
What She Wanted to Show

She said she had something she wanted to show me. And in her room no less. 

There's really only one answer that scenario leads to right? 

Isn't this development far too rapid? We only just met and now this already?

Just when did she fall for me anyway? 

"Hey! This way! Hurry up!"

Whoops, can't go embarrassing nice girls like that. 

As a representative of gentlemanly virtues chosen by Japan, things like when, where, how - I needn't bother with such trifling matters.

Smooth men snatch hearts without realizing.

They say if an ikemen walks down the street for five minutes, girls follow like ducklings. An ikemen traffic jam, if you will. 

Some say ikemen are responsible for about 90% of the world's traffic congestion. If you get caught in a jam during vacation, blame the ikemens.

I chuckle lightly at my reflection in a mirror along the corridor, chin resting on hand.