
The Journey of Elrath's Chosen(Warcraft/M&M/Runeterra)

In his twenties, Lucas Aldaric met an untimely demise, only to find himself reincarnated in a unique amalgamation of worlds, with a few unexpected twists.

QuincyEcht · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Morgana, Ambush and Piltover

Morgana led us through the woods for about ten minutes, the beauty of the trees and the sunlight filtering through their leaves creating a mesmerizing atmosphere around us.

"You certainly caused quite a spectacle in Demacia," Morgana remarked as she ushered us into a rustic house constructed of dirt and leaves.

"They're a bunch of idiots," Vagran retorted as he settled into one of the seats.

I joined him, seating myself nearby, while Morgana took a seat opposite us, her purple chained wings draped behind her.

Morgana chuckled at Vagran's remark as cups appeared before us, filled with what seemed to be the purest water I had ever tasted.

"So, Lady Morgana, why have you summoned us here?" I inquired, taking a sip from my cup.

"I've called upon you to ask for your assistance," Morgana began, her gaze locking onto mine, her purple eyes shimmering with intensity. "Will you help me save this world?"

I furrowed my brows, while Vagran set down his cup on the table.

"Could you provide more details?" Vagran asked, echoing my thoughts.

Morgana sighed, her expression darkening. "This world is doomed. The Void will consume it in less than twenty years."

Both Vagran and I widened our eyes in shock. I had known of the presence of the Void in this world, but to hear that it would destroy everything in just two decades... It was a revelation that left us both stunned. What had the Icathians summoned back then? A Void Lord?

"What makes you believe what you said?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. The gravity of Morgana's words weighed heavily on my mind. Saving an entire world was a daunting task, far beyond our capabilities. There were entities in this world much stronger than us, and if they couldn't prevent its destruction, what hope did we have?

"The Void has been encroaching upon this world's borders for too long," Morgana replied somberly, her fingers idly tracing the rim of her cup. "It has eroded the barriers erected by Targon and the other Aspects. Once those barriers falter, the entire world will be consumed by the Void."

"And there's nothing we can do to stop it," she continued with a sigh. "Targon lacks the strength to create a new barrier, Aurelion Sol is not suited for sealing such threats, and the Wandering God's motives remain unknown to us."

"I don't ask you to fight for us, but I ask for your assistance in providing shelter for the survivors of the impending disaster," Morgana concluded, finally taking a sip from her cup.

I stared at the table, weighing Morgana's request. Offering shelter to millions of people was a monumental task, one that I couldn't make alone. It was fraught with challenges and potential disasters. Perhaps relocating them to another continent could be a solution, but if the gods intervened and brought mortals to our world, it would only complicate matters further. But could I live with myself knowing that I turned my back on millions of lives?

I sighed heavily before responding, "Lady Morgana, you understand the enormity of what you're asking. Providing shelter for millions of people is nearly impossible, and sacrifices will undoubtedly be made."

My words were blunt, and I couldn't afford to sugarcoat the reality of the situation. The weight of the decision ahead hung heavy in the air, and I knew that whatever choice we made would have far-reaching consequences.

"Sacrifices are always made," Morgana remarked solemnly. "Perhaps those who perish will deem us cruel, but I've witnessed countless sacrifices since my birth, some of which I deeply regret."

As Morgana rose from her seat, I followed suit, allowing Vagran to remain inside the house while we conversed outside.

"Lady Morgana," I began, gazing up at the sky alongside her. "How does it feel to be a demi-god?"

A wistful smile touched Morgana's lips, but there was pain in her eyes as she replied, "Horrible. You feel torn between two worlds, unable to fully comprehend anyone from either, and you seem alien to everyone else."

I observed Morgana closely, using my magic to scan her essence. Indeed, she possessed the unmistakable aura of a demi-goddess. Her divine power rivaled that of Nia'Tala, yet I knew she was still lesser in strength compared to beings like Michael or Belketh, ancient entities forged in cataclysmic wars.

Her divinity was a curious blend. Despite her affinity for dark magic, her essence emitted a radiant light of justice, undoubtedly inherited from her mother, the Aspect of Justice. However, it differed from Elrath's brand of justice; Morgana's was colder, sharper, reflecting the unique qualities of her lineage.

Caught off guard by her awareness of my magic, I quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, Lady Morgana. I didn't realize you could sense it."

