
The King of Fire

His deeply masculine voice rang out through the room's acoustics. It sent a shockwave through me at such intensity. My birthmark burned hotter, and hotter, but not enough to warrant a reaction just yet. "I need answers," I eventually spoke up. It didn't come off as confident as I wanted, as I was still a bit shaken up about seeing this man for the first time. "And you couldn't have waited another five minutes?" He challenged me. His tone also seemed intense, but I sensed no malice behind it. "Being that the last memory I have is getting put to sleep by a dragon, after being informed of their despicable sacrificial practices, I feel like getting some answers is high on my priority list," I quipped back. He seemed confused by the last half of what I said. "Listen, Annora, could you please give me five more minutes, and I will be open to provide as much information as I can," he spoke. "Fine. But I am not leaving the room," I chided, walking toward an open seat in front of the desk where this stranger sat. There was an amused twinkle in his eye, but his face did not falter. My hand quickly shot to my chest. It seemed that the closer I got to this man, the hotter the birthmark burned my skinned. I let out a pained hiss as I peeked under the bust of my dress. Sure enough, the dragon mark was glowing again. "The pain will disappear over time. You may take a seat if you can bare the pain, but please give me the five minutes," he looked at me. I couldn't get a complete reading on this guy just yet, but it may have sounded like he felt remorse or guilt for the pain my birthmark was causing me. I accepted the burning sensation, taking the seat that was offered to me, and I got a better view of his handsome face as he focused his attention to the papers on his desk. I began to feel a wave of pleasant electricity between the two of us. The electricity even seemed to calm the pain of my birthmark. I just stared in awe of the man before me. I don't know why I am feeling this way, if he has me bewitched, but I'm secretly enjoying it.

Chiisai_Senpai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2

My sleep that night was a fitful one. The image Merlin had painted of the man suspected to be my parents' murder, kept running through my brain.

'No one that has seen him, has dared to ask him name, so I can only tell you what he looks like. He used to visit the market place in Larcbost on occasion, about a day's walk from here. He must be at least 30 years old, yet looks like a young buck. His youthful appearance gives him the look of perhaps 24?

'He has head of short brown hair, a sturdy looking face, with golden eyes, and a rather tall man. The color of his eyes makes me wonder, if he is a magic user. The gold color is not a natural one. They look strikingly similar to the color of actual molten gold, swirling in a never ending fury. He is an intimidating and silent type, hence why no one has been friendly enough to ask his name. His whole demeanor is a deterant to most. It also makes him stick out like a sore thumb.'

My brain tried to imagine what this man might look like, and that picture stayed conjured in my brain the whole night. My wrath boiled inside me, and toward this image, that might not even be correct. However, at least I have a lead. As soon as Merlin allows it, I shall make a speedy journey to Larcbost for more answers.


The next morning, I struggled to peel my eyes open to greet the rising sun. I was far from rested, and I knew that it meant torture for me today. Master Merlin was never one for excuses. I will begin my training with him back up today, and he was not going to give me a break.

I pushed myself to get up anyways, and get ready for the day ahead. I washed my face, brushed my hair, and threw on a wine red dress over my cream colored under blouse. I laced the bodice of my dress, and went to greet the master.

"Good morning," I spoke up over the sizzling and crackling of breakfast. It had been so long since I had someone else cook. It was a very welcomed break.

"Sit. We must eat quickly and begin your training once more. There seems to be a dragon sighting in the area, so it's now more important than ever, I prepare you for what dangers might be lurking right around the corner," his tone was more serious than his usual one. I could see the tensity in his movements, under his blue wizarding robes.

He quickly slid me a dish full of eggs, fried potatoes, and some cured pork rump. I eargerly began to chow down, after a swift 'thank you,' to the old man. He began eating himself after he finished cooking a plate for himself.

We started our walk out to the field, once we completely ingested our meals. The sun was now fully out from behind the horizon, and shined brightly. It gave me a nice warmth within, keeping me comfortable with the slightly chilly wind that blew.

The meadow's clearing came into view, and I picked up the pace. Anxiety and excitement started to strike my nerves. It made me feel antsy, but I had to keep it under control. If dragons really are behind the attacks, amd if one has been spotted nearby, it's imperative that I learn dragon slaying magic as soon as possible.

"Before we start the new lessons to protect you against dragons, I think it's important that I see what you have been able to accomplish while I was away," he called to me with a sly smile. He was definitely up to something.

"Hit me with your best shot, youngling," he dared, immediately taking a defensive stance. His palm began to glow, and magic aura radiated from him. A devilish smile played on my lips, absolutely ready to school this geezer.

I flung my hooded cape off my body, and speedily bounded at my master. My feet began to glow a blue hue as I used speed enhancing magic.

My foot flew up toward the masters face, but he predicted my movements. He used his glowing palm to put up an invisible barrier, right where my foot was project to land. It stung when my sole collided with his magic, but I wasn't going to lst it stop me. I quickly spun 180 degrees, and tried kicking him with the heel of my opposite foot, but was met with another block. This time, I used the manifestation of a barrier, to launch myself in the air.

While I flew a few feet, I closed my eyes and concentrated. I landed on my feet, the feet I could no longer see. I had successfully turned myself invisible, so I should have the upper hand, right? I tried erasing my breathe, amd slowing my heart rate down, the two most important steps in becoming truly invisible.

Once again, I lunged at Merlin, with my right hand summoning the strength enhancing magic I learned. I do kind of get carried away when I am fighting with master. But, because I can ise healing magic on him, he doesn't get too offended by it at the end of the day.

Without having an idea where I am, Merlin seemed to have put a full body barrier up, because my fist collided with his defense, just as my feet previously had. I shook it off and quickly stepped back. I know how to counteract the protection spell he's using, but it'll take away my element of surprise, and I'll only have a split second window until he's able to rebuild. I meed to be quick with my attacks.

My body went from being invisible, to turning completely blue. I could see master locking eyes with me, finally able to see where I stood. I know he realized then what my power play was.

He tried to dodge, but my feet were still enchanted, making it easy for me to catch up with the old timer. I laid my right hand on his forearm, and felt the magical pulse transfer from my body to his. His palm stopped flowing, and it was my chance to finally get a hit in. My right hand came in fast, and I landed a solid punch to Merlin's ribcage. It forces him to let out a long cough, and I started to feel a bit bad.

He took my guilt and worry for his benefit, and punched me back with the same strength enhancer in my own ribs. It felt like I was going to barf, but only more coughs came out. It left me winded for a few seconds. I stepped back, and bent over with my hands on my knees, to let out the coughing fit I was now in. Master seemed to be doing way more fine than I am. Probably because I am still a novice, and can't use a hundred percent of my power yet.

"You actually got to land a punch on me this time, kiddo. Good job!" He smiled at me, patting my back rather roughly, not helping with the coughing.

"I told you, I've been training," I grinned as I struggled to speak. Merlin chuckled.

"I can see that." His smile lasted for a few more seconds, until his expression returned to seriousness.

"Now, it is time I teach you some dragon slaying magic."