
Shishou's Favorite

The Grail War Arc is ending this week on the Tier 2 Patréon, If you wish to read it early then check out my Patréon on


enjoy the Chapter !


Ryo Looked At Lancer, and Then summoned his own Spear, It was a Golden Spear that used the same Weapon Creation magic that Ryo uses in his Wrath form, However this spear wasn't as fragile as the swords, this was a spear that Ryo made with a large amount of magical energy, it's a spear, that even though it was a normal magical weapon at the start, it became a True weapon when it was used repeatedly when he was training with his Shishou

The spear was Ryo's Pride, as his first Original Weapon Type noble Phantasm, and although it does not actually count as one, Ryo convinced himself otherwise and called it

{Golden Longinus}

The weapon had no relation to the real Longinus, who Ryo himself doesn't even know him, he only called it that because Merlin Suggested it, saying that the name of {The King's Golden God Slaying Spear} was a "Bad" name, which Ryo Disagreed with but he was helpless when everyone else said the same

Before the Battle started Ryo sent a mental message to Rin,

Ryo "Rin do the thing I told you about earlier"

Rin "Roger that, Activating"

Ryo "Can you defeat him, Rin"

Rin "he participated in this Holy grail war knowing that I will do so too, so I won't hesitate to Beat him up"

Ryo "Then Go Rin, take down Kirei Kotomine"

From Vimana, a White small Ship flew down, it looked like a smaller version of Vimana and inside of it was Rin

The Ship Started Shooting Blue magical beams from its gun like compartment and attacked Kirei

Ryo [Now that I got your master distracted, Shall we?]

Without Answer Ryo, Lancer launched himself at Ryo, Attempting to penetrate Ryo's Body multiple times, Lancer kept attacking, Ryo using His spear kept deflection them but Lancer was faster than he expected, usually Ryo is dependent on the magical energy on the air to predict the trajectory of the spear's tip, but due to him shutting down that ability, he felt as if he was fighting Shishou all over again, this time though it was serious, Ryo backed down a bit and looked at the multiple scratches that Lancer inflicted on him, his clothes were a tattered mess

Lancer [Ohya ! I thought you were some sort of a Demon? But you seem too weak! Maybe you should stick to magic, as you are now, Scáthach would never teach you unless she took pity on you ?]

Hearing Lancer's taunts, Ryo smiled and decided to go on the offence

Ryo launched the spear at lancer who easily deflected it, but that was a part of Ryo's Plan, as for the second that Lancer was distracted Ryo Punched him in the guts, making sure to be as fast as possible Ryo grabbed the spear and ran towards Lancer that was flying thru the Air, and tried to Stab him in the Heart using the spear, Lancer managed to dodge while in the air, and only got stabbed in the shoulder barely avoiding death

Lancer than got up and said

Lancer [I Guess, you made me eat my words, Kouhai, Let's get serious, Shall we?]

Lancer finaly admitted that perhaps Ryo was truly his Kouhai, so he decided to get serious as his eyes shot up and his Aura turned Red as he released his murderous intent

Artoria went on the attack, and tried to strike Caster that was flying in the sky, but she was interrupted by Caster's Master who although was Human had the power to block Artoria's strike by placing Excalibur between his leg and his hand, but Artoria being stronger than normal, drew her sword and turned around to kick him away

Caster [Souichirou!]

Artoria [You're very strong for a mage of this age, Enhancement magic was it? pretty peculiar magic that grants someone the power to even equal a Heroic spirit!]

