
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

slap in the face



🌹🌹 Woman 🌹🌹

© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 48&49

The principal stared at the two young ladies in his office, Rita blinked her eyes,and looked down making the principal like her for her gentleness and he looked at Anna and frowned she had a scratch on her face and an ugly scrowl glaring hard at Rita....

"Miss Anna what else do you have to say"

The principal unfriendly voice sounded, making Anna frightened....

." But it was this b*tch that started it"

" language young lady"

" but ....

" that's it you are having a one week detention "

" what this isn't fair"

Anna grumble in annoyance, Rita just looked at them and smirked before looking down again, the the principal turned towards Rita his gaze gentle...

" miss Rita you can leave now"

" thank you sir"

She responded weakly making Anna heave in disbelief earning her another scolding from the principal who dismissed her.....

The girls stood outside the door and Rita smiled mockingly at her,Anna was furious and tried to attack her,making her scream this was the scene Mr Abel who was walking towards the direction of the principal office with Ashley and Brian saw,the principal who heard the noise came out and was also stunned...

Anna was currently held down,their was stain of blood in her hand,the commotion had attracted the attention of the student's and staffs, kelvin and James rushed quickly and held Rita...

Mr Abel gaze was filled with coldness and viciously when he looked towards Anna's direction, Rita winced in pain when James held her right hand,which has obviously been scratched by Anna's nail,it was obviously intentional, Mr Abel was seriously boiling in fury the principal had enough and yelled orders at the security....

" haven't I warned you,take her away from here,we can't accept a student who tries to harm her fellow one's"

Anna was sweating and begging her face filled with dirt and she looked hideous as she begged....

" no I didn't mean to,am sorry ok ....Rita tell them ,ok...

She yelled threatening at her,she couldn't leave no ,no yet,Rita knew she didn't mean it and didn't reply,her silence gave Anna chills and she backed at the audience..

" did I push her,this b*tch is a liar and a pretender, she not only lies but cheat too, Mr Abel is her sugar daddy"

Anna yelled out without thinking and there was murmuring...

🗣️What that doesn't make sense

👥 Right she is just spouting nonsense

👤Yeah , right....

🗣️We know Rita she helped us alot during studies and the juniors likes her

👥Yes ....

A student threw a small pebble at Anna who hissed in pain...

🗣️Bully get out of our school.....

👥Yes ,expell her , enough is enough...

"Be quiet"

Mr Abel's gloomy voice sounded and everyone kept quite as he looked at Anna and smiled coldly....

" you say Rita is my girlfriend,and I am her sugar daddy,do you have evidence"

He asked with gritted teeth and everyone knew Mr Abel was more than furious...

Anna's brain seems to have calmed down before she realizes that she misspoke...

" no,I didn't mean it.....I...

She looked around for help,and turned towards her gang but they didn't even spare her a glance,she should have been wiser before going up against Rita? And she also had to offend Mr Abel of all people,did she have a dead wish.....

" take her away"

The security dragged the screaming Anna away, and the crowd dispersed,Mr Abel nodded towards Brian who retreated and he and Ashley walked towards the principals office,James and kelvin took Rita to the school clinic to treat her wound, Mr Abel was so annoyed he couldn't announced that she was his daughter, because of his numerous enemies and also for her safety...

<<<<<G.Q CAFE ~THE LOBBY.< p>

After the competition and everyone left, Angela and Vincent had gotten more close, Toni had asked to see her and she had made herself clear they couldn't be together but could still be friends,he was sad but still accepted since it was better than nothing and he could still stay by her side, Williams had made her his godmother,nearly to the extent of sleeping in her room,Angela didn't mind his company as she loved the boy as her own spoiling him alot....

Toni parents had fixed blind dates for him and he finally agree to one of them ,her name was lydia and they been in their courtship for a month ....

Vincent was working on his computer ,when he heard a knock on his door....

" come in"

Angela opened the door she was carrying a lunch box ,she closed the door gently and smiled walking towards him, before she could talk he caught her off ...

" drop the files on the table ,I check them later"


Vincent was confused and raised his head to look only to see Angela standing in his front,he was surprised....

