
The Journey to Somewhere

"Human life has no root or stem, Drifting like dust on the road. Scattered by the wind, turning, This is not our true form." ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ — Tao Qian Qiu Zhen, a prodigy in his past life, ascended to the peak of immortality. However, during his final tribulation, he was struck down by heavenly lightning, only to find himself reborn into a new body with only fragmented memories of his past life. He discovers his cultivation core is fractured, preventing him from following the traditional path, and rendering most of the techniques left in his memories completely useless. Ultimately, he embarks on a journey to reclaim his lost memories and discover the reason he, a powerful immortal, was forced to be reborn.

Xychael · Oriental
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1 Chs

Dear Readers,

The universe exhibits clear design principles, from physics to biology. Life, arising from this purposeful system, must have a purpose itself. Evolution suggests a purpose - survival, and procreation. This drive wouldn't exist without a reason. If there's no inherent purpose, existence becomes absurd, random, and devoid of meaning.

And yet, complexity doesn't imply purpose. Tornadoes are complex, but they have no goal. Life could simply be a fortunate byproduct of physical laws, not a preordained outcome. The wonder of the universe exists regardless of whether we find meaning in it.

Nonetheless, while the specifics may be debated, the intricate design of the universe suggests there's more to life than random chance. Our existence, our capacity for love, creativity, and reason – these all point to something greater.

So, why do we crave purpose so deeply? For humans, the very act of searching for purpose seems to be significant. It speaks to our inherent desire to matter, to leave a mark on the world. I dare argue, that the search for purpose is what makes us human.

They say live with no regrets, a life without a single "what if?" But I say that's a life half-lived, a melody played on a single note.

Imagine a life without a single misstep, a path so perfectly paved it leaves no room for exploration. Would you ever have taken that daring leap, confessed your feelings, or chased that outrageous dream? The fear of regret might have held you back, leaving you "safe" but stagnant.

Imagine a life of absolute contention. People go through the motions of daily life – eating, sleeping, working. They wouldn't feel the urgency to learn a new skill, to write that novel, to volunteer at a local shelter. This lack of purpose wouldn't just make life monotonous, it would be utterly detrimental. Studies have shown that a strong sense of purpose is linked to better mental and physical health.

A young girl who spends hours building magnificent sandcastles on the beach. She builds them, knowing the tide will eventually wash them away. Why does she put in the effort? Because in that moment, her creation matters. 

This novel dives straight into the heart of what it means to be alive. I hope to show a cast of characters chasing wildly different goals but united by a single, powerful drive. Sure, some might say their efforts are pointless, destined to be washed away by time. But this novel argues the opposite. The act of searching, of striving, is the victory. I wish to say, to express, to write that every action (good or bad) leaves a mark, however temporary. This is a story about the power of the present. Even with an uncertain future, the choices we make, the lives we touch, they matter. We matter.

Note, I will first write a few chapters before releasing them all in one go. That way people can instantly read in a bit to see if they like the story or not instead of agonizingly waiting for even the first 10 chapters to be released.

Await the arrival of new chapters.

Xychaelcreators' thoughts