Souichirou got up and looked at caster and nodded, obviously they agreed to team up to beat Artoria

As soon as he did that, Caster floated in the Air as Numerous Magical Circles floated behind her and stated to shot magical beams, While Souichirou attacked Artoria herself

Artoria looked around her, and then she griped her sword hilt and attacked, she was met but Souichirou' nimble movements and the barrage of Caster's spells, making sure to avoid the spells Artoria attacked Souichirou but he dodged to the left however as she planed he was met by Artoria's left leg kicking him away, due to her fights with Ryo, and the way he used all of his body to attack, Artoria started doing the same, while Souichirou was struggling to get up Artoria looked at caster, and Swinged her sword towards her, a large Golden Beam flew directly to Caster, Realizing how strong that beam was, Caster managed to make a barrier Spell while panicking, and even though the barrier broke it still protected her, but her worst wasn't over as Artoria jumped onto the building than towards her and slashed her from the chest down, Caster fell down, to the ground while her master got angry and attacked Artoria, but before he could do that, a Black sword pierced him in the guts, Souichirou fell down face first on the ground as he bled to death, while behind him a Blond muscular man that was only wearing pants while his full upper body was bare for all to see his countless scars, scratched his head while holding his two Black weapons, a Sword and a Club

??? [Sorry bout that… my nature won't allow me to waste a good Fight with a country man like yourself, I'm glad my instinct brought me here, Berserker Class servant, No master, Beowulf, I challenge you to a duel!]

A red aura surrounded Lancer as he launched himself at Ryo with his spear from the top, Ryo easily blocked it, but he received a harsh punishment for that in the shape of Lancer's foot hitting him in the chin, Ryo got up and tried to stab lancer but he was again reminded why is regeneration was a great asset, in mere a second, Lancer Thrusted his spear more than twenty five times at Ryo's vital spots, in which only Three hit, but even still the Pain was very immense, This pissed of Ryo quite a bit, as it reminded him of the helplessness he felt Against Zeke

Grabbing his Golden Spear Ryo decided to go on the Attack, this time not allowing for the chance of a counter, Thrusting his spear left and Right of lancer's heart, Ryo brought his lance down in a straight line from lancer's left neck, and even though he didn't cut him, the scratch on lancer's Tight body suit was obvious, Ryo didn't end it there though, as he brought his spear back and Launched it directly at Lancer's heart as a Golden beam shot up from his Lance, lancer managed to evade the beam, but that only resulted in his shoulder getting stabbed, but that did not stop him for attacking himself razing his leg Lancer felt immense Pain, but that didn't matter as this is his true Attack, looking at Ryo with Extreme Blood lust, Lancer, decided to end this

Lancer {★Gáe Bolg!★}

Using Gáe Bolg! The Heart Piercing Attack that no matter what will hit the heart, Lancer's Spear directly went to Ryo's heart, and due to Ryo removing his defenses like regeneration and magic this attack will Kill him, and no matter what he can't stop it

Ryo did not understand why he felt such immense pain, and loss of sound around him, he thought that he was already dead, he did not even get the chance to give himself a inner monologue about if this is death or not, he wasn't that worried at first because he had a deal that if he were to die than Nasu himself would revive him back in his world, but he felt immense shame, he made a lot of allies in this place that he was going to leave alone, but he realized after a few seconds that he was actually aware he looked around him and understood why, His Divine Blessing from Inana and his high luck protected his heart from being pierced but after he tried to grab his spear again, he noticed why the Pain happened, his Hand was severed, that in itself didn't matter, since he could always heal it, but the Pain was a different matter, it was unlike any pain he has experienced to date, and although he was beaten by Scáthach for days on end, this was a pain that can only be caused by a Curse

Ryo then looked around him to see why his opponent didn't take the chance to finish him off, but then he saw it lancer was on the Ground while his neck was bleeding, Ryo walked to him and remembered what happened, The moment Lancer used Gáe Bolg Ryo used the Golden Beam again hoping to defend against it, obviously that failed but the place the beam went to was Lancer's neck, Giving him a fetal blow

Lancer [Ahh, You survived! I really wanted to prove myself by killing you, *coughs Blood* even if it ended with both of us dead, I would have still been proud to defeat someone taught by Shishou herself! You know *coughs blood* Fuck, You know, I got my wish, to face against a hero that would make my blood *coughs* boil, and well it's boiling all right , Hahhaha, Congratulation Demon King Ryouto !]

