire club wouldn't fix.

"Looks like he's really gone..." Anneliese muttered to herself before shaking her head. Flicking her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder, her blue eyes gleamed in a strange light as she moved towards the dining room to greet her mama dearest. "I wonder what's for breakfast-"

The words died in Anneliese's throat as she heard a familiar soft voice that she thought she would never hear again. But she heard it and she felt that... There was something strange about it this time... This Vlvoice felt different than before.

"Who's really gone Annene?" Tatsuya asked out loud as Anneliese stopped dead in her tracks. Slowly she turned around as Tatsuya smirked behind his face mask. "What? Aren't you gonna greet me? A hug would be preferable I'll say that."


"What? Don't tell me you didn't miss your favorite lovely bastard-older-half brother?" Tatsuya said as he half-assedly raised his hands for a hug before quickly pocketing them before Anneliese could answer. "Nice 'fit by the way."

Anneliese stared at Tatsuya for a brief moment before she scoffed, looking away as she folded her arms in annoyance.

"As if... Two weeks isn't enough time to miss somebody. Also, you are the last person I'd miss let alone hug, you creep." Anneliese replied sharply as Tatsuya deflated in mock hurt. "Also, as much as I detest it, you are my only bastard-older-half-bother. So, quit being so dramatic. It's annoying."

"Wow. Is this the greeting I get?" Tatsuya muttered as he nursed his bruised heart over his chest in a mocking manner as Anneliese glared at him. "Also, knowing our father. You shouldn't be so sure about that lest you find out that there are a dozen more half-brothers just like me~"

"The only thing you should be getting is a free ticket to jail with what you are wearing. You look like a home invader." Anneliese said haughtily, as she pointed an accusing finger towards Tatsuya. "And don't you dare talk about Papa like that! My papa was a decent-"

"Yeah, yeah. It's not like he was a philanderer at all, right? It's not like the proof of his tomfuckery is in front of you, right? Nope, Manuel Boyd Essen was a God-fearing man loyal to his wife. His dick certainly wasn't hopping any other vagina except for your mums, right?... Pffff-Yeah, riggghhhttt." Tatsuya drawled out hammering his insult without an ounce of mercy as Anneliese's face contorted in shock and hurt. Moving past the still-frozen Anneliese, he patted her head in a patronizing manner before making a beeline towards the dining room. Grabbing the doorknob, he paused as he looked over his shoulder. "Also... What do you mean I look like a home invader?"

"H-Huh?-" Anneliese stuttered, shaking off the shock as she turned to face Tatsuya who stared at her with an empty gaze.

"I am a home invader." Tatsuya retorted as he pushed the door wide open startling the people inside the dining room. Stretching his neck, he stepped inside without a shred of shame. "I AM invading your home right now."


Katrin Frieda Bülow-Essen was a lot like her daughter. Or one could appropriately say that Anneliese should be thanking Katrin for her good looks down to her. They were so alike that they could be mistaken for sisters if not for the fact that Katrin was visibly much older and had a lot fuller figure like a ripe fruit compared to Anneliese who was still a budding flower.

So, when she spotted Tatsuya who had abruptly entered the dining room dressed up like he was gang-affiliated, her face matched her daughters who had the same dumbfounded look when she saw Tatsuya as well.

However, unlike Anneliese, Katrin quickly reeled her emotions in hiding the chaos behind the wall of an excellent poker face. Tatsuya narrowed his eyes as he hummed, impressed by her ability.

"Good morning, mother dearest. How are you feeling? Not too great I hope." Tatsuya smiled behind the mask as he took a seat across the long classy dining table.

"Thank you for being such a well-wisher, sweetie." Katrin smiled, blinking as she replied dryly as Tatsuya waved it off. Katrin stared at Tatsuya and noticed his unbothered body language which was rather unusual and uncharacteristic of the timid, earnest, and curious Tatsuya she knew which made her question if this was a poser but her gut told her that he was the real Tatsuya. But there was no denying the air around him was vastly different. Eating a slice of her bread she stared at Tatsuya as she pointed her fork towards Tatsuya. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Japan?"

"Hmmm, I was?" Tatsuya asked out loud as Anneliese entered the room and started back and forth between the estranged stepmother and son. Leaning back into the chair, Tatsuya pulled down his hood and the face mask as Anneliese gasped in shock while Katrin didn't even flinch which made Tatsuya grin even more. "Well, as you can see. Shit happened and I missed my flight."

"O-Oh my god... What happened to you?!" Anneliese covered her mouth as she saw all the bruises and cuts on Tatsuya's face. "What-Who did this?!"

