
Meet an Ass... Angel

I cleaned my thoughts and step towards the door. As i entered there was a white room with only a steel table and 2 steel chairs. 'isn't this a angel, not what i imagined'

The guy sitting opposite me looked up, he had a pair of beautiful wings and a head full of blond hair that looked like gold. He was wearing white clothes that looked out of place. I pair of white jeans and a t-shirt, with some white sandals. His dead fish eyes looked at me, with dark circles round them. He scratched his beard that was a mix of gold and white. "Sit down" he pointed.

As i approach the chair he started reading out loud from something in front of him i couldn't see. "John Charles Black, 26, Dropout, Not much after that, bla bla bla. Well at least you tryed." "I uuh.." I didn't know what to say. He look at me swiping his hand like he was dismissing all the information on me and said. " Look kid, i don't really care. Now, your soul has done 1 million reincarnations and looks like you qualify to transcend. You have 2 options, 1 is start work here or down under and work your way op the ladder. You'll start as a normal worker and at most you can become a red 6 winged angel. They are the right hand of the gods. Option 2 we give u a new body and send u to a high level world where you'll have to fight and claw your way to the top and with the blessing of the world can you transcend becoming a god yourself. If you die you'll just fall into reincarnation again and we'll see you next time with the same options. Now choose, 1 or 2. No more questions or answers. "

'What, Huh, just choose like that?. Fuck it, this guy looks soo miserable no way im becoming an angel or worked here.' i though to myself. "Sir Angle, i wil choose the second option." i said. His dead pan eyes just look at me. "Okay, your soul has reincarnated 1 million times and of that you could have done good or bad and it adds up karma. In a second you wil be teleported to the next line where you wil choose skills, race, classes and more. The options are given by the universe it self even gods can't mess with them. Good luck." Cold, ice cold... My hole body froze."Wait, sir a..."

"... Ngle" blinked and i was looking at the back of a head. 'No No No, this could be bad really bad or really good or nothing. 1 million reincarnations, 1 million lives, was i a pig, or a bird, was i good or bad. All the truly good people a person know can probably be counted on 1 hand. The odds are against me. Shit, shit, shit ' "Next" 'What I'm 3d, no make that second now.' I looked around and it was the white mist again in from of me stood a black haird youth about 15 or so. Japanese, definitely a protagonist i thought to myself. He looks jumpy. Up front stood a blond hair youth with a chubby body. He was scrolling on what look like a blue screen, i wouldn't make out the words. I saw the words and then forgot then. It was a weird feeling. I stoped looking and just stood there. Blank. 'What I'm going to do, karma, how is it calculated. Good, bad. How is it determined. If had to give my current life a rating it would be 0. I was kinda anti-social and help if i could but wouldn't put much into helping. Shit, hope 1 of my life was truly selfless. ' "Next" 'I'm next, huh. There is a angel next to the podium, mybe i can choose a different option.... Okay that looks like a no.'

The Japanese looking youth look like he wants to say something to the angel but he got a cold hard palm in his face and then the angel pointed to the podium.' That was definitely the, make your choice and get lost face. Damm are all the angle assholes? On the second though i kinda get it, they choose to be gods helps and end up stuck with admin and watch dog rolles, guiding mortal soul. How long do they live for? Do they get break... ' "Next."

I came back to reality. It's my turn. I start walking up to the podium. "Put you hand on top, choose and move on." The angle looked ate me and looked away. 'Just suck it up and make the best of it.' I stood in front of the podium and slowly put my hand on it.

[Universal system activated.]

[Calculating karma.]

[Rendering choices available.]

[Karma points available :1247.]

[Please select your Race,Class,Extra skills]


*Human -1-100

*Goblin -1-100

*Orc - 100-500

*Dwarf -100-500

*Ogre -100-500

*Elf - 500-1000

*Dark Elf - 500-1000

*Vampire - 500-1000

*Dragonoid -1000-10 000

*Fairy - 1000-10 000

*Immortal(NEW) - ****

[Please select a race.]

[P. S.These are not all the races in the universe, they are only the ones compatible with your soul to that place your traveling. To view more available races please speak to a admin and change your designated planet.]

'Huh, Immortal, what's that.' *click*


[As the newest race in the universe you be it's progenitor. You'll be the first of it's kind.]

*True immortality body and soul.

*Fusion of body and soul.

*Control of the bloodline.

*Birth rate is 0.00001.

*Given 5 Immortal Bloodlines.

*Bloodlines favored by Mana.

*Dominant Bloodline, can't mix.

[Price:All the points.]

[P.S. As a new bloodline karma will be rest on selection and you will have 100 points.]

'..... I, uhh. YESS!!! WHAT IS THIS LUCK! Wait... Immortal, never die... Becoming a god is a given but also dangerous, I'm the only 1 of my kind and if people find out they could probably hunt me and dissect me. Very dangerous but i can hide or blend in and grow strong. Yes fuck it.' *click*

[Selected ]

[Calculating karma... 0...100]

[Please select class]

*Villager - 1

*Swordman - 10-1000

*Mage - 10-1000

*Priest/Suport - 10-1000

*Archer 10-1000

'I think swords are cooler, but my bloodline is favored by mana. So Mage would be smart.

But this is my last life so Swordman it is. Mybe i can choose Magic Swordman...'



*Magic Swordsman - 100




*Knight - 200



'Well I'm going magic swordman. Anyway i have a long long life. So don't really matter as long as i can cover the basics i can grow them forever...'


[Calculating karma... 0]

[All Done, please get ready for world drop ]

'huh i can't see the extra skills?!' As i was thinking the angel next to me look over and said. "Good luck" I looked at him and said "Thank yoooo aaaahhhhh..."

Plummeting down to the face of the plannet.