
The King's Witch

Leen is the heiress of the King of the North and the only one remaining who bears the blood of the bloodline of the Great Wizard's Empire lives isolated from the public eye in a small palace amidst the dense forests of the North, and only so-called future husband, son of the Great Counsel, General Diram, is allowed to visit her. Zain the vampire hybrid and the king of the southern kingdom, the most powerful of the four kingdoms, decide to invade the northern kingdom and obtain Princess Leen at any cost while the awaited prophecy is awakened. what fate will combain them?

Amina_Hamla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Truth

Leen: That tall.. that dagger.. that steady stance... Diram!

No, Diram doesn't do that..! There must be a misunderstanding in my eyes..! This is what I find impossible to be the same as my Diram..!

The blood that came from my father's chest is on the face of the Grand vizier.. the blood on the ground.. the sword vibrates from my father's big, old, royal rough hand.. the damned wanted to pull the dagger from my father's back, but my father closed what appeared from the blade of the dagger to his chest with his hand and pulled it to him making Diram He sticks to his back to strip him of the sword on his waist, without having time to react.

Faster than lightning, hotter than fire and finer than the arrows of love at first sight. My father targeted the heart of the Grand Vizier. But the hand of that damned one got in the way of his sword and ended up cutting his hand from the elbow amid everyone's astonishment.. Another maneuver from my wonderful strong father.. The sword flew from his right hand upside down to his left hand and the blade towards

that surprised Diram's neck behind him..

The three soldiers, who were supposed to ensure that the King would not be betrayed by the Great vizier, offered on a sumptuous dish of filthy treachery three spears on the chest of my master and my one and only lover. ..

...the air around me ran out, and my father's white beard was stained with bright crimson royal blood.. Death sat on my neck and weighed it down when my father collapsed on his knee, unable to stand.

The dog( Diram) spurted out its saliva after my father nearly separated his neck from his head and ran to embrace his father, the great traitor's Vizier with his traitorous soldiers, his cowardly father who filled the world with his screams, casting some of his magic spells on him to stop the bleeding of his amputated hand..

As for my father.. he was empty sides without people around him lying There beside them, breathless, his blood was bleeding profusely.. He fell to the ground on his back.. His face was on the opposite side.. I couldn't see his features.. I was calm and trembling and everything was torn.. Every cell was burning, silent and mute..

My lover turned his head staggeringly and murderously while Diram's voice rose, trying to wake up his father in his arms..

my only father in the cold arms of death.. my dad looked at me..! His eyes fell on mine, and he smiled and so did I, I moved my lips without a sound..:

did you see father..you are not alone I am here..!.

Then he closed his eyes... that made me feel that I had opened my eyes for the first time in a long time!

What do I do..!

What, Iman, will you leave him to die there alone.. Will you prove what the Grand Master said that if you were a man, you would at least defend him even with words..

I tried to mute my voice, but my moaning about my father quickly gathered in my throat and some of his breaths managed to break free from the chain of my closed teeth and my trembling hands on my jaw..

They must have heard the faint cry, but I don't think they saw my face.

Diram ordered two soldiers to check the source of the sound while he stayed with his father, whose magical spells seemed to stop his bleeding quickly.

What now what should I do..!

Probably..! Maybe if Taehyung knew it was me, he wouldn't have ordered me to be killed.

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding...!

What misunderstanding is this that would forgive your father's murder, you idiot!

What a bitch..! Have you seen the damned Diram for whom you lied to your father what he did to you.. Have you seen the damned fulfillment of the innocent, dirty feelings of love and the blind, naive trust that took you.. Huh..!

I will kill them and I will eradicate you from your place, you damned heart.

I got up and ran and I didn't know how I got up or how I ran or where to run.. I was lost, frightened, shocked and angry.. My body was driving me by itself..

no..! I will not leave this betrayal unaccounted for! I will bury them in the grave they dug for you, father, I promise..!

A while ago I ran. There was not one guard I could turn to. There was no maid who could help me.. Where do you run? Leen in God's sake.. The only one you could have run towards. I left him in the opposite direction, swimming in his blood between life and death.

More than this..I got tired and wanted to sit..I fell to my knees and the sounds of the two guards' footsteps were approaching and I didn't care much..All I wanted at that moment was to rest a little..This day has exhausted me enough and I no longer care how it will end.

My tears fell on my cheek.. I had no desire to raise my hand to wipe it, so I put my forehead on the ground, saying that I did not want these two traitors to see my tears and that I was afraid of them..

The feet of the two soldiers reached me and stopped and then one of them said: What a sexy princess Pity Tomorrow General Diram will use you for the coronation and then we will follow you to your father the king..

He said that with great irony. His escort laughed and my first tear fell on the wooden floor under my eyes..while their filthy hands stretched out to catch me..a ball of red glass balls fell from my pocket and rolled, two sources of beautiful sound beside My right eye...

Hope came in my chest again, and it was not over yet, traitors.. I was afraid. I think I inherited it from my father. My left hand grabbed the ball that rolled in front of me, and my right hand took another ball out of my pocket and closed it in my hand.. The two soldiers were surrounding me from both sides, which was easy. I have to put every ball in their pocket.

One two three.. ok now.. stop..!

The magic turned on the magician..woe...! It works better than I imagined.. Now let's change some of the rules of the game.. The first thing I did was I removed their filthy hands from my shoulder I wiped my precious and precious tears with my tender hands Then I put my hands in their arms like a princess escorting two servants to a party.. And I said with all the malice I could say:

Leen: Listen well.. you are going to Diram and behave yourself. Then you tell him that the source of the voice was a maid of the palace servants and you took care of her, then you tell him that the situation outside is very tense and that there are soldiers who refuse to turn against King Aguilas and do not mention my name..then most likely he will leave with his father and ask you to get rid of my father or hide him no matter what. It was his request. Do not hurt him or allow anyone else to harm him. Understood, now go.

They stop at Diram and his father, who does not seem to be affected at all by amputating his hand, and start talking to them.. and I return to the place from which it began.. I look at my father lying on the ground.. I watch his chest so that I can see from the movement what reassures them that he is still breathing. But from that distance I didn't see anything and couldn't be sure of anything..or maybe I didn't want to insert the possibility that he died in my mind..

Diram is leaving.. but that bastard didn't look like he was leaving with him..

Diram: You two made sure if Aguilas was dead if he didn't kill him and hid his body away from the castle..! Dad won't you come with me..?!

Grand Vizier: My son preceded me. Do you think that after he did what he did to my arm, I would leave him to be buried with all his organs..! Go faster we don't want

That our plan fails after we have reached this stage..! I'll finish my work here and your right!

Diram: I'm at your command dad..!

Leen: So I am not of any use..and the male heir is better than me..!

Grand Vizier: You are here, you damned witch! I came to your end, you caught her..!

Iman: No, they arrested him and held him in place well! ..

Grand Vizier: What are you going to do, you crazy..!

Princess Iman lightly placed the third glass ball in his pocket, sparking pride and steadfastness in her bright crystal eyes.

Iman: Shut up and hold your place now without a word, you bastard!..

Come towards me your king, the first king of the north, Mr. Aguilas my father..!

Open your eyes, you damned one, and look at your king well, and preserve his features.. I preserved them.. Good. Hold on to that position and don't blink your eyes a single blink..

Leen: I put the mask on him..and he looked exactly like my father..! But my dad was wounded and dying and he didn't look like that at all, so I pulled my dagger from my waist and stabbed it exactly in the same place where Diram stabbed my dad and now you two.. three stabs with spears on his chest, let it be deep..

Did you know, O Great Vizier, the damned traitor, although I am not good at magic, and I am not a professional in fighting like men, but the blows of beginners usually result in paralysis or serious damage that is impossible to repair, followed by continuous torment...

And do not tire your eyes by searching for mercy within me..unjust mercy has disappeared and its place is just logic. Whoever did not have mercy on my father, may God neither have mercy on him nor forgive him..An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and the appearance is more unjust! .

