
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

secrets out



🌹🌹Woman 🌹🌹

© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 44&45

<<<<The company ~Meeting room...< p>

"So berxton you are telling us now that your hands is tied,and your going to sell the company how dare you"

Mr Cain one of the shareholders shouted and pointed angrily at him but he didn't even blink an eye..

" what if all the properties"

" and our money"

" and profit,this isn't fair"

The shareholders laid their complaints and screamed unpleasant remarks at him but he just stared at them blankly....

After the whole stress and effort ,they couldn't even appreciate him anyways he already sold it to the buyer who even generously gave him extra million to the purchase price....

Thinking of how he would start afresh without the persky shareholders and their complaints he smiled and tapped lightly to get their attentions....

"Since am no longer your CEO,am out of here,the new owner would be here soon I have nothing to do with you guys anymore have a nice day"

He said his piece and left,the angry voice of the shareholders could be heard..

"Selfish b*stard"

" he will surely regret this "

Few minutes after berxton left the premises Mr Abel entered with his face covered with a mask and was escorted by lupita and Ashley,and guards who went to the meeting room,the chaotic room became quite, due to the appearance of the strange man arrival .....

"Hello everyone sorry to keep you waiting"

Mr Abel bowed politely and went to sit,Mr Cain spoked up with grievances..

" sir are you the one that brought the company"

" yes"

" and your aware that it's already on the verge of bankruptcy"

" am fully aware"

" then why did you still buy it"

One of the shareholders asked confused by his actions

" its the last piece of my father and his legacy,hello everyone I would like to introduce myself fully....

Mr Abel removed his masked and their was gasps of surprise..

" am Abel son of late CEO Gold"

There was round of cheers and applause as they welcomed their young master back,who didn't miss him ,during his stay in the company before he went for further studies he had proven himself to be a capable leader...

" welcome back "

" thank you Uncle Larry"

Mr Abel replied warmly and all the shareholders nodded their heads in approval and they also heard Mr Cain blurt mockery which made them laugh....

" someone is really going to regret his decision"

" now everyone let's get down to business"

Mr Abel announced and everyone was more than willing to work this time as they had found their booster and life saver.....

Abel smirked maliciously...

" big brother,you lost again"

He thought and wondered how berxton expression would be like if he eventually found out the truth and realized he just made a big mistake...

<<<<<<<<Berxton house~< p>

Berxton guards and maids moved his luggage s and Mrs Kim looked confused but he told her everything was alright,that they just need a change of location and to get fresh air...

" what about the company"

" I will take care of it "

" what of Zen"

" my men has gone in search of him,he would join us if he's found .....okay enough talking let's leave"..

The cars drove away,but the maid were still busy loading the rest of the boxes into the remaining cars,a maid had sneaked into the corner and quickly made a phone call,which was immediately picked up...

" how's it"

" its going according to plan sir,he already booked a flight, shipping everyone with him as well"

" good make sure you keep an eye on him and also stay safe"

" got it boss"

The call disconnected and the maid composed herself and went back to join them,zen had been found also forced into the car,he was currently unconscious since the guards had to knock him out....

After the call, lupita and Ashley smiled looking at their boss....

" congratulations boss"

" hmmmm"

" am sure berxton his going to be given a big gift soon"

Mr Abel looked up and ordered the girls...

" lupita called josh and tell him to stop on lux torture throw him to the nearest station with evidence you both know what to do"

" yes boss"

Lupita replied and went out,

" Ashley"

" sir"

" inform Brian and asked him how's is progress on what is going on in the prime ministers side .."

" yes sir"

Ashley received her order and left,Mr Abel signed and unlocked his phone his wallpaper was filled with Rita's photo,he looked at it gently and offed it placing it on the table and continue to filled and go through the documents.....

<<<<<Same Day~~4pm< p>

As ordered by Mr Abel,lux bloody and unconscious body was thrown to the nearby station with a file and tape filled with evidence,the reporters and police arrived at the scene and the news was soon quickly aired...

Quern lydia was hoping mad with fury,at her son disgrace ,the shame too painful to swallow,even king Edward didn't know where he should even start from...

He was so tired that the few days had taken a toll on him and his wife making them grow older and haggard,king Edward was helplessly lost as he didn't even know what to do even eating and drinking wasn't coming he had no appetite even though he was hungry.....

Bella had blacklisted them both and he was so scared to call Enzo afraid that he was still angry,and would unleash his rage in him,his overthinking gave him depression and also making his blood pressure rise,he was angruing with queen Lydia over their failure to train their son to someone better...

" so now your comparing your rightful heir to that illegitimate child"

" Lydia.....

King Edward yelled furiously and she stared right back not showing him any face,they were standing upwards on the stairs and in their course of pushing and tugging king Edward who was filling dizzy lost his footing and rolled down the the stairs...

Queen Lydia screamed loudly and rushed down, king Edward was unconscious and was bleeding,his head had hit hard on the floor..

This was the welcoming scene received by bella ,Enzo ,king Edwards and their escorts..

Bella screamed in horror..

" Dad"

Bella rushed towards him and pushed her mother away pulling him close to her self...

" stay away from my dad"

She yelled at queen Lydia angrily,she trembled as she pleaded..

" it wasn't intentional, believe me"

She begged but Bella glared at her with hatred in her eyes, Enzo stared at this scene in front of him and scoffed in disbelief..

" was she really that desperate"

Suddenly a voice boomed behind them and they all turned to look with questioning gaze...

" what's going on here"

" grand....p..p..pa"

Enzo muttered hoarsely in shock his brain numb from too much scenes..

" hello Enzo"

Grandpa max smiled at him, even bella was shocked ,queen Lydia noticed the commotion and looked up to meet the shock of her life,her scream gave her out,she was guilty and was scared.....

" your still alive..... shouldn't y.....you be ....d...dead"

" oh really"

Grandpa max muttered coldly,his voice laced with sarcasm and disgust and queen Lydia knew this time she was finished...

<<<<<<To be continued< p>

One word for berxton 🙄🤣

Queen Lydia secrets are huge😱😱

What's next??

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Love you ❣️💗