Ryo sat down next too Lancer and said

Ryo [This was a great battle Cu, Thanks for giving me this boost in self confidence, I can at least say that you are Shishou's best student, probably the greatest warrior she made, I still have many things to learn so I hope we meet on a different battlefield Senpai !]

Lancer [Agh, I may be the best, but you are her Favorite All right ! she never taught anyone else how to use the Shadows *coughs blood* Well, then goodbye King Ryouto, I wish we face each other another time]

And just like that, The best student was known, and too was the favorite !

Ryo watched as Lancer's body turned to particles as he returned to The Throne of Heroes, Rightfully

He then sense something weird in the Atmosphere and looked at a distant Building more than Two kilometres away, Then seemingly out of nowhere, His heart was pierced Again !

??? [Did you Kill him?]

??? [Not sure about that, But that won't matter! if my Noble phantasm somehow misses, it will Kill his friend]

??? [Going after his friend? isn't that unbefitting of our title as Heroes?]

??? [Sometimes you have to play dirty to win, You know something about that Right Hektor? your country did lose that way !]

Hektor [I guess, Two old man winning a Holy grail, nah ! impossible, Achilles is here so we will lose anyway, but I want to throw a rock at him just once, that would be fun, come Archer, Let us hurry up and join the Fight !]

Archer [Sure !]

Using mini Vimana, Rin chased Kirei throughout the forest while shooting magical beams at him, he kept hiding behind trees, Rin was trying to find him but, she couldn't see him, there were too many trees around, and from nowhere she saw him jump from the top of a tree as he attacked the ship and although it did not take any damage it lost its balance and fell onto the ground, Rin quickly got out of the Ship and used her Enhancement magic to jump away, she then turned around shot multiple Gandars at Kirei who again hid behind the trees

In terms of magical ability and potential Rin easily outclassed Kirei, she is considered one of the most talented mages of this generation and she is expected to be in the Top one hundred mages in the history of the mage association by the time she masters her magical abilities, however Talent did not translate to Experience, Kirei Kotomine was one of the most experienced mage killers in the world, and his advantage didn't only come from his Experience, in Rin's Case, Kirei was extra effective for another reason

Kirei [Why don't you give up Rin! we both know how this will end, why try to prolong this battle?]

Rin [Go to hell Kirei, and I will send you there myself!]

With her response Rin sent numerous Gandars towards the tree he was in which fell down, he kept avoiding her attack and tried to attack himself but Rin kept her distance away, knowing well that has better enhancement magic than her

Kirei Stopped attacking after a while and looked at Rin and said

Kirei [My Servant has passed away, Shall we stop this ?]

Rin [Giving up already ? ]

Kirei [If that is how it will be then…]

Rin only responded by attacking him again with more Gandars but this time Kirei avoided them and said something that Shocked Rin to the Core

Kirei [Do you know how your father died?]

As soon as he said that Rin froze while he continued on saying

Kirei [I remember it like it was yesterday, You father summoned a servant he couldn't handle, which led to his betrayal, And of course that servant chose me, the Knife I gave you, You still have it don't you ?]

Rin brought out the blade that was on her boot, she always kept it hidden just in case

Kirei [Yes, what a fine blade, an Heirloom of the Tohsaka family, I felt so good when That Heirloom was stuck to your father's Heart as he looked at me with a face filled of Fear and betrayal, it was one of the best moments of my life, as It was the moment I discovered my true purpose in Life !]

Yes… The reason why Kirei Kotomine will always win a battle again Rin Tohsaka even though he is outclassed, it was the Mental attacks that a Psychopathic killer has against a frail young mage that has yet to take a human life, it was too Effective !


Thanks for reading this Chapter, Give the story some power points if you can, i want to see it rank on, the top so we can get more viewers, i want to get a lot of feed back, and hone my writing skills ! thank you Again and Goodbye !


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