" Angela,when did you arrived you should have called me to pick you up".....

" I wanted to surprise you,but apparently you were so busy you mistook me for your P.A"

" so sorry darling,I have to finish up work ,"

" but before that,come eat first, don't work on empty stomach , remember you have ulcer"

Vincent signed helplessly and watched as she set the dishes on the table,she looked beautiful today,in her white crop top,and black short flare skirt coupled with her white sneakers,her hair was tied in a pony tail showing her slender and fair neck....

" come and eat"

She called towards him snapping him out of his thoughts,he smiled and walked towards the table as he sat down ,and Angela quickly dishes his food for him....

" how's the food,are you satisfied or should I order more "

" you already fed me,do you want to fatten me and make me become a pig"

Vincent asked with pouted lips, making Angela laughed...

" you're so silly,even if you were I would still like you"

Angela replied and drank from her strawberry juice, staining her lips in the process,she placed the cup down and Vincent called her ....

"Angela '

" what"

" you have a stain on your lips "

" oh,silly me "

Angela stretch her hand to take a tissue only for Vincent to grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him,Angela gasped as Vincent made her sit on his lap,then without warning licked the juice off her lips...

Angela blinked and blushed,she could feel Vincent hot breath on her lips,as they were close.....

" have been wanting to do this for a long time and since you came in "

" what"

She asked confused,her innocence interested him...

" this"

Bending forwards he sealed her lips with his,Angela opened up,both kissing with passion not wanting to give up,Vincent thrust his tongue into her mouth, tasting her over and over again until her tongue became numb"

Both broke the kiss panting heavily, Vincent used his finger to trace her lips making her shiver and he smiled kissing her lightly and muttered...

" your mine angela ,I love you and want to make you mine,will you be my other half"

Angela smiled and opened her lips a little bitting and licking with her tongue, Vincent eyes darkened his desire and he bend again for another kiss,and Angela responded back with equal pace...


Lara looked at the men she was going to send on a mission ,she smirked maliciously thinking about her Rita would suffer in her hands....

" make sure no evidence is left behind"

" yes miss"

" good get to work"

The men dispersed and she left for her room...


The car driving them home was suddenly attacked by unknown vans....

They were forced to stop and they moved out of the car,gun pointed at them,they looked frightened, Rita was already having a panic attack...

Suddenly they heard gunshots and the brothers pulled Rita down covering her,the bullets hit the men,they were stunned by the armed bushed and the few who were left retreated....

Lupita and Ashley moved towards the scene ,guns in their hands,Brian had drive towards them..

" are you okay"

" yes"

" good let's get out of here"

They quickly rushed towards the car and Brian drove the car away....

They arrived at Mr Abels mansion, they saw him pacing anxiously in the room waiting for them...

" sir"

" are they okay"

" yes sir"

Mr Abel heard Rita's weak voice...

" Dad"

He was sacred out of his wit when he was informed that there car was attacked he hadn't taken a step when Rita fainted,the brothers quickly held her,and Mr Abel looked worried his hand trembling....

" what happened to her"

" I think she's having panic attack"

" quick get Josh here"

The brothers were confused and looked at each other...

" was it the same josh they knew"


Leo barged into the Lara's room....

" can't you knock,or you don't have hands again"

Lara glared at him with annoyance,Leo walked towards her and held her throat taking her off guard....

" if anything happens to Rita,I will hunt you down "

" do.....y...you think....s..she is going to be with you "

" I.....I don't care,when I finally get rid of Enzo ,she is all mine...

"You won't dare"

Leo smirked darkly and let go of her making her slumped weakly to the floor as she coughed and breath in heavily...

"I can and I will,just because you're my sister doesn't mean I won't deal with you,so just stay in your lane and don't touch what belongs to me"

Lara just scoffed and looked away,and Leo walked out of the room,Lara glared at his back with hatred and clenched her fist, vowing to seriously deal with Rita and put Leo in his place soon.....

<<<<<To be continued< p>

Angela and Vincent 🥰

One word for Anna 😌

Lara and Leo 😒

Encourage with likes and comments ❣️🌹

Love you ❣️💗