
The Jack Of All Trades System In Remnant

Introduction update: Dave, the man who just got sent to a world by a mysterious man. Dave encountered many things on his journey. The world of Remnant, whom he doesn't know what it is. (Think of it as if the world where he is is in; there is no RWB series.) A system? A gaming system? A Jack of All Trades system? Why is it so buggy and changes a lot most of the time? Why does this world have crazy stupid stats that don't make any sense? Oh, a woman? Well, madam, would you like to have a nice chat? Low charisma? Let's start training. Small muscles, hard to level? Start training. Why feed players? Feed the player with knowledge to let him do the work that he can do with his own hands! A store? But it's not to sell items, it's to sell knowledge with strength. Sold. Why do you do it solo when you can have people work for you? That's the use of summons, after all. He got rewards after completing the quest. Make sense But no daily quest? I guess Dave have to ask some NPCs every day, then make the player wait for a quest to put it on a silver plate.

DlinkerNovel · Videojogos
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 Rough and messed up game system

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice

It is a sunny day in the forest. As Dave walks around with a smile of glee, he moves with bravery, knowing he has a system on his side, thinking he can at least survive. But he is just level one, cautious of his surroundings. He looks around with his eyes, "Hmm... First... I need to find a village or a small town."

(Author: Perception check, Roll a 10, sorry buddy you can't though that thick forest bruh)

He looks around but seems to fail, only seeing more and more bushes. It seems he is definitely in the deepest parts of the forest. He shakes his head with a frown, "Damn... Not a single wisp of chimney smoke too."

But then, he hears a rustle and looks around, the rustle of sounds putting him in a slight panic. He bends his knees, lets his arms go into a defensive stance, and looks around alertly, checking once more.

(Author: another perception check, roll a 12, you found something, good for you)

There, he sees traces of footprints, more like a large paw print—a large wolf or something. It's a long, oblong shape with sharp claw marks. He doesn't hesitate and runs.

(Author: rolled a 1 bruh, critical failure, as for enemy will be rolling a 16, a success, and with a damage with a d8 is.... Oooh a 6, btw, this is not the exact DND style play, I'm just doing it just for fun)

However, it becomes a fail as a large blur swiftly swings, leaving a large claw mark on the back of Dave, injuring him badly. He screams in pain as he stumbles on the ground, barely getting up and panicking. He tries to get up but can't, turning himself around to see a black wolf with a skull as its helmet/mask.

"What the hell!?" He screams in his thoughts, barely able to lift himself up. Impressive that he can still manage. He then sees a floating screen appear in front of him.

[Player's HP is now 4/10]

"What!? What's with that HP! This is rigged!" He screams in his thoughts again, backing away as the black wolf approaches. He notices something above its head—bars and numbers.

[Young Beuwolf Lvl 5]

[HP 30/30]

[Strength: 27]

[Dexterity: 35]

[Constitution: 29]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Wisdom: 1]

[Charisma: 0]

Dave blinks as he stares at the stats on top of the black wolf's head. "Yeah, this is unbalanced." He then runs again, screaming while the Beuwolf chases after him with great speed. "Aaaaaaahhh!"

He keeps running and running, screaming while at it. It's not a good way, for it might get attention, good or bad. He runs through the forest, but the huge injury slows him down, making the Beuwolf get closer and closer. Dave is in massive panic and intense fear, yet he keeps running. However, he knows he could die at any moment with his HP this low and facing the first monster he encounters. He keeps running but realizes as he speaks to himself in his thoughts, "Wait! The monster is dumb! Maybe! Just maybe."

He turns around and points his finger in the other direction. With all his courage, he shouts, "Look, what's that!?"

(Author: And... Got a roll of 11, nice, though modifiers actually make it charisma 1, which makes it -5, and makes it 6, which will fail. But this is the 2nd chapter, so I'll... Nah, I'll give it a six, so fail.)

The Beuwolf growls, knowing that, though it's low intelligence, it's not dumb enough to be tricked. It attempts to get closer and raises its claw as Dave panics and fears. "Oh shit! Oh shit!" He looks around, sees a stick, grabs it, and throws it.

(Author: Rolled a 3, and since we are adding modifiers, which the strength is 2, that leads to a modifier of -4. Buddy, you're not hitting it; you literally missed. Oh, and by the way, why are Dave's stats so low then normal? Is having a class to be able to learn and not attach and restricted to anything already OP?)

The stick misses by a mile, but the Beuwolf stops just to see how miserably Dave threw it. Dave just screams in his thoughts, "Shit!!" He then sees another stick, grabs it, and tosses it.

(Author: Sigh, okay, let's see. Oh, rolled a 19! Good! But the modifier -4 strength, so it's 15. But hey, still a success. Wait, if we add the proficiency bonus 2, due to the Jack of All Trades, it means it will be 17. Then, as a damage roll using a d4... Rolled 2 damage, not much, but then a proficiency bonus +1 on all armed or throwable weapons, it's 3 with, uh, let's say piercing damage. So bam! Good thing I made him weak. But then again, the Beuwolf has attribute scores that high... Yeah, it's confusing due to how I made it. Hey, it's not an actual DND, so I'll stop doing rolls from here because I think readers will be annoyed of me constantly doing this bye.)

With an excellent throw, the stick hits the eye of the Beuwolf, stabs it directly at the eye, and the Beuwolf growls louder in pain. Dave looks up at the HP of the monster.

[Young Beuwolf Lvl 5]

[HP 25/30]

"Yes!" Dave shouts with a smirk and sees that the monster is focused on its injured eye. He uses his chance to run away.

He keeps running and running, trying to put as much distance between him and the Beuwolf as possible. Desperation fills Dave as he pushes himself beyond his limits. As he reaches the end of the forest and sees a beautiful grassy plain, he didn't anticipate the severity of his injury, which starts to bleed, blurring his vision. Slowly closing his eyes, he falls to the ground, struggling to stand back up. "I must... I must..." he mumbles, and his eyes close shut, fainting from the injury, exhaustion, and panic.

[Player escapes the fate of death]

[Achievement Unlocked]

[Master of Escapes]

[Criteria: Successfully escape encounters with adversaries five levels higher than your current character level.]

[Reward: The prestigious "Survivalist" title, showcasing your mastery in surviving and evading challenges that would daunt others.]

[Title unlock: Survivalist]

[Auto: equipping title]

[Dave Lvl 1]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[Strength: 2(+5)]

[Dexterity: 1>

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Titles attained:]


[Title Description:]

[Upon achieving the prestigious "Survivalist" title, earned by successfully navigating challenges five levels above your own, you are recognized as a Master of Escapes. This title signifies your exceptional prowess in surviving against overwhelming odds.]


[Healing Expertise:]

[Benefit: The Survivalist title bestows upon you a profound understanding of self-preservation. Equipping this title grants you a passive healing effect, allowing you to recover 1 hit point per minute. This gradual regeneration mirrors your resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.]

[Enhanced Physical Attributes:]

[Benefit: Embodying the spirit of survival, the title bolsters your physical prowess. Enjoy a permanent boost of +5 to both Strength and Constitution attributes, reflecting the honed strength and enduring constitution developed through your survivalist journey.]

To be continued....

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