

Editor: GravityTales

High-Leveled Characters

The Stat Guardian was the most popular Guardian amongst players and it truly did give the best benefit to a player's stats. It was equivalent to obtaining extra stat points, which the player could then freely choose to use.

The Stat Guardian gave eight extra stat points to players for every level it gained. At its maximum level, Level 20, it would give an additional 160 points. Its impact on a character's strength couldn't be ignored. Even for normal guilds, the few extra points were enough to create a noticeable difference in strength between two players with the same level and equipment.

It was because of this that very few players weren't in a guild. Even for the pro accounts in the Pro Alliance, in game, they had to have the guild's name tagged onto them. There were not any players that did not follow this rule. This was, of course, done for those extra stat points.