
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs




🌹🌹 Woman 🌹🌹

© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 29&30

King Blake and the rest all sat down in the room..the atmosphere filled with tension .the brothers looked at Enzo coldly and he stared back at them...

Rita was sitting in between queen Maya and Angela....

King Blake signed and looked at Enzo with a complicated gaze...

" is this true"


Enzo answered honesty and king Blake nodded satisfied..at least he didn't deny...

"And why did you do it "

"I love Rita,and I know this might sound absurd but I really do like her....she is almost my breathing space"

Rita looked at him surprised,so did everyone else but kelvin next words made everyone frown...

"Oh so you will date her and she will definitely be jinxed by your bad luck"

Enzo didn't say anything and just smiled but it was filled with sadness and when he raised his head to looked towards Rita's direction his gaze softened and was filled with warmth...

King Blake and queen Maya noticed this changes and pressed their lips to thin line..

"Okay,I really didn't think of that,I will let her decide for now,but knows this little one am not a patient man"

He spoked his voice filled with determination and he bowed to them..

"I will excuse myself then"

He looked at Rita again and left the room which was soon filled with silence...

Kelvin scoffed and turned to look at James who was giving him a strange look...

" what"

He asked annoyed but soon stopped talking when his mother's disappointed voice rang out.

"Kelvin am so disappointed in you"

Queen Maya looked at him and walked away,


"Yes kelvin,mom didn't lie you have gone too far,no body like being reminded of their hurting past"

Angela chipped in and walked away with Rita who looked back at kelvin with sympathy...

James signed and followed after Angela and Rita,king Blake patted his shoulder and made for his study room .

Kelvin was soon left alone in the and he started contemplating where he had gone wrong....


Berxton arrived at the capital city,his assistant and guards were waiting for him to escort him back.

"Welcome back sir"


He causally answered and walked towards the car .....

As soon as he left another person emerge and Eve was waiting to receive her,both friends hugged each other ...

"Oh Stella have Miss you"

" same here dear"

" come on now shall we let go"

" are you going over to the Troys family house or Toni's house"

" the family house"

" okay then"

Both friends laughed and entered the car Eve came with...

The ride to the mansion was smooth and the servants had cleaned the place.

The driver opened the door for berxton who stepped out elegantly, he looked at the house before him which he hadn't step into for the past four year's....he wonder how tall his son is now.

He was received warmly by the head cook who had been with him since he was young and his cold face showed a hint of smiled.

" hello Mrs Kim"

" oh my goodness look who's decided to come home'

Mrs Kim teased him and he gave a slight hug.

"Where's he"

" oh,your son went out to play basketball he should be back soon"

Berxton frowned ....

" I know that look on your face but he hasn't been skipping his coaching classes,just give him breathing space and be less strict,that child is always frightened of you"

"It's all for his own good"

"I know ,but you don't have to be harsh on him ok,"

" fine"

He relented and went upstairs to change....

Zen bid his friends goodbye and entered inside and noticed cars packed in the yard and looked around confused.....

" did they had visitors, that was strange"

He shrugged his shoulder and walked inside..

" Mrs kim am back is dinner ready yet....

He stopped in his words when he found the one person he despise most sitting at the dinning table staring at him....

"Your back son ,let's eat"

Berxton ignored his gazes and took his cutleries to start eating.

Zen scoffed then looked at him again and made for his room only to be stopped by one of the guards..

" young man sit down right now and don't make me angry"

Zen clenched his fist and returned to his seat, sitting far away from him,he raised his head and sneered silently and Mrs Kim brought his food patting his head gently..

" dear don't mind your father and eat"

"He is not my father"

Mrs Kim flinched so did berxton but his cold expression hide his feelings..

"Dear don't say that"

"You know what,am done,"

Zen stood up to leave and berxton who couldn't control his temper threw a glass at him,the glass hitted his face who cried out in pain.

Mrs Kim gasped closing her mouth looking horrified.

Berxton hand trembled when he saw blood ,he had just thrown it out of impulse and didn't mean to hurt him ...

Zen face was bloody,he gasped in pain shakily and when berxton tried to touch him Shaked him off.

" zen....am....s..so sorry I didn't mean to"

" don't touch me"

Zen yelled at him

" don't touch me "

He muttered his eyes filled with hatred towards this one that gave him life...

" I hate you"

He stormed off to his room,and Mrs Kim and a maid quickly trailed behind him to treat his wounds.....

Berxton stood still not knowing what to do.....he looked towards the table and turned away walking outside to take a walk as he had lost his appetite.....

_______DRAKE HOUSE _____

One of the maid took drake coat from him as soon as he entered and he asked about Lara....

"How is she"

" boss....

The guard trembled as he hesitate.

" what "

Drake question coldly...

" we fed her the medicine as ordered but instead of her screaming for help she either pleasures herself or knock herself out"


Drake click his tongue and match towards the room where Lara was held captive...

Surely they found her on the bed, covered properly her skin paled,her lips had turned white,drake nodded at one of the guard to check if she was still breathing...

The guard who checked stumbled backwards that he couldn't speak.

" what's the matter,is she pretending to be dead again"

Drake looked disgusted at her performance and checked himself only to confirm that she wasn't breathing...

Out of rage he Shaked her hard but she was lifeless.

" how could this be,how could she be gone he hadn't had his revenge how dare she die"

" get rid of her body"

" yes sir"

The guards quickly got to work,and Drake walked away in fury...

Outside the house in a car,two people were watching the scene that happened from the room..

" now you owe me your life,are you willing to work for me"

" yes yes"

Lara nodded without hesitation and the masked man smirked...

She couldn't see his murderous gaze towards her,as she was focused on watching the footage from the room....

<<<<<<<<<<To be continued< p>

Berxton is zen Dad 😮😮

One word for kelvin 🥱😒

Lara escaped 😱

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