

I dragged my bags towards the university hostel, feeling a weight on my shoulders. I had vowed to myself never to fall in love again, never to let someone have that power over me. Despite putting on a brave face, deep down I craved to be free from the pain that Lesane had left in her wake. She had been my first love, my everything. And now she was gone, leaving me with nothing but scars and memories.

As I walked through the crowded campus, I entered the hostel premises, nerves gnawing at me. The unfamiliar faces and excited chatter only made me feel more alone, emphasizing the void in my heart. But as I made my way to my room, I noticed a girl leaning against the wall, her hazel eyes fixed on her phone. I couldn't help but do a double-take. The girl looked exactly like Lesane - the same glimmer of mischief in her eyes, the same playful smirk etched on her lips.

Was this some kind of joke? A twisted form of fate testing my resolve? I felt a surge of anger and bitterness rising in me. How could Lesane do this to me? How could she cheat on me with that jerk and break my heart? But then I had an idea. A wicked, twisted idea.

What if I could get back at her? What if I could make her feel the same pain she had caused me? What if I could use this girl, this lookalike, to make her jealous and regret her actions? I flashed her a charming smile, hoping to catch her interest. "Hey," I said, mustering up all the confidence I had left in me, "You must be new here. I'm Jake."

The girl looked up, momentarily surprised by my question. She studied me curiously before responding, "Yeah, I just moved in today. I'm Alexa." I felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing that I had hooked her in. She was going to be my pawn, my weapon, my revenge. I was going to make Lesane pay for what she had done to me, and I was going to enjoy every moment of it. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Alexa. You seem like a cool person. Do you want to hang out sometime?"

Alexa's eyes widened slightly, as if she wasn't expecting my invitation. She hesitated for a moment, before giving me a shy smile. "Sure, why not? I don't know anyone here yet, so it would be nice to have a friend." She was falling for my trap, and I was loving it. She was just a means to an end, a tool for my plan. I didn't care about her feelings, her personality, her dreams. I only cared about myself, and my vengeance.

"Great," I said, pretending to be excited. "How about we exchange numbers and I'll text you later?" Alexa nodded, and we exchanged our phones. I quickly typed in my number and handed her back her phone. She did the same and gave me a friendly wave. "See you around, Jake." I waved back, watching her walk away. I couldn't help but notice how much she resembled Lesane, how much she moved like her, how much she sounded like her. It was uncanny, almost eerie. But I didn't care.

As I settled into my new room, I couldn't predict what lay ahead. But one thing was certain - I was going to make Lesane suffer, and I was going to use Alexa to do it. I was going to play with her heart, toy with her emotions, and then dump her like trash. I was going to make her wish she had never met me, never crossed paths with me, never looked like Lesane. Little did I know, Alexa was not Lesane's twin, but a complete stranger with a striking resemblance.

As I unpacked my bags, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw a guy standing there, smiling at me. He had dark hair , brown eyes,dark chocolate coloured skin and a muscular build. He looked like a typical jock, but there was something friendly and genuine about him. "Hey, man. I'm Dave. I live in the room next to yours. Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the hostel."

I was surprised by his gesture, but I appreciated it. I needed some friends in this place, especially after meeting Alexa. "Hey, Dave. I'm Jake. Thanks for the welcome. It's nice to meet you."

Dave nodded, and invited himself in. He looked around my room, nodding approvingly. "Nice place you got here. You're lucky to get a single room. Most of us have to share with a roommate. Like me, for example. I share with T-man. He's a cool guy, but he can be a bit loud and messy sometimes."

I chuckled, wondering who T-man was and what he was like. "T-man? Is that his real name?"

Dave laughed, shaking his head. "Nah, man. His real name is Glet. But he hates it, so he goes by T-man. He says it stands for 'The Man'. He's a bit full of himself, but he's a good friend. You'll meet him soon enough. He's always around."

I nodded, curious to meet this T-man. Dave seemed like a nice guy, and maybe his roommate was too. Maybe they could be my allies in this new environment, my partners in crime. Maybe they could help me with my plan to get back at Lesane, and maybe they could teach me a thing or two about being a player. "So, Dave, what do you study here?"

Dave grinned, and said, "I'm studying pharmacy. It's my dream to become a pharmacist. What about you?"

I smiled, and said, "Me too. I'm studying pharmacy as well. It's my dream to become the greatest pharmacist in the world."

Dave's eyes widened, and he gave me a high-five. "No way, man. That's awesome. We're in the same course. We're going to be buddies, I can tell. We have so much in common. We're both studying pharmacy, we're both living in the hostel, we're both…"

He was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. We turned and saw a guy standing there, grinning at us. He had black hair, brown eyes, and a lean build. He wore a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and sunglasses. He looked like a typical bad boy, but there was something cocky and arrogant about him. "Hey, Dave. Who's your new friend?"

Dave rolled his eyes, and said, "T-man, meet Jake. Jake, meet T-man. He's my roommate and my friend. Jake is studying pharmacy, just like us."

T-man raised his eyebrows, and said, "Pharmacy, huh? That's cool. I'm studying pharmacy too. It's my dream to become the richest pharmacist in the world."

I frowned, and said, "The richest? Not the greatest?"

T-man shrugged, and said, "Same thing, man. Money is power. Power is greatness. That's my philosophy. Anyway, nice to meet you, Jake. Welcome to the hostel. I hope you're ready for some fun, because this place is wild. There are rules here, but they're meant to be broken. Right, Dave?"

Dave sighed, and said, "T-man, you know I don't agree with you on that. There are rules here for a reason. They're meant to keep us safe and respectful. Right, Jake?"

I looked at Dave, and then at T-man. They were both studying pharmacy, just like me...interesting, could I use them in my plan ? maybe ....bzzzzzt!bzzzzzt! T-man received a call on his phone and out of nowhere started sprinting to his room leaving me alone with dave on the porch in an awkward silence

"Anyway see you late dude I gotta go unpack" Dave said as he turned around to leave and I also turned  ready to shut the door .....

Jake was about to close the door, when he saw Alexa walking past his room. She glanced at him and smiled, making his heart skip a beat. He felt a pang of guilt, knowing that he was using her for his own selfish purposes. But he quickly pushed it aside, reminding himself of his plan. He smiled back at her, and waved at Dave. "Hey, Dave. This is Alexa. She's new here too. Alexa, this is Dave. He's my neighbor."

Dave extended his hand, and Alexa shook it. "Hi, Alexa. Nice to meet you. You're very pretty." Dave said, complimenting her. Alexa blushed, and thanked him. Jake felt a twinge of jealousy, wondering if Dave was flirting with her. He decided to intervene, and wrap his arm around Alexa's waist

Seeing this Dave smirked and gave a knowing nod almost as if he understood what jake was trying to  do...End of EPISODE 1