"Hmmm... Let me think. Ummm... Well, no clue. I don't have much memories about it. I just know someone really hit me hard and they succeeded to a certain degree. Well, partially." Tatsuya answered in an offhanded manner as he kept his gaze on Katrin. "Someone tried to kill me, mother."

"..." Katrin remained passive as Tatsuya smiled lovingly.

"But as you can see... They failed! And I survived~" Tatsuya said as he did a 'ta-dah!' gesture.

"That's fortunate. It's good to see that-"

"Is it...?" Tatsuya cut Katrin off with a deadpan stare who just stared back with an empty stare. "Also... Don't you mean unfortunate?"


"Who would do this to you?! Do you have any idea?!" Anneliese asked as Tatsuya smiled at the textbook Tsundere before he redirected his smile towards Katrin.

"I didn't know for sure but now... I certainly have my clues." Tatsuya chuckled as Katrin bristled ever so slightly straightening her posture.

"I have no clue what you are talking-" Katrin began as Tatsuya swiftly cut her off.

"I'm sure you don't. But like I said... I do." Tatsuya stated, staring at Katrin without a hint of fear in his eyes as Katrin stared back, shrinking a bit only when she saw how Anneliese was staring at him with wide eyes.

"What's going on mama?" Anneliese asked as Katrin raised her hand to interject but Tatsuya was quick.

"Yo, Mr Arnold!" Tatsuya called out to the head butler who was standing in the corner of the room, trying to blend in with his surroundings quite ineffectively at that too. The butler stuttered as he tried to compose himself.

"Y-Y-Yes, young m-master! What can I do-"

"C-C-Can you get me some b-breakfast?" Tatsuya asked imitating the butler as the man winced. "I'm quite hungry you see. Haven't had a decent bite in two weeks so a proper breakfast would be... Appreciated."

"Yes! Master!" The butler bowed deeply as he tried to scurry off quickly but Tatsuya just smiled to himself as he rested his chin in the palm of his hands which was resting on the table.

"Also... If you can perhaps, then try not to drug my breakfast this time." Tatsuya said in a lax manner as the whole room tensed while the butler began shaking, his bladder became shaky as well as he tried not to pee in his pants. "That... Would be more appreciated."

"C-C-Certainly master!" The butler almost shrieked as he bolted towards the kitchen.

"Mama... Please tell me this is a joke." Anneliese pleaded realizing just what Tatsuya meant as Katrin just glared at Tatsuya as if he was the one who had stepped in her tail.

"Anneliese, I won't say this again. Stay out of this." Katrin said as she straightened herself. "And you... What do you want?"

"Well, I want a lot of things. Cars, houses, bitches but from you dearest mom... From you... Hmm. How does the truth sound? Justice?... Hmm, how about revenge? Hmmm? What about a pay-fucking-back? But I reckon that it would certainly be a steep price to pay even for someone such as you. So let me this deal to you." Tatsuya smirked as he waved off the butler who brought him a full breakfast. "My forgiveness could be bought. For a price of course."

"You son of-"

"You certainly wouldn't like it if the world began to question and suspect just why or who would attack the heir candidate to BEM, right?"



*Sigh* State what you need?"

"See! That's the spirit! Hahaha-" Tatsuya laughed before he stopped abruptly. "Since you want me gone so badly that you are willing to put a hit out on me, why don't I make this easier for you? For a price and a few compensation, I would go away forever. My lips lock and all."

"How much... How do you want?."

"9.2 Million dollars."

"...Are you insane?" Katrin asked her eyebrows nearly touching the roof of her visage in surprise at the sheer audacity Tatsuya was displaying.

"Oh... I don't know." Tatsuya smiled gingerly touching the cut he made on his lip by punching his own face in to look convincing. "How about... 9.8 Million dollars then? Fair no?"

"You HAVE gone insane." Katrin answered her own as she elegantly wiped her lips with a tissue before tossing it onto the empty plate as she looked at Tatsuya with a cold stare.

"Maybe so... 10 Million." Tatsuya's expression never changed as the head butler placed a plate of breakfast in front of him and scurried away quickly like the sweat-drenched rat he was.

"Fuck you. You aren't going to get a single penny from me." Katrin stated with a tone of finality as Anneliese tried to butt in but a stern gaze from her mother shut her up real quick while Tatsuya's relaxed expression never changed even as he took a bite of his plate. "Why would I pay you to keep your mouth shut risking you would sell me out either way when I can pay the same amount again to some other guy to buy your silence, forcefully?"

