
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs




'Together; me and the fallen

Together; our journey to speed

Together; we build and destroy our coven

Together; we beat the guardian's test and start,

Our journey to speed.'

It's dark, I smell blood.

"Push! Push!! you're almost there. don't give up!!! Keep on pushing". I hear voices speak in a language that is unfamiliar to me, but I understand it.

"Pushhh!! One last time, you can do it. Push!!!". A man's voice says.

"Nweeeeh! Wehhhh!!". I hear the screams of a newborn child.

'Wait. The smell of blood, someone urging another to push, and the voice of a newborn child that sounds like its coming from me…no, it can't be'. I think to myself about the horror that is happening right now.

'Heh, that's right.' Diablo says in an amused tone. 'You've been reborn as a baby...Hahahaha'.

I became fed up at the realization that I really was reborn as a child.



A few months after my birth, I was finally able to see. From the little I could gather, it seems I've been born into a household of royalty on this planet, called 'Le Noir' and my father, the patriarch, was the son of the former emperor of the continent or something.


After a year in the household, I got more information; This world I was born into was a super fantasy like world with swords, magic, martial arts and all that.

From the look of the mansion where I was born, they were in the modern era, similar to the late 90's back on 'Terra', the family I was born into was extremely rich; I could see paintings and several items of extremely high value all over the house.

My parents were surprisingly quite caring; my mom took care of me like I was a baby [I mean I was, but still] and although my father; the patriarch was very cool headed in front of my mother, once we were alone together, he'd become so annoyingly clingy, like he wasn't the patriarch of a whole family.


After my second year as a child, I finally found the library of the house and began reading books, it was from there that I found out that this world, was at least three hundred times the size of my home planet and had 34 continents out of which, 16 were inhabited by people of different races and the rest were inhabitable, due to scorching heat or freezing cold in those regions.

The continents were ruled by one emperor who then appointed kings to the countries in his continent. The continent where I was born was one of the superpowers of this world; Nortrich and we lived under the rule of King Fredrich in the country of Nort Velia, year 923.

I bore a striking resemblance to my father; Alex Le Noir, who was the strongest Martial Artist in the world and one of the top ten most powerful beings alive. He was six feet tall and had a physique that looked quite feeble while he was wearing clothes, so I could not understand how he became the 'strongest' in the world, but, I understood once I saw him shirtless on one of the days were he practically dragged me into having a bath with him, underneath his shirts he was hiding a palace of extremely well defined muscles and scars. Alex; my father, had shining dark eyes that were bright red, with a sculpted face, cherry red lips and a big pointy nose, he was quite the handsome man and like I said, I bore an almost identical resemblance to him.

My mother, Heather Le Noir, was formerly a high-ranking magician and one of the *'seats'1 in the magic tower of the continent where we lived, and had a very befitting and bulky build for a former warrior with white hair that complemented her blue eyes and a small figure as she stood at a height of five foot five.

What the powers of my parent meant was that, as members of royalty and being an extremely OP family [I swear to God, these guys were hilariously overpowered], we had autonomy of some sort; no king or government official could pressure or even rule or give a decree that could affect our family, except for the emperor himself.

Ultimately, I was born into friggin' gold!!


Seven years passed and I had understood this world perfectly, I had learnt every language that there was, understood the power system perfectly well and with the help of Kritic and Diablo, I had begun remaking the body I was born in to be fit for pure energy.


My family; Le Noir was a martial arts family with several branches and when the children of every branch turned seven, they were given tests to decide their futures.

The tests were held at a site called, 'THE CRADLE'.

At the beginning of the test every child was to be left in front of the 'cradle' by their parents who would go to the finish point to wait for them.

The first test was to choose a weapon from the cradle of weapons, aka the grave of swords.

The second test was to absorb mana from the Cradle of mana, aka The pool of mana; the longer you stayed in the pool, the bigger your mana capacity was, which was something I needed desperately.

On one of the nights when I was refining my body for pure energy;

'Oi, boy' Diablo began, 'Why exactly are you trying to use pure energy?' he asked.

'What do you mean?' I asked, confused at the question.

'Well, how do I begin?' Diablo paused 'You cannot fully use Pure energy here.'

"What?!!!" I screamed,

"Shit", I said, covering my mouth.

My mother suddenly rushed into my room in panic, behind her, were countless numbers of magic circles that lit up everywhere in my room.

"What's wrong Henry?!!" she said in a panicked tone.

"Nothing mom" I said with a nervous smile on my face, "I just had a bad dream."

"Oh, my baby." My mother whimpered as she jumped onto my bed pulling me into her chest like I was a teddy bear.

"Everything's going to be fine now, okay? Mommy's here." She kept on repeating while stroking my head.

I rolled my eyes in frustration and continued my interrupted conversation with Diablo;

'What do you mean, I can't use Pure energy?'

'Well, as a guardian you are supposed to use the power system in whatever world you've been reborn in, and although you can use pure energy, its use is very limited.'

'How limited?'

'10%.....except when you use our powers, you can only use 10% of your pure energy and you're advised not to use it except in extremely difficult circumstances.'

'Why?' I asked, once again confused.

'Because, your job as a guardian is to protect worlds in a certain zone from danger, that danger being transcendental beings like 'the fallen', and what do you think would happen if you use pure energy in a planet where a fallen is?' Diablo asked in a rather straight tone.

'He'd sense my presence.' I quickly deduced.

'Exactly, and with your body not even having the slightest beat of mana and you being only able to use 10% of your pure energy and let's say 18% of your total power; if we add I and Kritic's power to yours…your soul will be wiped out by his [command].'

'Now that you mention it, can I use my [command]?' I quickly asked.

Amongst the many things that I learnt during my time with the Angel-Devil pair was [Command]; a power given by soul and by origin. By soul, meaning by your position in reality, with mine being that of a guardian, every guardian's command was {DESTROY} and origin being the type of being that you were.

I; being a lesser fateless, had the unique command; {Probability}.

'Yes.' Diablo replied, 'Yes you can'.

What this basically meant was that I needed to use every possible power system in this world and master it, and in this world the basis for all power was mana.

I soon stood in front of the pool as it shone golden and exuded a very strong heat but extremely weak efficacy when compared to pure energy.

Quickly, I took a dive inside and realized something.

"Oh!" I gasped in surprise, "Who's there?".