
The Journey of the Red Dragon Mario and Swordsman Luigi

Two cousins meet for an anniversary, exchange gifts, and get sucked into the mushroom kingdom as a result. See what adventures the bros may have in a new world.

Kevin_Martin_4147 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chap. 10: Swordsman for Hire Part 1

After receiving the pay from E. Gadd, Sebas continued to travel toward the other parts of the haunted kingdom.

"I have many tools I can use to get rid of these creatures, but my skill with using them is none, so a skilled ghost may possess me. If that happens Kevin would probably have to kill me, so let's train for a bit since there's no urgency for this quest."

So Sebas, using the knowledge of Emiya's abilities based on the routes of the visual novel Kevin told him about, increased his understanding of the reality marble in his body, projecting weapons, copying the skills from the history of the weapons, and Emiya's own suicidal sword style with Kanshou and Bakuya. All of this took two weeks, during which low level ghosts tried to take advantage of his weakened state cause of his training for his body and experience. He used the powers of Avalon and Excalibur to ward them off, to his own shame on his inexperience for needing these OP crutches.

"I have now spent enough time with my power that I am confident that my skill is equivalent to the counter guardian from the novel."

"Now it is time for me to look for some high level ghosts to exorcize or banish from the kingdom."

Sebas traveled from the spooky forests of the entrance towards one of the many mansions that made up the kingdom.

"There is a high amount of magical energy coming from this mansion compared to the others, so either the specter here is a beast with no control, or this is a dangerous being suppressed to a reasonable level."

He proceeded to break down the door with an extra large great sword forged in the Era of the argonauts.

"Bark bark!" A small ghost pup noticed Sebas entering, and proceeded to attract the attention of all the ghosts about the new presence in their territory.

"Welp, there goes any chance of a sneak attack. Now then, get over here!" Shouted Sebas, who traced a hook and chain sword to grab the pup from afar.

"Roar!" A greater dog appeared before the two and proceeded to destroy the chain before it could harm the pup.

"OK, I'll deal with you first." Sebas decided to trace Kanshou and Bakuya as the beast made the two blades thrum deep in his soul, therefore confirming its status as a monster.

"Fwoom." The beast released a flame of ectoplasmic Fury towards sebas before he could get within the creature's range, as it thought he could only hurt it at close range due to it destroying his long range option.

"Flawless and Firm. I am the bone of my sword! Crane Wings…Three Realms!" Sebas released the weapons from his grasp around the flame, as they proceeded to fly and slash all around the beast's body, racking up to s of injuries to weaken the beast.

"Arf arf!" The pup from earlier had returned, sebas not having realized it left, with many different species of ghosts with beastlike parts.

"Come forth, Rho Aias!"

A pink, flowery, and seven layered Barrier appeared before Sebas and protected him from both the Flames and the horde of ghosts that now arrived.

"This is a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I guess it is time to clean house with those weapons…" He traced around 20 black keys with both sacraments and runes, then continually fired them at the horde.

"Rgh…" the greater dog saw this slaughter of its fellow ghosts, and reached a new height of anger towards the threat.

"Bwoom!" The beast transformed with the nearby ectoplasmic energy of its fallen brethren into a chimera of undead proportions.

"Damn, I should have just finished up the leader instead!" Sebas complained as he traced another pair of kanshou and Bakuya and using Reinforcement Magic, he caused the weapons to become their Overedge Variants.