"Because you have already failed once and you'd be risking the second time anyway. And I assure you, I'll hand you a guaranteed failure across your stupid fucking face no matter who you send after me. Bitch... I always survive." Tatsuya muttered, the venom in his voice lethal even though he maintained his innocent soft smile. "Better risk this, or that? That's the question isn't it?"

"You bastard! How dare you-*Fuuuuu*" Katrin wasn't willing to back down. Her pride would never allow her. Taking a breath to calm her grating nerves she pointed Tatsuya towards the door. "There is nothing here to discuss. Now get lost!"

"It would appear so." Tatsuya said taking a last bite out as he dropped the form and wiped his hands across the pristine table. Retrieving a cigarette from his pocket he lit it up before placing it between his lips as he flashed Katrin a sly smile. "Well... I'm gonna get my money one way or the other. Now, if you will excuse me. I have an exclusive interview scheduled in... An hour with Miss Brant."

Katrin narrowed her eyes as Tatsuya blew out a smoke ring towards her and made a gun gesture towards her as if he had set her in his crosshair. Smirking Tatsuya got up and winked at the mother-daughter duo, skillfully ignoring the former's death glare as he slowly, yet confidently made his way out of the dining room.

Katrin gritted her teeth at the implications of what Tatsuya had said about visiting Betty Brant. She had no doubt he was going to cough it out about his assault and kidnapping and if it got out she would be in deep shit with the board who are already in heavy favour of Tatsuya. She absolutely could not let that happen. Clenching her fist, she slammed her hands on the table as she stood up.

"You are not going anywhere!" Katrin shrieked in rage, pointing at Tatsuya as she glared hatefully towards Tatsuya who just looked over his shoulder with an amused glare. "I won't allow you to ruin everything that I've worked for all of my fucking life you worthless piece of shit! I will make your life-"

"Oh? And how do you plan to do that? Matter of fact... Just how are you going to stop me..." Tatsuya hummed unimpressed as he turned around and retrieved a Glock 19 from his hoodie before nonchalantly pointing it toward the mother-daughter pair shocking them to their core. "...Bitch?"


"A-Anneliese get behind me! Have you gone mad?!" Katrin shrieked in panic, hiding her terrified daughter behind her as her eyes frantically darted across the room trying to find a way out of this situation. She wished her servants could do something, but all of them were frozen in fear while Tatsuya simply blinked and tilted his head in confusion at the obvious question. "W-Where the hell did you even get that from?!"

"Well, this..." Tatsuya looked at the gun admiring it before aiming it again towards her as he gave her a lopsided grin. "That's a stupid question, isn't it? After all..."

"Koko wa kuso Amerikada!"

"You... You win. I will give you whatever you want just don't hurt us. I'll transfer the money right now! Whole 10 Million-"

"20 Million." Tatsuya interjected as Katrin jittered her head, eyes wide in disbelief.

"You said-"

"It was a limited-time deal. Sadly... You are very much out of time, dear Mama." Tatsuya stated as he slowly walked towards the pair and then settled himself on top of the table right in front of them, not letting the muzzle of the gun stray from them. "So... What's it going to be?"

"A-Aright... I'll transfer it into your account-"

"Nuh-uh. I've already cleared it out, emptied it, and closed it down." Tatsuya said, retrieving his phone and entering in a few digits. Navigating the menu to access what he needed, he set the phone in front of Katrin before gesturing towards the phone with the gun. "This one... Transfer the money to this one."

"I need my laptop-"

"Surely you don't think I'm stupid, right?" Tatsuya deadpanned as Katrin shivered involuntarily. "Cause if you do, then I'm afraid there is a high chance you'll find yourself with a piece of lead in your head."

"..." This time Katrin wisely kept her face shut as she shakily picked up Tatsuya's phone and started the money transfer process while Tatsuya stared at her and Anneliese hiding behind Katrin with a wide grin.

"Also, I'll be 'borrowing' dear Papa's favorite ride. I know you wouldn't mind much, right?" It was more of a statement than a question or request and Katrin couldn't do much except nod while suppressing a sob of despair. "Awww, don't be like that. This is just pure business. I'm paying you back for the service you've done to me. Nothing personal."


"Okay, that's a lie of course 'cause I fucking hate your guts but it's not like I give a fuck, no?" Tatsuya laughed it off as he heard the ever-pleasant sound of a ding that indicated the money had been transferred. Tatsuya gleefully snatched the phone from Katrina's hand as he sighed dreamily staring at the number of zeros that followed the number '2' in his offshore bank account.

