
The Journey Of A Thousand Blades

James family was killed in cold blood, with him being the only survivor. Now he seeks vengance from those who wronged him. And suprisngly, makes an unlikey friendship.

TheUnluckyWriter · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Smells A Little Bloody

"No!!!! Mom!, dad!" James screamed as he ran towards a burning manor.

He stopped at the front of a broken gate, his eyes were red as he saw dismembered corpses all around his house. Some were pinned to the wall, some were hanging over the windows, some were crushed into paste. A clear picture of carnage and unbridled killing.

In absolute despair and desolation James looked around with his mother's dead body in his hands and saw a cold figure leaving the gate, in his hand was a bloodied sword, as pristine as it was deadly.

With all his voice he screamed "why???". Then the figure turned and looked at him, frowned, took out a device, looked at it for a while in obvious confusion, and then turned to leave, ignoring James. James stood up and ran to him shouting "ANSWER ME!!!!".

He stretched out his hand to grab the figure, who dodged and hit him with the hilt of the sword, knocking James out, then left the manor just as quiet as when he came, all traces gone but the beautiful picture he painted with blood and gore was the only evidence of his existence.


"Aunt! Mom!! Come see the show has started already." Helen, James' cousin called out to her mom and his mom.

The two women ran out of the kitchen playfully, and sat on the sofa. The living room was filled with noises, everyone doing what they relish. The kids were fooling around with their toys, while the adults and teens fixed their eyes to the screen.

Meanwhile in the basement, James debated with his father Samuel about his only ambition, which was learning magic. They had argued about it tons of times, with all points given from both sides abortive. It always ended with one of them leaving the manor for the other.

In Leon Cape, the world they lived in, learning magic was something daring people aspired to do. For centuries, the Katz family had reserved the spots as the best magicians, but for some reasons, Austin Charles Katz, James grandfather banned the family from learning magic to protect his family, but James misinterpreted it as a self-indulgent decision.

"It's my life, and the last time I checked I was no longer a kid you could just order around." James yelled as they found their way to the living room.

And everybody paused their activities, just as if his voice was a remote control.

Helen stood up and directed the kids to their rooms upstairs.

"Why is James yelling at uncle?" One of them asked.

All Helen could do was smile at them. But deep in her mind, she wondered why James could not just stop his useless arguments, and let the family live peacefully.

"This is not about only you James, it's about the whole Katz family. For the protection of the Katz family, Don't you get it?" Samuel yelled back at James, his wife ran to him and held his hand to caution him. While, the other women were watching fearfully.

"Is that what Grandpa Austin told you? He had never ever given a tangible reason other than protecting the family? From what FATHER??? Just say you're disappointed that I'm not half as cowardly as you both are." James uttered and a slap from his mom landed on his face almost immediately.

He held his bruised face for about 30 seconds, and exited the manor in rage. And grief was written all over the face of his parents, as they watched him leave.

Everywhere was quiet, nobody uttered a word, they all watched Samuel who sat down in fury. Even though neither of them supported James' action, they understood he had some points, but no one dared oppose or question Grandpa Austin. Just when forty minutes passed, the entrance door opened, and a stranger walked in.

He was dressed in all black, and had a tiny bag around his waist.

"Who are you?" Samuel asked as he stood up, while the rest of the family were frightened due to his dress code.

"Death parcel!" The stranger, Andrew Drey Scarfield, answered with complete apathy.

Andrew Drey Scarfield, a member of the Silent night Organization. In the custom of distribution of labour, his work is to exterminate any creature or group that threatens the welfare of the organization. He kills without mercy, and is described as the coldest in the organization. He does his work with complete apathy, and no form of consolation to the victim.

All that was in Helen's mind was the kids that were sleeping upstairs, it was with no doubt he was gonna search throughout the house. She assumed he had a gun with him, since that was the only weapon that could fit into the bag he carried, and from the movies she had watched in the past, the sound of gunshot is resounding. She hoped they were smart enough to get the idea and hide. But just as she had thought about it, and calmed herself while Samuel tried pleading, he brought out a tiny object, and clicked on a button.

The next thing shook everyone, and Samuel fell on the couch in fear.

A sword suddenly appeared.

"Ahn!" Helen screamed unintentionally, and fell on the ground.

Death was facing them, and none of them were prepared.

"I already killed your husbands." Andrew said to Helen's mom and another of her aunt.

All they could do was to hold their lips, hoping some miracle would happen.

He moved closer to them, and Samuel tried to suppress him, but he just slashed him with his sword without looking.

And this time they all screamed, witnessing their first murder scene.

"Please don't." Helen managed to say as he held her two hands with his left hand, hoisted her, and just as he was about to slash her. The three women held unto him, struggling to stop him. James's Mom on his left leg, Helen's mom on his right and her other aunt Belle holding his hand.

He flinged Helen's mom off his right leg, due to his speed and strength, her head got smashed on the stair. He did the same to James Mom, but she had enough stamina to hold herself from hitting the wall. Then he slashed Belle with the sword, and within a second the same fate with Helen.

It was just him and James Mom in the room. He was aware that there were still some people overhead, but her actions sold them off.

"I'll kill them once you're dead." He assured her as he stabbed her heart.

"Ugh...James" was her last statement.

A little bit of trepidation shivered him as he made his way upstairs.

"This would be my last" He said to comfort himself.

This is my very first book in a way. Please excuse any grammatic error on my path. Note i'm lazy, so sorry in advance for late updates. All constructive criticism is appreciated.

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