
The King's Witch

Leen is the heiress of the King of the North and the only one remaining who bears the blood of the bloodline of the Great Wizard's Empire lives isolated from the public eye in a small palace amidst the dense forests of the North, and only so-called future husband, son of the Great Counsel, General Diram, is allowed to visit her. Zain the vampire hybrid and the king of the southern kingdom, the most powerful of the four kingdoms, decide to invade the northern kingdom and obtain Princess Leen at any cost while the awaited prophecy is awakened. what fate will combain them?

Amina_Hamla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


... Palace of King Agilas, Emperor of the Great Northern Kingdom..-The Royal Court-....

The royal court of the Northern Kingdom was full of sharp discussions on the news of the betrayal of the Grand Vizier and the king's use in the service of the kingdom of the south, a hybrid blood, notorious and terrifying in influence. A great kingdom like the southern kingdom was built in a short period of no more than twenty years with exiled tribes, either for crimes of witchcraft, corruption, or possession of non-magical power. Pure As a result of the marriage of two different factions of magicians, one young man in his thirties who does not possess a known blood line nor a noble family, an orphan from the common people, was able to unite it and make it a fortress that is difficult to destroy at the negotiating table of kings...

If the news of the North-South alliance is true, especially at this time, and only one month remains for the prophecy of the Wizarding Kingdom, there will be no room for competition between the King of the South and the rest of the other nobles of the Three Kingdoms.That's what kindled the fires of controversy inside the Royal Court.

A majestic presence of all noble classes..the nobles, village leaders, powerful extremist clans with self-governance..and kings of the neighboring powerful kingdoms, on top of which is the Kingdom of Elsia, the master of trade. Where there are many rivers, tropical forests, and the kingdom of the eastern islands, which is one of the strongest fortified kingdoms because of the many mountain ranges that lie in its midst. Despite the guard's announcement at the top of his voice that King Agilas and his guest were about to enter the courtroom, no one noticed that, neither the ear was closed, nor the mouth closed, nor the eye subdued.

Kasser and Timur a kick from their strong legs opened the door wide

General Kasser: Why don't your filthy mouths shut in the presence of kings!

Before anyone dared to react other than surprise and astonishment, his coarse voice approached, speaking to King Aguilas in the corridor in front of the courtroom.

Everyone calms down and breath dies in the midst of their gaps. The worst happened. He who walks side by side with King Agilas, the red of majesty, heavy in armor, huge in body, is definitely the King of the South.. His feet trod the hall, and the echo of its terror resounded in the souls.. With his calm, rough voice and his handsome face, sharp features, thickened with prestige, he spread peace, spreading all kinds of feelings in the hearts of the audience except those The one who extends the prayer of peace.. the statures stood up to greet him and the heads bowed. It seems that the prophecy of the witch king is about to rage..

While the King of the North, Aguilas, marched forward, announcing the beginning of the meeting in a hurry, heading to his majestic charred throne... The owner of the fire-flaming eyes stood in the middle of the road, and General Sadeem caught his attention in the corner.. In addition, he was the only one who did not stand to greet the two kings. The aura of magic emanating from him was very tense and did not fit his appearance as a man in his sixties who wore a large bonnet over his head and did not appear from his bowed head except for his old mouth and white beard..

A rare mystery scene that entices and excites the curiosity of the first master of the south.He defected from his generals, with his hands behind his back, walking broad-breasted and shoulders wide, slashing the rows of heads bowed with squawking might, and a chill of prestige overflowed over the edges of his charcoal-black hair, stoning all who had not yet frozen in the folds of the noble presence.

Placing his rough, heavy-ringed, deep-veined hand on the shoulder of the old man, carelessly and boldly looking at him, indifferently, as if he were experiencing something. He liked what he found, so he caught, so the old man got up moaning for fear of breaking his bones..as Zaid pulled him.

Zaid: Why don't you stand with the rest...! He asked and did not get an answer, but General Sadeem did not even bother to raise his head or look at him. The King of Majesty's red face turned black in admiration, and his teeth gritted inside his closed socket, eager to challenge him in such a way that he pushed his shoulder down to the chair on which he was sitting, crushed his face on the table and tightened his fist on the His shoulder and the general was grappling with his pain, but in the blink of an eye I heard a crunch in his collarbones. He would have dislocated his shoulder if not for the intervention of King Agilas by placing his hand on Zaid's arm calmed down

King Aguilas: Slow down, Your Majesty.. Chief of Staff, Sadeem, is weak in body these days, and I am the one who ordered him not to exert himself. He has a great favor upon me and the people of the Northern Kingdom, and I do not think that he ever intended to disrespect you, Your Majesty.

