
The King's Witch

Leen is the heiress of the King of the North and the only one remaining who bears the blood of the bloodline of the Great Wizard's Empire lives isolated from the public eye in a small palace amidst the dense forests of the North, and only so-called future husband, son of the Great Counsel, General Diram, is allowed to visit her. Zain the vampire hybrid and the king of the southern kingdom, the most powerful of the four kingdoms, decide to invade the northern kingdom and obtain Princess Leen at any cost while the awaited prophecy is awakened. what fate will combain them?

Amina_Hamla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

We Met

The weather was cold, white snow covered the deserted, forested land. It wrapped its dark features to multiply its exciting mystery.. There is no one for you on the horizon without a vast expanse of black forest .There is no dominant color other than white, and there is no present voice other than calm..but it drew near!

The hissing of the red attack approached blazing with his torrential army, leading the fates of death with him!.. Red flags of war fluttered on the spears of his ruthless stubborn, formidable soldiers, with many scars on their faces, their horses frightened the birds and the spirits in the quiet forest beside them.

The first lord of the south, the brute king, the noble thug, the illustrious wimp, of a huge body, heavy in armor, with eyes that blaze with fire in the midst of their very vague pupils.

The Emperor of Emperors King Zaid steamed his breath in awe before him on his huge brown , terrifying , great stallion horse.

General Kasser: Sir, the Northern Kingdom is at the sight of the army. We are waiting for your orders to move.

King Zaid: Whoever doesn't get in the way, leave him. If you see the Grand Vizier Dergham and his son, General Diram, kill them even if they surrender. And whoever stands between you and bringing the princess to me will exterminate him and those with him from their first predecessor.

I want her here before nightfall..!

Those words Zaid gave his soldiers were the first spell to start the story I had never thought myself living.

................................................................................... Northern Kingdom Royal Palace amidst the dense forests where the princess has been hiding since she was sixteen years old ...............................................

Princess Leen has a strong personality as her name. A glamorous beauty with long brown hair that reaches to her waist, sharp eyes and clever tongue. She may seem to you as a child with her behavior for the first time, but she has enough charm and cleverness to start a fire without any spark in the middle of a frozen ocean..!

Leen: Another boring day.. Misery colonizes me and incites rebellion inside me.. They brought me here four years ago.. From that day on, I have not seen my father, nor the castle, nor my friends with whom I grew up.. I mean, for God's sake, I do not know what would have happened to me without the presence of these annoying birds. The tweet I spend my day watching makes my quiet, boring, annoying life more disturbing.

I live under the command of these two wonderful old sorcerers, the envious Sibyl,the chief butler Mrs. Olivia , and the godfather Gerrard, the chief guard of this mean mansion, though he is so old that his magical powers can never be underestimated. He is really strong even at his age. He can use many spells of different levels.

As for The only reason for my happiness and the guy I know and can talk to with ease is the son of the Grand Vizier, my wonderful childhood friend, General Diram.. Olivia told me moments ago that he unusually would come to see me earlier this month and I don't know why she seemed so serious and sad when she told me about it ...

He told me once that he loves me, but he did not hear any response from me... Of course he will not hear any response from me.. Olivia says that the more you tire a man with the pursuit and urgency, the greater your position in his mind.. Who cares about hearts anyway if the mind and cunning are the master of the game of the mortal life of kingdoms..!

The birds flew in front of me and the neighing of his horse is heard from here.. my Diram, the handsome commando general on his white horse amid the soft white snow, is there a more beautiful and radiant sight than this! He jumped off his horse, as usual.

Leen: The one responsible for protecting the Princess of the North and the heiress of the Great Wizarding Kingdom is here..!

Diram_ looks around with some confusion-: But what's up with you Iman..for God's sake, my lady, can't you be more careful a million times. I told you not to call your name the heiress of the Wizarding Kingdom..don't even say that word in a dream..!

Leen: okey.. okey . Calm down please..then who will hear me in this frozen bottom of the earth, this place is calm and lonely like the depths of the frozen ocean anyway..

Diram: I'm afraid its calm won't last long..

Diram said that with a tone and a cautious, frightened look that I had never seen before..then he crossed all boundaries by putting his hand on my hand which no one had ever done with me and I didn't want anyone to do to me until now..that confused general dragged me out of my hand and let me into the palace Then he changed his tone to the forbidding command, addressing the godfather and the Sibyl .

Sibyl Olivia.. give the princess clothes that will obscure her identity . Please bring it quickly. We will get out of here as soon as possible.

Leen: Wait a moment... Diram what's going on here for God's sake... Then when you put on your armor and carry arrows on your back.. Will you finally take for hunting with you..?!

Suddenly Diram gets on his knees in front of me and the aura of obedience and firmness around him has increased seriously, I hate seeing it on him.. He raises his head to me as a war general should do with a princess

Diram: Please, Your Highness.. No matter what happens today.. I beg you never to doubt my loyalty to you or your father.. You must make sure that I live and die for you.. and as long as I live, I will not let anything bad happen to you.

The sharpness of his words disappeared and his emotion subsided when he sighed in great pain and said..

