
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Inn Owner Bernard

Seeing that he wasn't attacking me as well, i understood what was going on, he probably felt a sliver of our Aura and wanted to look ruthless to scare me away considering my Age.

But after noticing that i seemed to be unfazed he could only hope i didn't come here with bad Intentions.

Guess he is in Luck as we only need a Place to rest for now and some Information about where the Institutes are testing their Applicants or when they're Testing Period is taking Place.

,,You don't have to worry i am just here in search for a Place to rest as well as to obtain some Information, if that is alright with you"

hearing that this Person wasn't here with bad Intentions the Innkeeper relaxed and nodded

,,Sir can be here as long as Sir wants to as for Information this would depend on what kind of Information" hearing that, it seemed that this Wolf wasn't this simple

,,I'll have to thank you for letting us stay here, so tell me what has happened around here recently ?"

,,Many Young Masters and other distinguished Youths have come from far in the Outer and Inner Region for the Chance to join one of the Institutes in the upcoming Examination in 2 Months like every Year"

,Oh so this Examination is only in 2 Months, but from the Words of that Prince it seemed that all Inns are already full' Wolf didn't wait and continued talking

,,The Kings second Daughter is getting married to a Student from the Battle College, which is a joyous Event so the King declared that the Citizens don't have to pay Taxes for one whole Year, though some say the Princess isn't willing to marry the Student of the Battle College and even tried to run away, but nobody got proof of that so it is considered just a Rumor"

,Interesting so the King got himself a backing, seems like i would have to refrain from offending him else it'll get more troublesome to get into the All Elemental College, if i'm not even allowed to partake in them'

,,Apart from those nothing else happened recently, well except that the Reward of the ,Blood sucking Devil' has increased again"

,Blood sucking Devil' ? Do they mean Vampires ?'

,,Thanks for the Information, how much do i owe you ?"

,,Sir doesn't have to give me anything this is just a small Token of appreciation from myself to Sir"

,,You don't have to be modest here take this it should be enough"

With that i took out 20 Gold Coins and gave them to him, i really don't know how much these Information are worth so i simply took out what i found to be enough, but apparently it was too much as Wolf looked at the Money with a shocked gaze before slowly grabbing it.

But he only looked at it in his Hands without putting any of it in his Pockets and after a while he gave me back 18 of those Gold Coins saying:

,,This is already enough for the Information and a stay for 2 Months Sir doesn't have to give more"

Seeing that he rejected the Money even though it really seemed that they needed it considering the state of the Inn, it instantly improved my Opinion of him even though i already saw him in a good light after he had done something like that to that stuck up Prince.

I pushed the Money back into his Hands and said with a smile:

,,Then take it as a donation or investment of sorts, you have to feed your Daughter as well and you surely don't want her to live a Life in poverty do you ?"

It seemed i hit the Nail on the Spot as Wolfs Face grimaced a little and awkwardly let out a small Laugh.

He knew that the Condition of the Inn wasn't he best and even making her work here because he couldn't afford to hire Employees it made his Heart ache a little every time he saw her Work and not live the Life he wished for her.

He took the Money again and looked gratefully at me:

,,I thank Lord for his grace, Lord doesn't have to call me Wolf as it is only Nickname given to me by the Citizens, my real Name is Bernard"

,,Bernard you don't have to thank me just make sure your Daughter has a good Life without any hardships and you don't have to call me Sir or Lord just call me Adam" shaking his Head Bernard immediate denied

,,How would i dare to call Lord by his Name ?"

,,Bernard you are sullying my Honor by not accepting to say my Name !"

Seeing that he made the Lord angry by not complying he sighed and gave up.

,,Mister Adam please don't be angry i was just having good Intentions with that" seeing that he gave in i decided to let the matter rest and finally get something to eat for everyone

,,It's alright but i hope that you will leave that Mister away in the Future and could we Order some Food my Men and me are quite Hungry from the Journey"

Hearing that Adam had forgiven him he sighed out of relief and instantly complied to Adams wish to prepare some Food.

,,Of course Lord but it will take about 30 Minutes"

,,That's alright i will wait"

With that Bernard moved into the Kitchen disregarding all the Blood that was left on the Floor, but i couldn't ignore it so i dissolved it with Darkness Magic and cleaned the rest of the Inn as well, as i was already at it.

But it still stunk a little which didn't go away so i also made a Poison that is only effective on Bugs like Cockroaches and similar Bugs while making it smell like Fresh Flowers.

With that there was a much better Atmosphere compared to before and eating here would be much better as well.

While we were waiting i had nothing to do so i simply began to cuddle with Lucy trying to pass the time while thinking about the Information i just got.

So the Examination is only taking Place in 2 Months i should probably familiarize myself with the Kingdom more in this time.

As for the Marriage of the second Daughter that has nothing to do with me and i'll just have to refrain from offending the King or the Student of the Battle College, i should only go out with the Cloak of Illusion on in Case i bump into them while Lucy is out, but even that is rather unlikely but i should still prepare for that.

As for that ,Blood sucking Devil' maybe someone here ate some Human Flesh and now this ,Blood sucking Devil' came out or it is a Demon, it shouldn't be that unlikely as i am already in the inner Region though i am sure i can beat him if he attacks i'll just have to be careful and don't let down my Guard.

When the Guards heard of the News from the Innkeeper they were more than disheartened, they would have to stay here for ANOTHER 2 Months without being able to relax and not only that they would have to be more on Guard than ever here not only because of the other People visiting the Kingdom no it was a so called ,Blood sucking Devil' that they will have to be on Guard on.

After some time the Bernard finally came with the Food he first didn't notice anything different and hurriedly placed the Food one after another on the Table for everyone.

But after he was done he looked around and smelled the air a little:

,,What the...?"

The Inn was the cleanest it has ever been without a speck of Dust and it even smelled like Fresh Flowers everywhere, it wasn't anything overbearing that would hurt your Nose but rather a smooth smell that made you calm down.

,,Daddy can i finally come out...?" a light call came from under the Floor and after some time the little Girl that stood at the Counter came out

Sry that this one came a little Late didn't have the time Yesterday to write it. Hope you like the Story so far and i try to get better at writing, as i said before this is the first time im writing something, but i still hope you like it. <3 Thanks to those who like the Story ^^

LuciferPTcreators' thoughts