
The King and His Queen Warrior

The female General forced to be a Queen for the werelion King. Snippets "How long have you been awake?" the general asked. "A couple hours" so he's been watching me sleep, ugh. "You look cute in your sleep" "I'm not cute and I told you to stop staring at me" He shrugged "Why? is it making you uncomfortable?" "Very much yes" she shift in her seat "Well, I kind of enjoy riling you up" he leaned back smiling wickedly, his knees brushing mine purposely. "And I think i found your weakness" Weakness? I didn't recall having any. I chuckled. "Are you still dreaming my King?" I said that sarcastically He moves forward, pushing my legs wide apart with his own, my breath hitched a second as he leaned to my ears and said "You are weak to pleasure"

cherrytomabisc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


He sits in front of me, his knees between mine, then he moves forward, pushing my legs wide apart with his, my breath hitched a second as he leaned to my ears and said "You are weak to pleasure"

"What? You're crazy"stuttering, I pushed him hard making him stumble back to his seat. Pleasure? As if. I'm not weak to pleasure. True I've never been with a man before but that doesn't mean I'm weak against it.

Then why did you stutter? A voice rang in my head.

Shut it! I was just startled. I replied

Yeah right.

Gaining my composure, I leaned back and crossed my arms and legs.

He leaned back comfortably and he has his smug face on, urging me to punch him.

"Maybe you just haven't realized it yet"

"Exactly what kind of pleasure are you talking about? The tent? That was nowhere near pleasurable" I gave him a tight smile.

Then he laughed. I hate to admit it but if a laugh could be beautiful and harmonious it would be his. Not to mention contagious. I sigh internally, more to myself rather than him.

"You're right, that wasn't. Consider it a preview of our marriage, I'll make sure you moan louder next time" he winks.

"There won't be a next time you jerk"

"Deny it all you want but I know you want me"

"Now you're being delusional"

"Am I?" he raised one of his eyebrows

"From what I see, you are weak to all kinds of pleasure. Food, bed, bath, sex. As long as it makes you feel good, you're weak to it"

"Everyone's weak to things that make them feel good"

"So, it was good"

"What is?"

"The sex" his eyes turning golden again and mine went wide. Dammit.

"Not yours," I said lying

For a split second his eyes turned gold, pure gold that it light in the dark but maybe that was just a shadow from the outside.

"You're mine" his voice sounded rougher and huskier

"I won't count on it"

As I said that the ground beneath us trembled, making our carriage fell to the side, I opened my eyes with a ringing in my head, everything's upside down and Orion's on top of me. He is balancing his weight on both of his arms trying not to squash me, using his body to cover me from flying objects. What the hell happened. Noises came from the outside, screams, grunts, and swords clanging. We're under attack.

"We're under attack, it's an ambush"

Orion looks at me still not moving

"Yes we are, stay put my people will take care of it"

"Stay put! Are you nuts, they toppled our carriages. Move it" I tried pushing his hand away, warmblood drops to my hand.

"You're bleeding," I said to Orion as I reach for his chest, blood gushing from it, drenching his shirt.

"Yeah, that was because of you apparently. I guess it reopened" he shrugged

"Well, it should have reopened sooner then" I smiled

"I'll be fine, thank you" he smiled back

"Good, now move"

"Can't do that darlin', you see they're targeting you so I can't have you out there"

"So what?! I can protect myself just fine thank you"

"Can't take those chances" he's not moving

"You can't just clip my wings and put me in a cage Orion"

That seemed to surprise him even I'm surprised but I guess I hit a spot because that made him lower his guard down. I elbowed and pushed his side with my legs making him fall over to the side and quickly got out of the carriage. I rolled out and quickly grabbed anything that I could use as a shield. It is my head they're aiming for.

Blocking an arrow I threw my spear towards the archer, his body fell from the tree where he attacked me. I pulled my sword and started attacking the enemy. They're wearing light armor, all black with covers on their face. Their weapons are different for each one. Assassins. These aren't soldiers, they are trained assassins. I count 10. Let the hunting begin.