She regarded me with a frown. "Scanning a lady's body like that is quite unprofessional, mister."

"I apologize for the intrusion," I replied, hoping to defuse the tension with a smile.

Her smirk widened. "So you spy on people when they don't know about it?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Please don't put words in my mouth."

As I turned, I heard a crackle behind me, signaling Vagran's arrival. His expression was etched in a perpetual frown as he spoke.

"Before we can even consider saving your people," he began, his tone serious, "we need a way to return to our world without any complications. And once we're there, we'll require sufficient energy to create a portal that can safely transport people back and forth, without attracting the attention of the Void."

"So, do you have a source of energy sufficient enough for the task?" I inquired, turning my attention to Morgana.

"Hextech technology can accomplish it," she replied, her gaze steady as she addressed both Vagran and me. "As for the energy sources, I will contribute my own essence to the portal's creation and maintenance."

"You could die if you use your own essence," I stated firmly, meeting Morgana's gaze.

Her expression hardened, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and resignation. "So what? All my life I have been shunned, even by my own sister. I've lost countless believers, killed by Kayle's hand. Nobody believes in me; I'm seen as an ill omen by the very people I've saved. So what does my life matter anyway?"

"Life always matters," I said gently, placing a hand on Morgana's shoulder. "Perhaps people don't see you as the benevolent being that you are, Morgana, but we see you for who you truly are. We care."

"You've only just met me, why care so much?" Morgana questioned, her gaze fixed on the sky above.

"My family raised me to value every life," I replied with a warm smile.

She returned the smile before inviting us back into the house. "I'll accompany you to Piltover to discuss with Heimerdinger about what is to come and how to proceed," she informed us as her furniture condensed into a small ball of black magic.

"I hope the Piltovers are more hospitable than the Demacians," Vagran grumbled as he exited the house.

I exchanged a wry smile with him before following Morgana outside. "How many days of travel do we have?" I inquired, glancing at the setting sun.

"Approximately three weeks if we're swift," Morgana replied, leading the way ahead. "But we aim to arrive in time for the yearly exposition. Going too early could attract unwanted attention. Janna didn't take kindly to the intrusion of other gods in her lands, and Nagakabourous's attempt last time ended in failure."

"Then it's time to go," I affirmed, nodding to Morgana as Vagran shifted back into his human form.

Morgana smiled as we left her abode and set out on the road toward Demacia.

"We'll pass by a Noxian encampment in about a week, but be cautious," Morgana warned. "Assassins and spies are everywhere."

"Do you think some assassins could kill me or Lucas?" Vagran asked with a sneer, his confidence apparent.

"Your arrogance proves you've never faced a Noxian assassin," Morgana retorted, quickening her pace toward the road. Vagran muttered something under his breath as I hastened to keep up with her.

"I've fought Malarion. I doubt there are any assassins in Noxus as deadly as the Dark Elf leader," Vagran countered from behind. Morgana appeared to ignore him, a subtle smile playing on her veiled lips.

We journeyed outside of Demacia for the remainder of the day, encountering fellow travelers along the way. Strangely, it seemed as though only Vagran and I were visible to them; Morgana appeared to go unnoticed.

What struck me most was the apparent boundless energy of my two companions. While they showed no signs of fatigue, I found myself growing increasingly tired. Curse my lack of physical exercise! I vowed that upon returning to Falcon's Reach, I would make it a priority to exercise daily.

We halted for the night at an inn in a remote village, finding solace in its welcoming atmosphere. Amidst the cheerful chatter of the townsfolk, I sensed no imminent threats, allowing us to relax and enjoy our meal undisturbed.

Curiously, no questions arose from the locals about our trio dining together, despite there being only two of us. Was it perhaps a subtle enchantment cast by Morgana?

After our meal, we resumed our journey toward Piltover without rest. As blessed and demi-gods, we were exempt from the need for sleep for approximately four days—a fact I had discovered during grueling months of paperwork.

Throughout our trip, conversation flowed freely between Morgana and me. While Vagran remained brooding, still nursing the jest Morgana had made at his expense, Morgana shared with me the challenges she faced due to her faith. She spoke of her strained relationship with her sister, who had become a reflection of their mother, and of her longing for her father.

I opened up to Morgana about the burdens weighing heavily upon my shoulders—the struggles I faced within the kingdom and the relentless pressure I endured each day. I confided in her about the constant fear gnawing at me, the fear of making wrong decisions and the haunting possibility of my people meeting their demise.