Diram : I wish you weren't the crown prince..! I wish you were an ordinary girl from the common people, things would be very different between us.

Then he stood on his feet and smiled at me, the one who was extremely confused in front of him and said,

Diram: I can't explain everything now because time is running out, I promise you that after this ordeal is over, I will not hesitate to do what I should have done many years ago..

Although I was not convinced and understood what he was trying to convey to me, I had no other choice but to obey orders as every time.I left him behind, talking to the godfather Gerard, both of whom were enthralled with the desolate aura of war.

Gerard: You have to get her out of here as soon as possible because the southern kingdom is targeting her and the king..their goal is to seize the dynastic blood line of the founders of the Great Wizard's Kingdom. It would be a shame if those bastards could get it back after all these years.. we came very close to the goal. Only one month remained for the birth of witches' blood..!

Leen :After a few moments I walked out and my face was barely visible under the black sheet that covered me from head to toe..I found Diram in front of me on the horses waiting for me..

He came towards me and gave me a small dagger, ignoring my urgent looks looking for answers and a logical explanation for what is happening here.. but to no avail.. I put the dagger in my waist belt. I rode my horse after I put my foot on the knee of Diram, the noble armored general, and we set off...

He rides his horse in front of me. I've never watched the fantasy general's back before.. Well, it seems that this ride is worth it in the end..

I was saying that I envied myself when Diram suddenly stopped his horse in front of me and then extended his hand to stop my horse in the silent forest surrounded by white calm terror snow.

This time he did not jump off his horse, but flew! I mean, I didn't notice him until he was next to me on the ground, extending his hand to me, asking me to come down quickly..! As we hear the sounds of horses digging and the noise rising little by little

I said as doubt began to attribute to my thinking and caution dominates the features of my face..

Leen: Diram..for God's sake..what is going on..are we being chased...is the kingdom being invaded for example...!

I asked and if I didn't ask, the silence answered me, an answer described as complacency and acquiescence to the status quo that hides intense anger.. after his silence and my terrifying silence that held my breath for a few seconds.. Diram looked at me and I had really satisfied today with all the signs of seriousness and caution that appeared on his face..

Diram: Do you trust me..!

Leen: Of course I do, you idiot..but what is wrong with you now..?!

Diram: Then you should wait here under this big rock.. and even if you see me being cut to pieces in front of you, don't make a sound or whisper a girl... I will mislead these bastards and come back to you.. I'm not very good at hiding magic but I learned enough to save us from this trouble..

He held his hand and put it above my head, then he muttered strange words that I did not understand, then he said smiling.. his smile that releases comfort in the soul..

Leen: No one will be able to see you now unless this person has more powerful magical blood than mine, which is something I highly exclude, so for once, please give up your stubbornness and strictly follow the instructions.. I swear to you, Princess, I will come back for you even if I come back from the dead..!

After his words, he left me at the rock, reassured, indifferent to what might happen to me or him, because he reassured me and I trusted him more than anything in this world. If he says we will be fine, then we are.. Only a few moments and the source of the terrifying strong voice arrived. A battalion of cavalry, red-flagged savages, huge bodied and horses, frightening to the eyes...

The whole battalion went behind Diram, who led the two horses in the opposite direction, intending to shade them.

As is my eternal damned habit, I always knew that getting bored of things quickly like staying in one place for a long time would inevitably cause my death.. I got out of that place assured that no one would see me and leaned on the tree waiting for Diram to return to explain to me what was happening. I got out of that place and forgot that Diram insisted that I not leave him, even over my dead body.. and I wish I had died before I saw that sight in front of me...

Somehow a woman came out with her child among the trees running breathless.. she must be from the kingdom of the north.. the kingdom that I am supposed to be its heir.. the kingdom that I am supposed to be the protector of its people.. and most likely I am the responsible for the safety of this terrified woman and her baby now..

she fell breathless on the ground , unable to complete a single step. She was tired and her bare feet swollen.

It seems that she doesn't see me.. Diram's spell is really amazing.. I wanted to get close to her and give her help . but with that terrified state, what would her reaction be?

If she hears my voice and my footsteps without seeing me, I will definitely make matters worse.

Good, her child has finally calmed down and it seems that she has gathered her strength.. I almost shed tears at that sight of strength.. She is standing..

suddenly their eyes flushed on the right, and they were frozen just in place, as if a snowstorm had clotted their blood in their throats.

I've lived my whole life in freezing temperatures and I've never felt as cold as I do now.

His wind blew on me, embracing my senses from all sides..Finally I decided to see the kind of hell that made me feel this way, or rather what that lady and her child saw and made them stiff and immobile like this..

On his huge horse of dark brown long hair, high stature horse, straighten that armored guy , broad-chested and straight, tall, holding the bridle of his blunt horse.

With his coarse, manly hand rooted in veins. He jumped loudly from his horse, snow flew under his feet as he set foot on the ground.He opened his chest, spreading his hands apart, to take a long, sinful inhale, as if he was enjoying the smell of air.

He looked at that frozen woman and her child in front of him and quietly approached her. His enchanting, terrifying, enthusiastic smile grows wider every time he takes a step towards her.

I froze..my breath was still..and my extremities died of fright and terror.the sight of that thirsty human beast burning in flames.With every inhale that draws the air into his chest, I feel that it is pulling the edges of my soul between my trembling ribs.

Where are you Diram.. come back please.. this does not bode well at all..

come close to her and raise those ragged hands adorned with the heavy royal rings, and his chest that adorned with the bright golden ropes of the kings, rose near that woman,Who, for God's sake, why don't she move from her place or do any reaction.. at least scream, you damned..

He's pulling his hand out of her hair, which he pulled away from her neck a moment ago.. Thank God, it seems he won't hurt her and let her go.

As soon as I said that to myself... until those sharp, black, inferno eyes rolled around at me... I swear that he is looking directly into my eyes at this moment... as if the death with all its details overwhelms me.

But what am I thinking.. I have to calm down. He can't see me.. Diram said no one can see me.. Even the woman a while ago couldn't see me, I'm sure of that..

Woe... he's turning towards me. While dragging that stiff woman by the neck and his eyes did not fall from my eyes for one second...

Oh God, what should I do now? Is it possible that he has seen me.. No.. This is impossible.. I just have to keep my calm and convince myself to be silent and hold my breath.. Maybe he will urinate on the tree trunk. .I've always seen the night watchmen urinating on the trees when they are alone..I mean he's a man too..yes he must piss..even if he urinates on me it's okay that's important that he doesn't feel my presence...

For God's sake..what insignificance is this that I'm in..these eyes that look like my father's eyes stopped at a distance of one cold breath from me, I swear that he sees me.. his strong hand left the neck of that frozen woman at last, then he lowered both hands and closed his staring eyes at me with an innocent surrender, which I did not think would fit his sharp, manly, cold features to this degree.. to inhale the air in front of me with fierce pleasure like a wolf thirsting for the blood of its prey... Woe..!

He lowered his head to the level of my eyes and opened his eyes and wished he did not open them..what kind of magic emanates from those captivating cosmic eyes. Any desire is the one that emanates from his eyes attacking my face with such force..as if I am hypnotized and cannot move any of my fingers.. woe...

His hand slowly raises towards me..Is there a worse situation than the one I'm in...please me let's be optimistic okay..it's impossible that this thing has seen us..Diram said no one can see you...well..i have to gather My strength.. I must not allow him to touch me, otherwise my suspicion that he has seen me will become inevitable if he touches me. ..

It didn't cross my mind at the time but to slowly go down to the ground before that hand reached me to touch me and it was over..

I somehow succeeded, I was able to move and slowly lower my body to the level of his feet..but as soon as I did that, that rough, damned stature with a frighteningly handsome face exploded with laughter..!

Yes, he is laughing!

Zaid: If you don't stand up now, you'll see a sight that you won't like at all..!

Leen: H!..uh!!. Is this creature talking to me..?! I put my hand over my mouth, closed my eyes, and convinced myself that I didn't hear anything, or that he might be talking to someone else.. Any lie I might tell myself now would work for me..or at least that's what I thought...

But that handsome, sharp-eyed, rough-bodied laugh increased his laughter until he tilted his head back.. His arrogant, confident and strong laughter, which was not at all like the laughter of monsters, but rather was noble laughter that does not extend to the horror that I am related to..

He straightened his confident straightness and again wrapped the woman around her neck with his right hand, then extended out his left hand, protruding the veins decorated with rings above, and said:

Zaid: If you want to stop me.. stand up and put your beautiful head under my hand my beautiful..!

Leen: For God's sake, what is this damned talking about.. in the midst of my search for a way to slip through his feet and escape from this damned place..

Drops of blood flew on the snow around me.. Was I hurt.. No, I'm fine.. Yes, most likely this is Diram who stabbed this thing and came to save me...

I raised my head and hoped that what would happen would be in my favor..but the winds were flowing in what the ships did not desire.

My throat dried up and my heart stopped beating and my mind froze when I saw him..I saw him stick his fangs into the neck of that frozen woman and blood dripping down from his sharp beard on his wide chest and then on the snow in front of me...

You ...! You !! I started hitting his legs hard and I was astonished with my eyes wide open... You!! You stop what you're doing.. leave it you motherfucker.. leave it.. but he didn't budge a centimetre like a rock he doesn't move and doesn't show any sign of pain even though I hit him with all my strength...

I kept screaming.. you stop please stop what you're doing... you're killing her.. I stood trying to push him or push her away from him.. he doesn't move as hard as steel.. my strikes only evoked a fun smile that appeared on his fangs that sucked blood fiercely....

What should I do.. please stop.. what should I do.. I beg you what should I do to stop.. I remembered his hand..

I took his hand without thinking or planning or being afraid of myself and put it with both hands on my head as he previously ordered...

As soon as I put it on.. he left it straight away and the heaviness of his enchanting black eyes came back to captivate my eyes... He smiled with an innocent, heart-stopping attraction. He gently entered his left hand in my hair, then bit his flat and whispered close.

Zaid: oh Welcome ....my little witch.

....................................................................................to be continued