
The Key to the Alpha's Heart

Elora Harrington, the daughter of Moon Wolf pack's alpha. She's living a peaceful life with her parents as she finishes her last year in high school. She has two of the best friends in the world and is devoted to her art work. No one paid her no mind at school because of an accident in the past until he arrived. Blake Pierce, the next alpha of Silver Moon pack. He moved to Norwich after being exiled from home until he gets rid of his revolting attitude that caused disgrace for his parents and their pack. With his outgoing personality, he fit in easily but he found himself interested in a girl named Elora. They're both polar opposites. Elora didn't believe she'd ever love him. Blake didn't know she was the key to his heart. The Moon Goddess believed in them both.

EtherealMermaid97 · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 1-Senior Year

Trees blurred past me and the wind harshly blew at my face as I ran. I carefully jumped over fallen trees, making sure not to make a mistake so it couldn't catch up to me. Up ahead I saw an opening in the mountains. As I got closer, I realized it was a cave and ran towards it and decided to hide there until it was safe to come out.

I slowed down my breathing but my heart pounded loudly while my ears were ringing. Please, please shut up heart! It killed everyone I love, I can't die now!

"Elora. Please come out and play with me!" The voice whispered desperately.

No, no! It can't find me, please don't find me. I closed my eyes and huddled into my knees, afraid I'd be caught if I didn't.

"Oh, dear you know you can't hide from me..." The voice said sadly, sounding closer to where I was hiding.

I couldn't move, my body shut down and froze from fear. Come on, go! Run! My brain shouted at me but I couldn't. A hand tightly covered my mouth and I couldn't scream. My own voice betraying me.

"Let's play Elora, like old times." He whispered dangerously.

I gasped for air and sat straight up in my bed. My body sweating from the nightmare and my eyes full of unshed tears. I looked at my clock on my nightstand, it was 5:47 a.m. I groaned and plopped back down wiping my eyes.

I ran my hand across my face, "Why do I keep having that nightmare?" This is the third night waking up from it. I didn't understand it either because it had the voice of my best friend. He died a couple of years ago and I blame myself for his death. A tear slid down my cheek, I could've saved him.

Taking a deep breath, I blocked the memories of that night from my mind. I sat up in bed and decided to get ready for school. I gathered a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black pullover sweater, and black toms. After I put them on, I went to my bathroom across the hall.

I brushed my teeth and curled my long auburn hair. I put brown eye shadow above my hazel eyes and mascara to finish the look. I didn't need much makeup because I already have a natural complexion and I didn't want to cover up my freckles. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, happy with how I look. After grabbing my book bag and glasses from my room I headed downstairs to make breakfast.

"Good morning! You're up early." My dad greeted me.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I had that nightmare again." I sighed as he looked at me worriedly.

"I'm okay though." I smiled, reassuring him. I didn't want to bother my dad with unnecessary worry. He already had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He's the alpha of the pack and has so much stuff going on already.

He gave me a smile, "Just remember, if you need to talk, I'm all ears."

I laughed and nodded. I made some eggs and ate them quickly with a glass of chocolate milk. I put my dishes in the sink and grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Bye dad, I love you! Tell mom for me, please." I said as I opened the door to our private home. We didn't live within the pack house but lived right next to it in our forest.

"Sure thing. I love you too!" Dad replied back.

I left for school in my white Toyota Camry. It was nothing special but it got me from point a to point b. My dad tried to get me a mustang GT for my birthday last year but I told him I would want to get that on my own. I was grateful he wanted to get my dream car but I wanted to work for it. I didn't want to be one of those rich kids that got everything they wanted without lifting a finger for it.

I arrived at school in less than 10 minutes, I didn't live to far. I got out the car, retrieving my bag before shutting the door behind me. I locked the doors and headed towards my friends, Jessica and Dillion. They were mates and already shifted into their wolves a couple weeks ago. I was so happy when I heard the news! We've all been good friends for five years and all this time they didn't know they were mates. I smiled at the thought.

I couldn't wait to find my mate and I was excited to find out what my wolf would look like. My 18th birthday is in a week so I'll have to wait till then.

I approached the couple on the sidewalk near the school and they were making out. I blushed, they couldn't at least hide behind a tree or something. I cleared my throat and they pulled away from each other.

"Hey, nerd!" Dillion waved. Jessica slapped his arm and he muttered ouch.

I blushed harder, "Please don't call me that, everyone else here already does." I sighed.

"I was just kidding." He said defensively, rubbing his arm.

"Hey, sexy!" Jessica hugged me tightly. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to get grossed out." I laughed as she gave me this go to hell look. Today, she had her blonde curly hair in a high pony tail with a face full of makeup. Her green eyes seemed brighter from the plum velvet eye shadow she used. I wish I looked as gorgeous as her. Dillion on the other hand, his brown hair was a mess and his blue eyes had slight wrinkles underneath them. He was not the morning person of the group.

"Are you excited that this is our last year of high school?" Jessica asked. I almost forgot this was our last year of high school. I'm excited to finally be leaving this hell hole so I can start on a career with my art.

"Yes!" I replied, excited. "Also for my birthday next week! I so can't wait for that." I smiled.

"I'm excited fo..." The bell rang, interrupting Jessica and notifying everyone that they could now enter the school building. "For you." She finished, laughing a little bit. I giggled with her. We hugged each other bye and went our separate ways. Her and Dillion had a different 1st period than me.

I walked to my locker and unlocked the lock. I grabbed my math and science book, shoving them in my bag. I searched for my art book and couldn't find it. Crap, I think I left it in my car. I shut my locker and hurried out to get the book. As I rushed through the hallways I hit someone with my shoulder.

"Sor....", My eyes went wide as I blushed, heat running through my whole body. Short black hair with a blue-grey beanie always covering it. The brightest blue eyes anyone has ever seen and a toned body. That can only be one person, Blake Pierce.

"Watch it, loser!" He harshly yelled while his clique laughed at me. All the hatred finally caught up with my heart. I gave him a deadly look and flicked him off as I continued to rush out the building. I hated him! Ever since he moved here a year ago, he thinks he runs the school and can be mean to whoever he wants. It was so calm and peaceful until he ruined that with his bad attitude. This school has been turned upside down! He's the one who started calling me a nerd and persuaded others to do it too. To think I had a crush on him is absurd. Why do I fall for the bad boys?!

I grabbed my art book from the car and headed back inside. The bell had already rung for everyone to be in their class. With the halls being completely empty, it made it easier to reach my first period classroom. As I was about to grab the door handle, someone grabbed me and forced me to the wall on my back. I bumped my head during the process while my glasses fell to the floor and my vision blurred. 

"Mate." The familiar voice growled.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :)