
The murders

Misaki: KRAP! I'm late for class!


Misaki stops

Misaki: Yeah what is it

Sakura: class is dismissed

Misaki: oh yeah I forgot.

Sakura: wanna hangout now?

Misaki: Sure I don't have anything better to do anyway.

Misaki and Sakura were walking down the hallway. All of a sudden a big thud came from one of the classrooms. Misaki and Sakura got surprised.

Sakura: Did you hear that?

Misaki: yeah I think it came from class 2-2.

Sakura: I think so.

Sakura and Misaki slowly walked to class 2-2. Sakura opened the door fast and Misaki screamed. It was one of there classmates. Alexander Anderson on the floor dead. Beside him was a tall man wearing black clothes and a black mask. The man ran towards the girls. Sakura and Misaki realized that the man was holding a knife. The girls started to run.


The man grabbed Sakura's hair and stabbed her. The man started to run the opposite direction.

Sakura screams for help. Misaki grabs her phone from her bag and calls an ambulance.