
Enrollment Arc 2

During my life around here, I managed to acertain that there are many wesen living among us. And from my knowledge, wesen learn to woge at a very young age. So the chances of some of the students being a grimm was quite high.

Now imagine I were to give the welcome speech. A few of the students were unable to contain their excitement and woge. They see me, and start screaming, Grimm all over. Now other wesens would also woge. They see me too....

Just thinking about it, gives me a cold sweat. I really didn't wanna pull an Itachi on these students. I haven't even made friends yet!

With this thought, I entered the Auditorium.

The clear distinction between blooms and weeds was at it full glory. The blooms, as in the course 1 students seats at the front, while the weeds at the back.

I didn't wanna chat with anyone who weren't mentioned in the series. I had no clue if they would be wesen or Kehrseite. I didn't wanna take my chances with them.

As for the characters in the series, I am pretty sure they won't be. At least I hoped then wouldn't be wesen.

With this thought, I found my way to the back and sat at a corner.

I could feel the weird gazes from the students around me. The course 1 were confused as to why I would sit among the reserves, while the reserves kept there distance from me, seeing  my emblem on the shoulder.

"luckily, no one woged", I muttered.

"Is this seat taken?", I heard a rather stoic voice.

I turned to face who spoke and found boy around my age, with a rather sturdy body and a height measuring 175cm. He had his deep-set eyes and piercing gaze, his looks were pretty good since I didn't have many people to compare him to.

"yes sure", I replied with a smile. Glancing at his shoulder, I discerned him as a course to student. I wondered at first why would a course 2 student approach me, but soon understood that other than seats close to me, all others were filled since other students squeezed together to avoid me.

Ignoring all this, I turned to the boy who sat next to me, and said, "nice to meet you, I am Uchiha Obito", I greeted him, reaching out my hand. Since he sat next to me, he probably didn't care if I was a bloom or weed.

The boy glanced at my hand, then at me, as if analysing something. Then he smiled lightly, and shook my hand.

"I am Shiba Tatsuya"

My mind froze. I knew I would meet him some day, I hoped it would be today, but I didn't expect it to be so soon! I didn't even recognize him. He looked like any other guy you'd meet. A simple teenage boy with good build. Even with his stoic face, I didn't make the connection at all!

"is something wrong?", he asked.

"No sorry. But are you related to Shiba Miyuki by any chance?"

Hearing this, Tatsuya raises an eyebrow. "She's my little sister. How did you guess? The surname Shiba isn't that uncommon"

"it's not?", I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Ano, is this seat taken?", our chat was interrupted by a feminine voice.

Me and Tatsuya turned to see who it was, and found a brownish black haired girl in glasses. She looked quite timid and a height close to 160cm. And she had another distinguished feature, or should I say features, which unintentionally came into my attention.

Behind her was beautiful young girl with short, bright red-orange hair, and has distinct facial features that amplify the impression of her being a lively girl.

"It's not. Feel free to help yourself", Tatsuya answered.

"Thanks", the red head answered cheerfully.

This time, I was able to easily identity them considering they repeates exactly what happened in the series.

"I am Uchiha Obito", I greeted with no reservations.

"I am a Shiba Tatsuya"

"I am Shibata mizuki"

"Chiba Erika, here. But feel free to call me Erika"

"If so, you guys can call me Tobi", I grinned . From what I understood about Japanese culture so far was that, calling nicknames keep first names implied closeness. And I really need to be close to the main cast as much as possible.

"That's a cute nickname", Shibata replied.

"thanks Shibata-san. You know, Chiba, Shiba, Shibata. It kinda rhymes!", I stole a line from the series.

"Stole the words right out of my mouth", Erika commented in amazement. She had no idea how right she was.

I raised my hand, asking for a hi-five to which Erika responded in kind.


The announcement was heard and a the buzzing auditorium became silent.

"Now, the Magic University Affiliated First High school entrance ceremony shall begin!"


Claps resounded throughout the auditorium. The students couldn't control their excitement. I even caught a glimpse of few woge here and there. I wanted to activate my sharingan to memorize who they were, but I didnt wanna alarm the people sitting next to me.

"Next the addressal speech by the freshman representative, Shiba Miyuki!"

To reply to this, an angelic figure walked towards the podium. Her glittering, long, black hair, hair pale, almost white skin, he beautiful face. Even at a distance, I felt like I was seeing a fairy. Every step she took was noble, every movement she made was so graceful and mesmerizing.

God knows what the content of the speech was because I, sure as hell, wasnt paying any attention to it.


"I am in class E!", Erika exclaimed as we walked out of the auditorium, "what about you guys?". Thanks to her, I was able to snap out of my daze.

"Class E", Tatsuya said.

"Me too", Mizuki-san also said with a smile.

" I'm class A", I said with a bit of disappointment.

" Oh, you're a course 1 student", Mizuki-san spoke as if she just realized that.

