
Chapter 1: Where it all started

There once was a boy from a small town, in Indiana, He lived in a small subdivision. That boy had a good family, and a happy home-life.That boy's name was Austin, Austin wasn't the smartest, or the coolest. But he was smart when need to be, the problem was he was always getting in trouble. He was always causing trouble, trying to annoy people, or even just generally trying to irritate someone. That ment when I came to school, He was always having a hard time making freinds.

The other kids would tease or pick on him for things He couldn't help. There came a time when he finally realized, if he started irritating the teachers, the other kid's would laugh. So that's when he began making a fool of himself, and though the teachers would punish, and yell at him, he just didn't seem to care even a little bit. Looking back it seemed He always had a hard time, making social connections in a healthy manner. Forgot to mention that kid was also Me, this is the story of my life, in this book well be taking note of my life's event's, and where I went wrong. But we'll also show how I'm work to get on the right path now.

Even as a kid he always wanted love, He chased girl's always getting rejected. That didn't stop him one bit though, He figured if he became the fastest kid. Then naturally all the girl's would want him, I know what your probably thinking that's ridiculous, well that's what I really believed. There was something about running that always made him feel free, His mom once told him that he started running before he could walk. When I really sit back and look at it, I've been running my whole life. From commitments, pain, fear, anything that I just really didn't wanna do.