
Chapter 6

Adam walked through the bustling streets of New York City, his senses alert to every sight and sound. The city was both familiar and alien, a mirror of the one he had known in his previous world but with a distinct, vibrant energy that set it apart. He had arrived here with high hopes, eager to meet the legendary Spider-Man. That dream had come true, but not without complications.

Of all the places he could have met his hero, it had to be in the midst of a fierce battle between Spider-Man and Electro. Adam had barely had time to react before a stray bolt of electricity from Electro struck him, sending him flying. Fortunately, his innate magical energy had healed him quickly, sparing him from what could have been a fatal injury.

Shaking off the lingering irritation from that encounter, Adam continued to navigate the city's labyrinthine streets. He was still marveling at how similar yet different everything felt when he heard a commotion coming from a nearby alley. Intrigued, he decided to investigate.

As he approached, he saw a group of men viciously beating a young boy with metal rods. The boy, who appeared to be around fourteen, had distinctive bird-like features. Adam's heart sank as he realized the boy was a mutant, targeted for his differences. Without hesitation, he intervened.

"Hey, why don't you guys pick on someone your own size?" Adam shouted, drawing the attackers' attention away from the boy.

The men stopped and turned to face him. The apparent leader of the group sneered at Adam. "You don't get it, son. This guy is a freak," he said, pointing at the boy.

"So what? Just because he's different, you think you can beat him up?" Adam's voice was filled with anger.

"Looks like we've got a sympathizer here," the leader said, signaling his men. "Boys, deal with him while I finish the job."

As the leader turned back to the boy, his lackeys advanced on Adam. But before they could lay a hand on him, Adam moved with lightning speed. In a blur of motion, he incapacitated each of them, leaving them unconscious on the ground. The leader turned back just in time to see Adam gripping his metal rod.

"I-Impossible, you—" The leader's words were cut off as Adam delivered a swift punch to his gut. The man crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Adam turned his attention to the boy, who was barely conscious. Adam quickly moved to action. He used healing magic to heal the kid. As soon as the kid recovered and saw Adam, he crawled away out of fear. Adam approached slowly, not wanting to frighten the kid. "Whoa, buddy. Easy there. You'll be fine," Adam said soothingly as he used his magic to heal the boy's remaining wounds.

Due to those fortuitous wishes, Adam had instantly mastered all sorts of magic upon arriving in this world. He helped the boy to his feet and continued to heal him.

"So, what's your name, kid?" Adam asked gently.

The boy, now more at ease, glanced at the unconscious men around them before answering. "Rory. Thank you for helping me, sir."

Adam smiled warmly and ruffled Rory's hair. "Nice to meet you, Rory. But I think we should get to a safer place first."

Rory nodded in agreement. With a quick gesture, Adam used warp magic to teleport them away, leaving behind a scene of unconscious and crippled men.

They reappeared in a quiet, secluded park far from the chaos of the city streets. The tranquil environment was a stark contrast to the violence they had just escaped. Adam found a bench and they both sat down.

"Are you alright?" Adam asked, concerned.

Rory on the other hand had his eyes wide open like a saucer and his jaw hanging. "How did you do that?" Asked the birdlike mutant. "Magic," replied Adam with a smile and used his right hand as a gesture.

Both stayed silent for a few moments before Adam asked, "Do you have anywhere to go? Anyone to stay with?" Adam inquired.

Rory shook his head. "No, I'm on my own."

Adam sighed. "Well, you're not alone anymore. We'll figure something out."

Rory looked at him with a mixture of hope and gratitude. "Thank you, sir. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Adam smiled reassuringly. "Don't call me sir. Call me by my name and don't mention it. We're in this together now." He said. "Thanks again, Adam," Rory said. He had a small smile on his face.

As the sun set over New York City, casting a warm glow over the park, Adam and Rory sat quietly, contemplating the uncertain future. In a world full of danger and prejudice, they had found an ally in each other.