
Chapter 4: The True Colors of a Dishonest Merchant

Chapter Three

After depositing the money in the bank, night had already fallen.

Just as he stepped out, he felt nervous when he saw a far-off traffic cop, Li Zhongnan had not yet obtained his driver's license.

Although in County Town vehicles are rarely checked, he occasionally took a drive, hoping not to be made an exception by the police. But now, he was planning on renting a commercial space to open an electronics repair shop. Being apprehended and detained for 15 days wouldn't bode well with his plans.

He thought about it and decided to make a phone call.

Ten minutes later, a fashionable woman rode over on an electric bike.

Li Zhongnan went to meet her and cheerfully said, "Oh, for a moment, I thought a big celebrity has come to Northrealm. How come it's you, Class Leader Han? Haven't seen you for so long, but you've gotten even more beautiful. Is there any room left for the other women?" He wasn't just flattering her, she indeed looked quite different now, more mature, giving off the charm of a young married woman. He couldn't help but sigh, getting married really does change a woman.

The woman was called Han Xue, his middle school classmate. Her father was the principal of Northrealm Middle School. Like father, like daughter, she became a preschool teacher shortly after graduating middle school. She has been working in a kindergarten in County Town for more than a year now and got married.

Back in middle school, they were simply acquaintances.

However, ever since he returned from Yanjing, he'd met her a few times and they got along well. Plus, he had been holed up in the countryside for the past six months, bored and lonely, so he often chatted with his old classmate on WeChat to pass the time.

As adults, their talks were open and candid. Han Xue's husband also is a teacher, but he teaches in Nangang and they can barely see each other once a week...

He left his car in County Town, thinking it might come in handy sometimes. After much thought, among the classmates in County Town, most are studying abroad, only Han Xue is at home, so he has no choice but to trouble her.

"Stop it!"

Han Xue parked her electric bike and confidently said, "No free lunch for you. So spit it out, oh great university student, what do you need my help with?"

"How do you see me, Class Leader Han?" Li Zhongnan joked. "You complained about your salary, right? Said you couldn't afford a car. Here, I'm lending you one for a few days."

Han Xue responders with sarcasm, "Are you kidding me? A car you use for collecting junk, I won't even take it if you give it to me."

Li Zhongnan laughed awkwardly, "Cough, actually, I haven't gotten my driver's license yet. It's inconvenient to drive in County Town, so I plan to keep it at your place for a while."

Han Xue readily agreed, "Fine, there's plenty of space at my place anyway."


Li Zhongnan smiled at her. Then he opened the back door of the car, lifted the electric bike into it, before opening the front passenger door and gesturing her to get in: "After you, Class Leader Han."

Han Xue chuckled, "I'll just drive."

"Alright, since you're the class leader, your word is law." Zhongnan was taken aback. He did not expect her to be considerate of him not having a driving license.

After stowing the van.

To return the favor, Li Zhongnan took her to a mid-scale restaurant for dinner.

At dinner, the two couldn't help reminiscing about their past. They talked till midnight, from school to work, from star gossip to politics, reminiscing the past and looking forward to the future they got lost in their conversation.

Leaving the restaurant.

The night wind was gently blowing through her hair, Han Xue was enjoying the moment and couldn't bear to say, "Zhongnan, I really enjoy spending time with you. I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed and happy."

Li Zhongnan chuckled, "Ah well, it's pretty late. You'd better get home."

Han Xue asked, "And, where would you stay for the night?"

Li Zhongnan shrugged and replied, "Well, somewhere. Perhaps I'll find a hotel."

"Booking a hotel room is a waste of money!"

Han Xue adjusted her hair, looking somewhat amorous, "Well, why don't you come to my place?"

Go to her place, and then do what?

Well, that doesn't need to be spelled out. Looking into her passionate eyes, tho scent of her perfume, and her mature body, Zhongnan had the impulse to nod in agreement.

In the end, his rationality triumphed over temptation, "Are you kidding? Class Leader Han, you have no idea how tempting you are. If I stayed in the same room with you, I probably wouldn't resist…" He warned her indirectly, reminding her that they were old friends and she was married. They must exercise restraint.

"You jerk! Fine then, I'm off! I'll see you tomorrow!" Han Xue hailed a taxi, bent down to get in. Watching her short skirt lifted slightly, Li Zhongnan suddenly felt that refusing her invitation to stay over was…

Absolutely the right decision.

If he had gone, he's certain his virginity would have been history.

The next morning.

Before he could fully wake up, Han Xue already called him, "Li Zhongnan, I found a store space for you. It's near Northrealm Middle School, the location is quite good. And no transfer fee is needed! Want to take a look?"


Li Zhongnan was surprised, last night he only casually mentioned wanting to start an electronics repair shop in County Town, he didn't expect she would remember it and even find a shop space so quickly.

After getting ready, he left the hotel.

Han Xue was already waiting for him on an electric bicycle, he noted her tired face, probably she slept late last night, must have been another sleep-deprived night. On spotting him, she waved excitedly, "Come on, hop in! I'll give you a tour around the County Town, you can enjoy the fresh air here."