


It was lunchtime, and I was eager to grab a quick bite before my next class. As I made my way towards the cafeteria, a sudden urge to use the restroom hit me like a ton of bricks. I veered off the main path and headed towards the nearest set of toilets.

Pushing open the heavy door, I stepped into the dimly lit restroom. The sound of running water and the faint smell of disinfectant filled the air. I quickly scanned the room, relieved to find it empty. I made my way towards one of the stalls, hoping for a moment of solitude.

But as I approached, a strange noise caught my attention. It was a low, muffled moaning coming from within one of the stalls."DON'T BE SO LOUD DO YOU WANNA GET CAUGHT? " said a deep guttural voice in a low tone trying to whisper, My curiosity piqued, I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Should I ignore it and respect the privacy of whoever was inside? Or should I investigate, just to make sure everything was alright?or should I say Smoothly?

My mischievous side got the better of me, and I decided to take a peek. I reached out to push open the stall door, my hand hovering just an inch away. But before I could make a move, the door swung open forcefully, revealing a big, tall guy standing in front of me. He had a menacing look in his eyes, and his clenched fists hinted at a potential threat.

Behind him, a girl emerged from the stallwith braided brown hair , she was a short petite girl with an hourglass like figure ,light caramel skin and a mole under her left eye , her face flushed with embarrassment. She quickly averted her gaze, clearly mortified by the situation. The big guy turned his attention towards me, his voice dripping with menace.

"If you tell anyone about this," he growled, his voice laced with a dangerous edge, "I'll make sure you regret it. Got it?"

Somehow it wasn't Fear that gripped me in that moment , but amusement?. I nodded, unable to hold my laugh. The big guy shot me one last warning glare before grabbing the girl's hand and storming out of the restroom, leaving me standing there, shaken and unsure of what to do next.

As the door swung shut behind them, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. The weight of their threat hung heavy in the air, but for some reason I couldn't help but smile ...honestly I had not been scared in any way shape or form in that moment ,I was just amused by the way the guy tried to act tough in front of me even though he knew deep down I could easily report him and he'd be expelled, I had all the power in that situation and yet he thought he could intimidate me? Did he think I was an idiot?

I finished my business in the bathroom and took a short 20 second video with my phone facing the floor making sure to make it a bit blurry and look like the phone was hidden while taking the video and immediately left for my next class .

Amazingly by some twist of fate I found the exact same girl who was with that brute in the bathroom sitting right next to Alexa, how convenient?

"Hey Alexa , who's your new friend ? she's cute "I said with a devilish grin as soon as I sat right next to Alexa putting my arm around her shoulders

The girl sitting next to Alexa had a horrified expression on her face as if she had seen the devil incarnate and she subconsciously started tapping her foot on the ground continuously , knowingly or unknowingly she had shown me she was nervous with just that one action.

"She's Pamela , now get your hands off of me you might give her the wrong idea"she said as she moved away from my embrace

"Oh come on dont play so hard to get and eitherway I wasn't here for you , hey Pamela can we talk over there in private "

Alexa had an exasperated expression on her face as if she had just suffered the greatest loss in history while Pamela stood up like an obedient child listening to her parents instructions .

I and Pamela then proceeded to walk to a far corner at the back of the Lecture room where there was no one

"Umm so what's your name handsome, what do you wanna discuss " Pamela said in a flirtatious tone but her facial expressions gave her away as it was clear she was trying to hide the fear she had with a forced smile

"I'm Jake " I said with a smirk as I got closer and closer to her and finally leaned into her ear

"you guys were a lil bit too loud earlier , I coulda sworn you guys were trying to announce to the whole school what you were doing in there"I whispered to her in a joking manner

"What are you talking about , Brian was just massaging my foot earlier , I sprained it when I fell on the stairs "Pamela said as she tried to defend herself

"Oh really now? So you sprained your foot and the first place you thought of going to was the bathroom to get a massage from Brian?"

"Uhhhmmm.....so what if I did? , and its also none of your business ? "Pamela hesitated a bit before continuing

" hmhmm You're funny , you do realise your life is ruined if I report this right? And the best part is that I even had my phone with me so I have evidence "I said with a smirk on my face as I took my phone out and showed her a paused video of the bathroom floor, careful not to let her unpause it as she'd immediately know I was lying if she unpaused it

Pamela gasped as soon as she recognized the bathroom floor in the paused video , immediately concluding that I really had taken a video of them .

"I wonder what the disciplinary committee will think when they see this video ? Anyway I'll be leaving now , I don't like talking to people who call me a liar and keep your little boyfriend on a leash "I said all this while turning around and leaving , leaving Pamela standing there alone ,a tear streaming from one eye as she came to the horrifying realization that her life really might be over this time

Afterall what could she do ? I was clearly bigger ,taller and stronger than her so she couldn't grab the phone and delete anything, she couldn't tell her boyfriend since she assumed I would get even angrier if she got him involved , she literally had no one by her side this time,.......END OF EPISODE 5