This traitor was left swimming in his blood in the same place where my father was lying. I ordered the two soldiers to carry my father to my room and then I made them fall off the edge of the tower before the stones were used up.. I carried my father and put him on my bed and I don't know where the strength came to me to do that.. The side of his stomach was bleeding profusely and there was only one glass ball left in my whale...

Acacia herb. One of the maids once told me about her strong role in saving the soldiers of the Northern Kingdom during the first great witches war, and how its leaves had a powerful effect in relieving pain and healing deep wounds. So there was no room here for error, stupidity, or naive feminine weakness, even if I did not recognize it at the time.

It happened. And the weed is in my hand, and there is no time to celebrate the overwhelming achievements..the damned son of the traitor the pig is here..I don't mean to brag, but I could really feel his rotten blood near my room..All time allowed me to do was put the herb from my hand next to my father's clear place on my bed I wanted To put the quilt on his face, at least, but his breathing is already weak, so how if I put something on his face.. His steps stopped in front of the door, the matter was out of my control, and I had no trick. I surrendered to God. I put my hand on the edge of the bed. I gave my father one last look before I pulled the rope to lower the bed curtain, and that was all what I can do after praying to god as I have never prayed..I wish the bed would disappear and no one would see my father!

The door opened and he entered me smiling confidently, and the dirty features of wandering love dripping from his wide eyelids.. I walked towards him silently and without features. Then I remembered that if femininity and the damned plot of women exist, then this is definitely the best time to use both.. It was not difficult to fake some sparkles of tears of joy in my eyes. Because there are tears of oppression in their place...

I ran towards the damn traitor... I made a big mistake in my life.. I hugged him. I put my ear to his chest. I hugged him. I heard the sound of his heartbeat, which I swore that her silence would not be at the hands of anyone but me. I had to do that. His mind is cunning, and his bright eyes don't focus on anything else but me in that room.

As expected from the dirty love hormones.. his mind was completely confused and his eyes weren't looking at anything else in that room..

Leen: Diram.. you're fine.. why did you take all that time for me to catch up..

Diram: I went back to the place but I didn't find you.. I thought that damn Zaid had found you and kidnapped you.. I was really surprised when I heard that you are safe here in the castle..

Leen: Oh.. that... My father's soldiers followed me, thank God. I returned to the castle without any problems..-Leen saw some looks of astonishment on Zaid's clever face, so she took care of the matter and said directly, claiming stupidity and naivety, as I usually do.

Leen: Right, what happened with the King of the South? Was the Kingdom of the North able to stand up to the attack.. I'm sure that savage Zaid will be killed soon by your hand.. Is this true..

- Here the looks of astonishment turned into relief, evil red sprites danced on his traitorous face.

He sighed, then smiled and said...

Diram: It seems you don't know anything, Princess.

Leen: What...? Is there anything I need to know.. has something happened to you.. is the kingdom okay..? Is dad okay...!

Diram: No, no, no, your highness, Princess. His Majesty the King was very angry when he heard that the King of the South decided to attack the kingdom, so he went to the front lines to supervise the protection of the kingdom himself.

leen: I laughed sarcastically, then said after I calmed myself down?,?,

Leen: Are you serious... My father is the king of the Northern Kingdom... The father of the princess of the Great Wizard's Kingdom... It is impossible for him to lose in front of a pile of mercenaries.. Such kings do not die on the battlefield except treacherously..! Isn't that right, Diram?!

- The damned got confused and his eyes sunk at the top of his head. He stuttered at some of his words. Then he corrected the matter and said..

- Diram: very true Your Highness Princess. He is... I hope you don't come out of his room, all this heavy security that you see is only for your protection.. There are some spies in the palace and I'm afraid they will do something to you, so you have a good sleep tonight.. But.. it's true Your Highness, Princess Lama, is your room without a bed.. Did something happen?!.

Leen: Ah, it was so old and worn out that I ordered it to be taken out. They will bring me another bed soon. Don't worry.. Then do you think I can really sleep tonight.. I can't wait for dawn..!.. Diram..!

Diram: Yes, Your Highness..!

Leen: Make sure you sleep well..this is your last night of sleep..!

.....................................................................To be continued.