
The Journey of the Red Dragon Mario and Swordsman Luigi

Two cousins meet for an anniversary, exchange gifts, and get sucked into the mushroom kingdom as a result. See what adventures the bros may have in a new world.

Kevin_Martin_4147 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 6 – Conversation & Training

After they both took a breather, the princess decided to ask Kevin a question about the person he was searching for.

"Hey Kevin, what exactly is Sebas like?"

"Seba huh…well he's basically the polar opposite of me. While I'm socially awkward, strong, and introverted; he's a socialite, frail, and extraverted. The guy can basically talk down any situation, get invited anywhere, and both stand out and not stand out when he wants to. If you need help socially or for connections, he is your guy. Honestly, the fact he still cares about me despite all he has shows how good of a person he is to appreciate someone like me."

"I see…well when we meet him I'm sure he'll be excited to see his cousin again." Peach stated, while getting up and heading to town to look for Toad.

"Maybe so, and maybe he'll finally decide to get into a relationship after holding back for so long."

After heading back to town, they proceeded to look for Captain Toad and his group, who were currently performing a show using what they found from the nearby ruins.

"Hey everybody, and welcome to the desert ruin showcase. This year we have over 20 different items that we want to show off to you all, as they may be implemented in modern tech that will show up in the future!" Captain Toad announced to his excited audience, which consisted of many different species, not just Toads.

"A showcase huh, did he tell you about this princess?" Kevin asked as he got into his seat in the VIP section.

"No he did not, but I suppose I'll excuse this sidequest if you will?" Peach redirected, as she too got comfortable for the show.

"Of course, Seba would want me to try to enjoy myself and not worry too much about him so…" Kevin answered as the show soon began.

– 1 hour later –

"And now the magnum opus of the show…the legendary vassal staff was finally found in these ruins!" Captain Toad proclaimed as he pulled an ornate looking staff out of his own backpack.

Whoosh. And suddenly the staff was taken in a blast of air and a purple blur.

"Mwahahaha! Finally, the ultimate power is mine!" announced a purple rabbit with a strange blue bandana.

"Hey, give that back!" exclaimed Kevin, who also proceeded to fly(with dragon wings) towards the rabbit.

"Ah! A human, time for target practice!" the rabbit announced, as he charged some magic through the staff and fired.

Fwoooom. The staff proceeded to fire a purple blast towards Kevin, who tried to catch it with his gauntlet but failed.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Kevin screamed in agony.

{Vassal Weapon methods unlocked} his gauntlet stated within the depths of Kevin's mind.

{Current methods available: Desire, Dragon, Rulership, Emotion, Magic. More can be unlocked via encounter or desire}

"Ugh…" Kevin groaned out while on the floor.

"Welp, it's the real deal, time to get out…" the rabbit decided, but as he turned to leave…

"NABBIT!" the princess shouted, as she seemingly teleported and roundhouse kicked the now named purple rabbit across the face.

"OOF!" the rabbit puffed, as he was sent unconscious from the blow.

– 3 hours later –

"Ugh…this feels familiar." Kevin ponders, as he wakes up in a hospital once again.

"Tell me about it." An annoying voice replied.

"You!" Kevin shouts, as he prepares to blast Nabbit away to kingdom come.

"Woah, woah there! No need for violence!" Nabbit pleads while waving his arms rapidly.

"Oh! You two are finally awake." Doctor Toad states as he walks into the room with no concern.

"Hey doc, could ya tell the human to not fire at me? I don't exactly have any means to protect myself right now." asked Nabbit.

"Sure, since you did return not only the staff but also the power-ups you stole from the residents of the Mushroom Kingdom upon your return." Doc. Toad agrees, and turns to ask Kevin to power down, only to see him speed over to Nabbit and lift him up with his bandana.

"Were your goons attacking the bridge so you could escape once you collected the staff?" asked Kevin menacingly, while holding a point blank dragon shot to Nabbit's face.

"Goons? I work alone, thank you very much. Professional pride as a thief does exist don't ya know." answered Nabbit, who was then dropped on the floor by Kevin.

"In that case, I don't have time to deal with this." Kevin decided, as he left the room.

Nabbit proceeded to follow him, while also stating that his surrender was mainly due to learning of Kevin's gauntlet and how it could strengthen other people. He had made a deal with the princess so that in exchange for being on his best behavior, he could join their group and receive benefits from Kevin's power, since she did not need any more growth from her own abilities or Kevin's.

"I see…in that case, get ready for the most grueling training you have ever experienced, over and over, every night. Not to mention we'll be defending the princess from those creatures I told you about." Kevin stated, as he went to the camp site that they had decided upon arriving at the town.

"What do you mean training? Doesn't your star power do everything for you?" complained Nabbit, who prepared for the training alongside Kevin even as he asked

"That may be so, but I can get stronger and receive more power from my own abilities if I train myself and my body every day. Not to mention it assists with defeating those intruders that appear every night and now may appear at any important landmark we come across." replied Kevin.

For 2 to 3 hours, they did many muscle strengthening exercises, from push ups and sit ups, to burpees and jumping jacks, and everything in between. Then once night came, rabbit shadow beasts appeared once again.

"Ok, the horde is here, Nabbit! Get your staff, and be ready to fight!" Kevin exclaimed as he rushed in to do battle with the horde.

"Oh gosh, you weren't kidding about these creatures lookin' similar to me! I bet these were members of my species that were turned into shadow beasts, though some of them appear to be the elusive Rabbid species as well." Nabbit stated as he grabbed his staff and started firing spell after spell at the horde to prevent them from disturbing the sleeping princess.

After hours of fighting the horde, only the leader remained, and he was currently being interrogated by the two travelers for info.

Bam! "Well, do you know where Sebas is?!" Kevin demanded after he punched the creature for the 50th time.

"Argh…yeah I do, but there's no way I'm helping the enemy." answered the Rabbid.

"Well Kevin, what are we going to do with it if it won't talk?" asked Nabbit who was confused at both how this interrogation was working and what solution Kevin may have for the situation.

"The same thing I do to the rest of their kind for attempting to kill me in battle. Use their bodies as fuel for my, now known, power star." responded Kevin, who then shoved the Rabbid into the Gauntlet.

After doing the same to the rest of the unconscious bodies, they turned in for the knight for the travel they would do in the morning.