She listened attentively and offered sage advice for all my concerns. Her wisdom was vast, stemming from her and her sister's responsibility for the creation and protection of Demacia over countless centuries.

As our journey progressed, we found ourselves arriving at the frontier between Demacia's allied territory and Noxus sooner than anticipated. The next leg of our journey would be challenging, navigating the heavily fortified border protected by petricite and patrolled by thousands of troops from both sides.

A sudden sense of unease washed over me, and I whirled around to find myself face to face with Kindred and the Wolf. Fear gripped me momentarily, as their presence usually heralded death.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt a cold, ominous sensation tightening around it. It was as though something was draining the life from me, causing my vision to blur and blood to trickle from my eyes and ears. Through the haze of pain, I heard Morgana's frantic cry, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus my thoughts and summon the will to heal myself.

As clarity returned, I became aware of a magical shield enveloping me, providing a protective barrier against the impending danger. With my bleeding eyes open, I beheld the famous black shield surrounding me, a testament to Morgana's swift response to the threat.

Amidst the chaos, a flurry of arrows rained down upon us, launched by members of the Dauntless Vanguard emerging from the surrounding woods.

I grunted as I felt the black shield around me weakening, but my apprehension eased as Morgana effortlessly halted all the arrows mid-air with her magic.

"What is the meaning of this, Leader of the Mageseekers?" Morgana's voice rang out, icy with authority, as a dozen strange flying creatures with riders armed with enormous spears emerged from the woods.

"We are detaining criminals, and it seems we've stumbled upon an accomplice," the leader of the Mageseekers declared with malice, crushing something in his hand. In an instant, the familiar pain returned, searing through me once more.

"Argh!" I grimaced, glancing at Kindred, who observed silently, yet did not draw their bow. It appeared that death was held at bay as long as Morgana's shield remained intact.

Before I could react further, Vagran vanished from sight, his sword hurtling toward the Mageseeker leader. However, Vagran's armor began to dissipate, coinciding with the sudden disappearance of the protective shield around me.

The Mageseeker leader chuckled darkly, revealing the activation of something massive behind him. "You think we'd be defenseless against filthy mages like you?" he taunted, as other Mageseekers converged upon us.

"Your species are a plague onto this world" he added as he moved his hand, dozen of arrows were fired and found mark on Vagran and my body as I stood up to shield Morgana, I looked at her widening eyes and then she narrowed her eyes, her wings spurted from behind her as dark mana was emanating from her body.

"You have crossed the line!" Morgana's voice rang out, commanding and furious. In an instant, all the soldiers and Mageseekers found themselves chained, their bodies falling to the ground. Demacians around us stared in awe and whispered her name.

"You are the Veiled Lady!" one of the Mageseekers exclaimed in horror, while their leader struggled against the chains. "Why are you aiding Demacia's criminals? You are meant to protect us!"

As he spoke, a fiery red flare erupted from his body and shot into the sky. An ominous shadow plummeted toward us at alarming speed.

"Shyvana, damn it!" I cursed inwardly, summoning Elrath's blessing. Sensing Vagran doing the same, I took action. Clapping my hands, I conjured an enormous spear of light, its form flickering like a candle in the wind. With determination, I hurled it towards Shyvana's rapidly descending form.

She didn't evade the strike; the spear tore through her scales, causing a shower of blood.

"Demacia!" a voice cried out, and then a flag descended from the sky alongside an armored figure hurtling towards me.

"Valor!" Quinn's voice rang out as an eagle plummeted towards Vagran, who was moving to aid me. The azure bird's beak pierced Vagran's eye, wrenching it from its socket.

"Vagran!" I cried out in shock at the gruesome sight.

A sword materialized in his hands, but his attempt to strike the eagle proved futile as it dropped him to the ground, blood gushing from his now empty eye socket.

I trembled with rage. What had we done to deserve such treatment? Then, something snapped inside me as Morgana continued to ensnare approaching soldiers with weakened cages. The disruptive field surrounding the battlefield thwarted any attempts at large-scale spells and teleportations.

Vagran lay on the ground, attempting to rise using his sword as support. My body shook with fury, the blood loss from the arrows finding their marks on my back causing me to shiver.