"I nearly forgot about that", Erika said. "You're really wierd, Tobi"

"You're the one who forgot that. So how am I the wierd guy?", I retorted.

"Oh, are you calling me wierd?", Erika raised an eyebrow.

"Your words, not mine", I grinned.

"You're quite wierd Tobi-san", Mizuki-san said.

"Tatsuya, Mizuki-san and Erika are bullying me!", I complained.

"I would have to agree with them, Tobi", Tatsuya smiled slightly. "It's wierd for a bloom to interact with weeds, isn't it?"

"Hey, are you guys ganging up on me because you are from the same class?", I said, acting betrayed. "You guys are forgetting that it was you who approached me first. Not the other way around"

"That's because you were hogging all the seats. It's that considered bullying?", Erika remarked. She had an annoying smirk on her face.

"If I was hogging, why would I share it with you guys? And Tatsuya, discrimination based on course is racist"

"I am not calling out anyone's race though?"

"it's still discrimination", I said, moving my index finger sideways in front of his face. "Be better"

But my body froze suddenly as I felt a cold presence behind me. Its not that I didn't feel any presence behind me. I just didn't notice much since I was among the crowd of students. But when the presence suddenly turned cold, I figured out what it might be.

"...Tatsuya, did someone leave the fridge open behind me?", I asked, without turned back.

"Welcome back, Miyuki", but Tatsuya Shiba, who seem to have his priorities straight, completely ignored me. At least, the bone chilling cold piercing by back seem to have subsided thanks to him

"Sorry to make you wait, Onisama", a melodious sound resounded in my ears. It was even more tranquil than during the addressal.

Turning around, I came face-to-face with, what I can confidently call, the mist beautiful woman in the world. Her face, her hair, her Eyes, her presence, everything about her carries a sense a nobility. She was like a divine existence sculpted with almost care, and precision. The most loved creation of the creator.

Did I sound like a lunatic trying out philosophy but sucked at it? I probably did. No, I definitely did.

If my mind was not in daze, I would have cringed at those words myself. But my mind wasn't.

Even if I don't remember my past, I am sure I have never met a beauty like the one in front of me.

Made sense, considering that is exactly what the author of the series had in mind. But seeing her in flesh and seeing her in art was totally different. If anything, those arts in anime and illustrations didn't do her any justice.

"...and this is Uchiha Obito", Tatsuya saying my name snapped me out of my daze again. I don't know what they were talking about, because I wasnt listening.

"Nice to meet you, Chiba-san, Chibata-san, Uchiha-san", Shiba Miyuki bowed in order to greet her. "I am Shiba Miyuki"

"Nice to meet you too!", Erika and Mizuki-san replied in unison.

"Same here", I said.

"You can just call me Erika. And this odd ball here is Tobi", Erika said to her, while slapping my shoulder, and god did that hurt!

"can I call you Miyuki?" Erika asked. "it's gonna be confusing to address you two, otherwise", Erika asked.

"Sure, Erika", Miyuki replied. "Can I call you Mizuki, Shibata-san?"

"Of course", Miuzuki-san replied.

With that, the girls created their own world and started chatting.

"Miyuki, don't you have business with the student council?", Tatsuya said.

Only now did I remember the two standing among us, the student council president, Saegusa Mayumi, and the other guy behind her, I figured out as Vice president Hattori something. I am gonna ignore him until his character development arc.

"We meet again, President", I addressed her.

"Oh, so you finally noticed me, Tobi-kun?", she teased me, emphasising on my selfgiven nickname. Gotta admit, the mischievous smile she had added to her beauty. I wasn't difficult to imagine why she has so many fans simping over her back in my world.

"Sorry about that", I apologized sincerely and a bit embarrassed.

"it's fine. And Shiba-san", she turned to Shiba Miyuki, "seeing that you have other plans, let's talk about it later".

"President?!", Hattori senpai said, the dissatisfaction clearly evident on his face.

"You too, Tobi-kun", she said to me. I had a hard time trying to hold back my laughter, seeing how she completely ignored her vice president.

"Sure. And President, if you're gonna call me Tobi anyway, I'd appreciate if you drop the suffix", I said. It was wierd to be addressed with suffix for such a simple nickname. "same goes for you, Mizuki-san"

"If you don't mind", Mizuki-san replied timidly. The student council President on the other hand simply nodded with a smile.

"Well then, let's catch up again", with that, she left, completely ignoring the vice president.

But vice president Hattori only left after glaring at me and Tatsuya as if I committed some horrible crime. And not just him, I could feel the hostile gazes of many on lookers around me.

As for what happened next, was the display of unusual affection between the Shiba siblings. If someone who didn't know their relationship seen them like this, they would think the two are dating.

Not that they are wrong, it's just that their timing was off, considering they were suppose to be engaged after a year from now.

Well, what do with their relationship is none of my business. I already have my hands full with all the wesen fiasco that could start any day, and I didn't have time to think over two siblings who are planning to settle down in Alabama

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