"Ah, wonderful~ Thanks a lot for this pocket money, Mom. I love you! You are the best!"

"..." Katrin glared at Tatsuya through teary-rageful eyes as she grit her teeth, her nails almost digging into her skin. "Y-You better keep your word, you bastard!"

"Of course, I will. I'm not Mrs Bülow-Essen after all." Tatsuya retorted as he pocketed his phone and patted Katrin's cheek with the gun as if he were petting a dog. Staring into Katrin's rage-red eyes Tatsuya maintained the small smile before his eyes wandered below towards her chest. Katrin bristled indignantly but before she could shriek like a banshee yet again Tatsuya moved her hands towards her chest. "That's a nice necklace. I'll be taking that as well."

Katrin shrieked backward covering her bosom but Tatsuya just smirked as he looked down, admiring the diamond-flooded necklace in his palms.

Sparing Katrin a last look, he bowed down deeply like a Japanese salesman before looking up with a polite smile.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." Tatsuya said as he straightened himself. "I hope I don't ever have to do this to you ever again. So, for your sake. Stay out of my fucking way."


"Good. This is goodbye then. Katrin, Anneliese. Pass by greetings to your bitch of a sister and her bitch of a husband as well." Just as Tatsuya turned to leave Katrin opened her mouth.

"How... Do you think you can just walk away after what you did to me?! This humiliation! I will remember this-"

"You better." Tatsuya interjected. "Considering this mercy, when you deserve far so much worse for what YOU did to ME."


"Don't blame me. Blame whoever you sent to take care of me, considering I survived and it ain't my fault that I did." Tatsuya said as started walking away. "Frankly, I should be emptying this whole magazine in that pretty skull of yours but what can I say... Leaving little Anne without a mother would be a shame."

"Tatsuya..." Anneliese muttered tears in her eyes as Tatsuya looked over his shoulder for a last time, flashing her a small smile.

Stepping out of the house and towards the garage, Tatsuya deeply breathed in the morning air for the 27th time as he pondered over just what he had done.

He was compensated for the disservice that was done to him and most of his questions were answered.

The asked and the unasked, both.

There was more to this than he understood. She wasn't the only one involved. Someone else was too, and it wasn't Anneliese.

She loved him. Although, in a very toxic and questionable manner it was as clear as day that she loved him and while that is a headache in its own right, it meant that she knew nothing about it.

Now, he just has to find out who she has been collaborating with and then he'll have his actual revenge. This daylight robbery/extortion was just the appetizer. Tatsuya was hungry for the main course and soon he would feast.

But for now, there was a beautiful baby in front of him and it would be a crime to not take her out for a drive.

"Ahhh, the Ferrari 335 Sport Scaglietti. A timeless classic." Tatsuya sighed dreamily as the garage door opened up for him and there was the red beauty along with a dozen other cars of similar reputation. But this one was special. This was his father's favourite one and stealing it from the Mrs Bitch-Essen just brought orgasmic joy to Tatsuya's heart. "It's such a shame to late a lady like you be locked behind a cage. Come on baby, let's go on a date."

Hoping in the car, Tatsuya tucked away the necklace he snatched from Katrin as he turned the ignition on. The engine roared into life, indicating that even after all these years the car wasn't neglected.

Stepping on the accelerator Tatsuya guided the lady out of the garage and soon out of the Bülow-Essen estate unaware of the Mother-daughter dua that were staring at his disappearing form with varying degrees of different emotions.


Alternative Titles:

-Family Matters

-Mrs Bitch-Essen and her Tsundere Daughter

-Driving into the sunrise


Author's Post Note Clarity:

Second chapter? Is it any good?

Sorry, it took me a while but this chapter is essentially two chapters merged together. So that's why it took me so long. Anyways, I'm sorry to keep you waiting and I hope that this chapter lives up to your expectations.

If not, let me know how I can meet them.

Also, this is just the beginning arc so there won't be gun-ho action from the get go. I generally like to take it slow and it reflects in my writing style as well as I'm trying to my main character and the world around him before he goes Gojira on it.

Anyways, do you like my writing style? Do you like Tatsuya? Do you have any ideas that would help me and my story? Do let me know. Also, bookmark the chapter and do give me a stones as it would really help this book get discovered and that way I would have a wide feedback.

Anyways, thank you for reading. Take it easy.

And I'll see you punks soon.


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Also, Since I've tagged this book do support me with a thumbs up and help this book get discovered.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Anyways, I hope you have a good day and a peaceful night.


_CINDER_creators' thoughts