


I opened the door to my hostel room after dave left and looked around, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness for the challenge ahead , yes my plan to use Alexa was still in motion and Dave was just another distraction to make the chase more exciting. This was my new home for the next four years, where I would study, sleep, and socialize. I hoped that I would like it here, that I would make some good friends and have some fun experiences,

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.With my Curiosity piqued, I opened the door to find Tman standing there, a guy I had briefly met earlier with Dave. He had an air of confidence about him, and his mischievous grin hinted at a night full of adventure. "Hey, Jake! I was wondering if you'd be up for some fun tonight. There's a club nearby that's supposed to be amazing. What do you say?"

Caught off guard by his sudden invitation, I hesitated for a moment. I had always been a bit reserved, preferring quiet nights in rather than the chaos of a club. But something about Tman's infectious energy and the promise of new experiences compelled me to step out of my comfort zone. "Sure, why not? Let's do it," I replied, a mix of excitement and apprehension bubbling within me.

As we arrived at the club, the pulsating music and vibrant atmosphere engulfed me. The dimly lit room was filled with people dancing, laughing, and losing themselves in the moment. Tman wasted no time in introducing me to his friends, and soon we were all caught up in the whirlwind of the night.

Amidst the chaos, I found myself drawn to a girl named Tgirl. Her captivating smile and warm eyes made it easy for me to open up to her. In the haze of alcohol, I shared stories about my past, my dreams, and my fears. It felt liberating to confide in someone, to let my guard down and be vulnerable.

But as the night wore on, the alcohol began to cloud my judgment. My words became slurred, and my actions grew reckless.And the last thing I actually remember saying was " You know Tgirl since I'll probably never meet you again I guess I can tell you a little bit about this handsome young stallion of a man you see before you I ...."In my intoxicated state, I failed to realize the consequences of my candidness. Little did I know that Tgirl was not who she seemed to be.

The next morning, I awoke with a pounding headache and a sense of dread. As the memories of the previous night flooded back, I realized the gravity of my mistake. I had unknowingly revealed personal details to a stranger, someone who could potentially use them against me.

Regret washed over me like a tidal wave. How could I have been so foolish? I had let my guard down, allowing myself to be vulnerable in a situation where I should have been cautious. The consequences of my actions now loomed ominously, and I could only hope that they wouldn't come back to haunt me.

As I sat there, contemplating the repercussions of my drunken confession, sincerely hoping in the depths of my deep dark heart that somehow , I really would never meet this Tgirl ....

Suddenly out of nowhere another doorknock came .....what the actual fuck bruh , were the students in this hostel just addicted to knocking on my door or were they just messing with me?...

Angrily I got up from my bed and swung the door open "look Dave !!! Im not in the fuckin mood to argue or fight over Ale...." my words were interrupted by the sight of the very same lady I had met last night, the devil who knew my darkest secrets ....Tgirl .

"Umm hey I'm Tgirl , I live next door with Lezo , I was wondering if you could check if your geyser is working coz ours isn't working and we really need to get ready for school " the girl said with a wide expectant smile

(Wait ...what? Is this girl playing with me ? Doesn't she recognize me from yesterday?) I thought while staring at her

"Hello!!! Can you hear me? Are you blind?" The girl said once again while waving her hands in front of my face bringing me from my stupor,

yes for once I Jake Abel White was speechless, flabbergasted ,outwitted .....for once I couldn't come up with anything to say ,I just stared at her like that for a whole minute before she turned around and left without another word just with a knowing smile almost as if saying 'I know your secret '.....END OF EPISODE 3