Zaid: I understand... You know, my friend, Aguilas... Loyal ones always leave quickly... Loyalty tax is very expensive...

In a few seconds magic emanated under his big, rough hand. The veins of his neck protruded, Then his arm to root with his big royal hand, everyone was able to see its light red smoke creeping between the fingers that were still applied to General Sadeem's shoulder.. It was a magic that only a few kings of noble blood of high purity could master, and that the king of the hybrid blood was an exception.. Really terrifying is that he He seemed so relaxed and calm that it seemed easier than drinking water to let out that amount of magic

Zaid: Sorry for the misunderstanding, General, I hope you liked my gift..Your left leg was injured too, so I treated it for you..Please don't stress yourself out and take good care of your king..It's very difficult to get a follower like you..

King Agilas pushes Zaid behind his back and leads him to the royal chair, which is placed on the side of his throne, then looks at the rest of the audience with a great nobility, pointing with his hand, and the chairs pull out on their own from under the table to complete his speech

Aguilas: May you, gentlemen, have a chair worthy of your honorable position.. I would prefer that our meeting begin now without wasting our precious time!

Zaid sat on his chair bored, leaning his right elbow on the edge of the chair,

and his sharp gloomy eyes watching the mist and the rest of the audience with great coldness, while the expression of seriousness gathered on the face and tone of the King of the North, Agilas..

Aguilas: Well, gentlemen, I thank your great nobility for responding to this emergency meeting, which we will discuss the current situation of the Kingdom, before we provide the necessary clarifications on the news of the betrayal of the Grand Vizier.

There are some signs of commotion and whispering discussions in the middle of the court hall..!

Aguilas: Mr. Roland, I have been informed that some of your soldiers were attacked by a caravan of the Kingdom of Elesia as it passed through the waterway along the fourth island. What is the position of the Kingdom of the Eastern Islands in that?!

King Roland: It's slander

Your Majesty..then..even if my soldiers did this without my knowledge, it would not be bad to set fires and sabotage our border agricultural crops.. your majesty, Aguilas, we must unite to put an end to these barbaric savages..!

King Msimo: I strongly object, Your Majesty.. the Kingdom of Elsia deliberately closes the important border crossings, arguing that it is its agricultural lands, but every year it cuts off part of the border forest and turns it into lands belonging to it.. which we consider affects the safety of our people as a main feature..!

King Roland's advisor stands and interrupts King Msimo angrily: You're shamed, you damned slanderer! To respond to him, the leader of the King's Guard, Masimo, in an even more violent tone

Watch your words, Counsellor of rotten fish (a large part of the economy of the Kingdom of the Eastern Isles is based on fishing).

King Roland: Your subordinate has gone too far, Mr. Massimo..!

King Msimo: Who has crossed the line, this one..!

Mouths opened and her grudge overflowed and her saliva flew out, and none of them seemed ready to stop.

Both kings leaned back on the edge of their chairs, their eyes watching the quarrel in front of them quietly, as if they were relaxing on the seashore.

Zaid: What are you going to do with the disputed lands between these kids on your border! Who will you support?!

Aguilas: I will support them both..! I will introduce them to the idea of ​​joint governance.! Do you not see to what degree they are in harmony with each other.. Why should I choose between them..! And despite the amount of stupidity they carry, neither of them will succeed in ruling it under all circumstances?!

Zaid: So who will rule it my dear friend..?!

Aguilas: You and I, dear friend..! East of me..!?

Zaid: I love sunsets.. It would be nice to watch them over the burning forts of the West!

At those faint words between the two kings, the voices of the audience became louder, and it seemed that the discussion had begun to take another turn, which necessitated the intervention of King Agilas, perhaps limiting its intensity.

Aguilas: Mr. Roland, calm down, please... things don't work out this way..!

He said that while standing soothingly, but it seems that the hand of Zaid who grabbed the wrist had a different opinion.