I moved my hands swiftly, conjuring dozens of beams of light that materialized around me. With precise aim, I launched them toward the approaching soldiers, each beam piercing the joints of their armor, swiftly crippling them. Suddenly, I sensed a shift in the wind around me. Reacting quickly, I dropped to one knee, narrowly dodging the enormous spear wielded by the Prince. The force behind the strike created a powerful wind pressure.

In defense, I raised one hand, summoning a ball of light that I hurled at the Prince's torso. The impact sent him flying in an instant. Despite my weakened state, I remained far stronger magically than anyone except Morgana.

"We are being overwhelmed," I grunted through clenched teeth as I summoned another forcefield of light around us three. "There is no other way," I sighed, closing my eyes and reaching out for the spirit of the Earth. I could hear the strikes of the soldiers on the shield, their attacks relentless. Gathering all my remaining strength, I channeled an immense amount of mana, causing the ground beneath me to rumble ominously.

With a resolute punch, I unleashed the full force of my magic, creating an earthquake of devastating proportions. The ground split open, swallowing up all the soldiers and mageseekers around us. What had once been a beautiful forest and road now lay in ruins, an enormous chasm in its place. Amidst the chaos, the three of us remained protected by my forcefield.

"Vagran!" cried out Morgana, rushing to his side and beginning to heal him with her now recovered magic.

From the corner of my eyes, I spotted Shyvana emerging from the crevice with Jarvan on her back. Reacting swiftly, I pointed my finger at her, summoning an enormous beam of light at its tip. With a decisive motion, I launched it in an instant, piercing her back and causing her draconic form to plummet toward the ground.

Turning to Vagran, I made a decisive movement, levitating the entire barrier toward the sky to create a safe haven for us.

"Perhaps we can use magic to travel now?" I suggested to Morgana, who looked at me and nodded gravely.

"Why? Why did the mageseekers attack you so relentlessly? This makes no sense, and since when does Demacia attack people like that?" she sighed, her expression troubled, as I healed Vagran's lost eye, which regrew in an instant.

He grunted furiously, his eyes blazing with anger. "I will burn every single one of these mageseekers and that woman with her flying chicken. I will burn her soul to cinder!"

I couldn't agree more. Though not in his exact words, I shared Vagran's sentiment. Demacia will face consequences for attacking us like that. With a decisive gesture, I dissipated my barrier, the act also healing me. Together, we disappeared in a beam of light that streaked toward the horizon.

In less than five minutes, I sensed an enormous concentration of mana as we arrived at Piltover. The city was beautiful, with a skyline dotted by soaring towers and a bustling energy that filled the air. I spotted a dozen aircraft flying around the Hexgates, these enormous portals that facilitated trade on a continental level.

I couldn't help but marvel at Viktor and Jayce's genius when I saw these gates. They were created without them having even a shred of knowledge in magic, something that should have been impossible without the hexcrystals.

"Morgana, when were the gates built?" I asked the woman as we teleported to a deserted alleyway in Piltover.

"Hmm, I would say about three years ago," she replied, as our clothes were magically cleaned, holes filled, and all traces of the fight vanished.

I nodded as I observed the bustling streets of Piltover, noticing the cheerful demeanor of its citizens. Unlike in Demacia, there was a sense of liveliness here. However, beneath the surface, I knew the reality was different. Piltover often dumped its problems onto the Zaunites, subjecting them to miserable living conditions and mistreatment.

Silco had strived to foster independence among the Zaunites. In the series Arcane, Silco's demise at the hands of Jinx, despite the imminent prospect of peace, was a tragic event. His character was one I found intriguing, a man who would stop at nothing to uplift his people from the destitution they were born into. I wasn't sure about the timeline of Arcane or if Silco truly existed, but if there was a chance to save him from his fate, I was determined to do so. 

He wasn't entirely virtuous; Silco could be ruthless towards anyone he perceived as a threat to Zaun. While some might find this harsh, I respected his pragmatic approach. No ruler can afford to be purely benevolent; in fact, if they are, it often signals weakness. Trying to please everyone ultimately results in pleasing no one.

Viktor was another individual I aimed to save. With my magic, curing his illness would be a simple task. And having someone of his genius indebted to me would be advantageous.

'Well, it seems that I'll be busy in the next weeks' I sighed as I looked at the hex gates in the vicinity.

That'll be all for today

Demacia are so broken in the world of Runeterra, they can create pillars of petricite that can stop all magics in an area.

And they have Galio, after reading I know now how Noxus couldn't defeat them despite their kingdom being so minuscule compared to Noxus.