
Eden 2

All the soldiers of Eden helped the former slaves that Ryo helped, he watched as they left, he then turned around walking to the Castle of Eden, he wanted to meet the queen faster than later because he was worried that Achilles might have caused a Scene, he know the man is a pretty decent person, but he knew his aunt was a difficult person to deal with

Walking inside the castle, Ryo was followed by a large amount of woman that made him stand out, the only males around him were Honda, Rama and Heracles, everyone else was either a family, Lover or a potential lover, so he could understand why most elf's were gawking at his girls, but each time they did, they were met by the Gaze of Honda who was ahead of the group

Reaching to the Throne Room, Rama, Honda and Heracles stepped aside as they both kneeled in sync to let way for him to enter

Queen Sona, didn't know what to expect when she heard that the king of Babylon was coming, in all honesty she was afraid, sure he might be her family, but in the world of King's and Emperor's, family schemed on each other in most times, she too heard of the fall of Zion In a single day, most average people didn't know about the circumstance around it's fall, but she was a queen and like all Kings in Diavola, she too knew about him taking it down In a single day, Alone

She has always known that she would meet him, especially when he proposed to her daughter, and although it wasn't public yet, it was obvious that he liked her, So Sona has been readying herself to meet the King that can take down a Kingdom in a single day

Seeing a Large man, and a Bronze Skinned Giant and a Red heard "girl or was it a Man?" she thought walk in front of the large entourage of woman in amidst them he was there

The Giant and the large man with the red heard man all kneeled, Achilles the man that arrived earlier joined them as well as he, The King of Babylon and Her own nephew Ryouto walked in

Sona decided to seize the moment to speak and welcome him, she wasn't a fool after all, the man in front of her, can destroy her whole nation on his own, or at least that was what the rumors said

Sona [I am Pleased to see you, King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, and I welcome you to Eden, and let me start by thanking you for saving the people of my nation from slavery, Eden is in debt to you]

Sona, didn't know if her introduction was good or not, nor did she knew if he might be upset, but she knew one thing, and that is since the moment he walked in, Ryouto looked at her, and then her daughter and nothing else, as matter a fact, he clearly seemed to not care about anybody else other than her daughter, as even she received a simple glance

But she was shocked hearing what Ryouto said after her introduction, she expected many things, but this isn't one of them

Ryo had a big smile on his face after hearing his Aunt's words as he said

Ryo [Thank you Aunt Sona, also no need for you to use my full name, you are my family after all, Hey, Good to see you Lina! you look good ! *Ahm* As for Eden, I did what anyone in my position would have done, those Soldiers in Divola deserved to die, I just Hope the people I helped aren't forgotten, and you should give them aid to go back on their feet's, those people have been through so much, if Eden can't help them, Than Babylon will]

Hearing her Nephew's energetic response was the last thing Sona has expected, what she had in mind was another Ruthless Demon who only thought about conquest, the rumors around him outside Babylon also didn't help, as people describe him as the King that destroyed the nation of Zion, and executed its nobles and King publicly to show his ruthlessness

Lina [Hey, Ryo, Good to see you Again! See mom, I Told you Ryo is a nice guy]

Sona [Uhh, Good to see you, R..Ryouto, don't worry about the ex-slaves, I will personally make sure to take care of them, please, you are welcomed in my Castle, I have prepared a large room for you and your Wives ? Concubines? Lina, be a dear and lead Ryouto to his room, he must be tired, please Ryouto go with her, We will speak today as I don't want us to be so public about us]

Ryo understanding that his Aunt Sona was effectively telling him, that there might be spies in her own throne room, decided to simply do as she said, and to a certain extent she was correct, he was very tired and needed to take a nap, since today has been tiring, not on his body, but on his mind

Ryo wasn't shy to death and carnage, but seeing so many people that had their fates toyed with and put into slavery wasn't something he could simply ignore

Lina [Here Ryo, this is your room, make sure to join me and Mother in our dinner today, mother has decided to thank you all for your help]

Ryo [Fuahahaha]

Lina [*blushes and speaks Quietly* Why are you laughing Ryo?]

Ryo [Sorry, It's just funny seeing you be so formal, we haven't talked in six months and you act so tight!]

Lina [Well I'm sorry, That I, a princess, need to be formal in my own castle]

Ryo [alright, alright, my bad, but why is this my room ? And what about this bed, 10 People can sleep here !]

Lina [Well *Blushes* your retainer, Achilles, said that you are pretty active these days, and that we need to prepare a large room for you]

Ryo "WHAT! That motherfucker said that in front of Lina! "

Ryo [*smiles awkwardly* he did huh, AHAHAH, its ok we'll take it]

In another room of the castle

Achilles [Hmm]

Honda [What is it Achilles, you don't feel like sharing a room with me?]

Achilles [Oh, No, it's just that I feel like I have done something wrong? nah, it's just my imagination, I'm sure everything is good]

(A/N a New Week and a New Batch of Chapters ! BTW last weak we failed to be on the Top 200 of Fan fictions! which is sad ! if we can be top 100 By the end of this weak, I'll give you all an Extra chapter or two this weak Fuahahaha, Don't Disappoint me)


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