Aguilas: I didn't think that just talking about the eastern islands would make you so excited, Your Majesty!

Zaid: You wouldn't think of marrying her to one of these weak scum!..are you!

Aguilas: I could never have made such a terrible mistake! ... He points to the two guards behind him to catch the angry King Msimo.. Hey, Your Majesty, King Msimo .. We will not reach any result like this..! I had some hope for that damned and his son.. but after their betrayal..! Hey..!!

Finally, King Agilas turned his head towards King Zaid, because the one who understood him needed clear confirmation from his friend's facial features.

Aguilas: What are you trying to get at, Your Majesty!

As soon as the gaze fell on the eyes, they understood the words, the meaning and the news. King Agilas sat quietly looking around at General sadeem who was sitting quietly in the midst of that blindness, and his big old royal hand gripped the handle of his throne with a force that nearly shattered it. Black flames raged among the sharp, dark and mysterious eyes of the king. One hawk was hovering around General sadeem , and now the hawk had become two hawks.

Zaid: Your daughter is the heiress of the Great Wizard's Kingdom, a witch without any magical powers. It hasn't quite arrived yet..but..everyone sees that things are clear..your daughter is exactly like her mother, Your Majesty..a witch without magic..

The controversy intensifies after one of the clan owners throws a cup at King Roland.. Zaid refers to his generals by standing between the quarreling and preventing them from clashing, then continues his speech very seriously, and the guard of the deadly reality has overshadowed the features of the two kings.

Zaid: .. to be honest with you.. I left believing in this legend a long time ago.. Look around you well, Your Majesty, the power and influence.. This is what the wizarding world believes in and works for now.. and if the excuse of the Wizarding Kingdom is used in something, it will not cover anything except power and influence. that' s it .

But by marrying the King of the South, she will not only be the Great Empress of the South, but also the undisputed First Lady of the kingdoms

zaid: Anyway, I won't take shelter in anything..You know me and you know very well that if she was anyone else's daughter, I wouldn't waste my time saying a single word..But after all, you are still very kind to me. You saved my life once and I wouldn't have reached who I am. It should now be, had it not been for your great skill, which I testify to you.. you consider it a normal sermon request, like any noble of the nobles of your kingdom.. you made sure to inform her of the matter and I am sure that her decision will end to me..!

Aguilas - Angrily and impatiently, hits his hand on the handle of his chair and utters a warning -

Aguilas: Let every bastard put his damned ass on his damn chair and shut up!

Except for the news of the execution of the Grand Vizier, which will take place tomorrow morning..a closed topic and I do not accept to discuss it..As your honorable honor knows, the wedding of Princess Leen, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of the North and heir to the Kingdom of Great Wizards, was supposed to take place with the son of the Grand Vizier, General Diram, to meet the conditions of the witch king. with it..! Knowing that he has not been proven guilty so far, this will not change the fact that he is still on the run and we do not know his whereabouts.. Unfortunately, I consider him a sufficient reason to prove the accusations against him..! Therefore, after consulting the monk Oliver and taking his blessing, as is the custom tonight, the right husband for the princess will be chosen, and his name will be announced tomorrow after the execution of the death sentence.

As for the conflict between the two dear kingdoms of Elsia and the kingdom of the eastern islands...

In the meantime, the calm finally settled in the court hall. The audience listens to the decisions of King Aguilas, the uproar rose again, but this time it was not inside the hall, but in front of its corridors, as if the raging bulls were running towards them. all what they could hear him: Stop him. Stop him..

Terror settled in the presence of clan leaders, and their voice and their boasting of their noble and ancient lineage disappeared, and hid like flocks of sheep behind General Kasir and Timur, who put their hands on swords, awaiting orders from Kings Agilas and Zaid..

Kings who did not have any of the qualities of caution and anticipation that overwhelmed everyone..King Zaid looked at King Agilas as if he was asking permission to do something..The two smiled with a noble calm.. Their hearts were filled with enthusiasm and admiration. The King of the North closed his eyes, allowing Zaid to do what he asked for..

The noise in front of the door subsided.. The clock struck, the raging heated up, and the generals drew their swords.. Then the sound resounded in the hall.

Leen: Daaaad!

..........................................................................to be continued.